Prepared by Professor J. M. Cimbala, Penn State University
Latest revision, 12 February 2008
These learning modules consist of grid generation modules (using Gambit), followed by Fluent modules.
General information about Fluent and Gambit
General Introduction: Notation, etc. for Fluent and Gambit
Running fluent in background mode using journal files
2-D Channel Flow and Couette Flow
Gambit - Generation of Grid for 2-D channel or Couette Flow
Fluent - 2-D incompressible Couette flow
Fluent - Add energy equation to 2-D incompressible Couette flow
Flat Plate Boundary Layer
Gambit - Generation of Grid for Flat Plate Boundary Layer Flow
Fluent - Laminar flat plate boundary layer
Fluent - Turbulent flat plate boundary layer
2-D Flow over an Airfoil
Gambit - Generation of a 2-D airfoil grid
Fluent - Flow over a 2-D Airfoil
Flow over a Circular Cylinder or a Sphere
Gambit - Generation of Grid for a Cylinder or Sphere
Fluent - Laminar flow over a cylinder
Fluent - Laminar flow over a sphere
Secondary Flow inside a Teacup with Swirling Motion
Gambit - Generation of Grid for the Teacup Problem
Fluent - Secondary Flow in a Teacup
Benard Convection Cells Between Two Parallel Walls
Gambit - Generation of grid for Benard Convection
Fluent - Benard convection
Streamline animation at Ra = 10,000.
Temperature contour plot animation at Ra = 10,000.
Laminar Flow into an Axisymmetric Inlet
Gambit - Generation of Grid for an Inlet Flow
Fluent - Laminar Flow into an Axisymmetric Inlet
Particle Trajectories through a 2-D Curved Duct
Gambit - Generation of Grid for a 2-D Curved Duct
Fluent - Particle Trajectories in a Curved Duct