The recommended textbook for this course is:
Modern Compressible Flow with Historical Perspective, Edition 3 (but older versions are acceptable too)
John D. Anderson, McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, 2003.
Other notes and articles will be provided by the instructor.
Here is a link to a website that carries this book for a very reasonable price:
Buy online .
A Penn State special edition of this book is available through the PSU bookstore. It has a different cover, but is pretty much identical otherwise. I am not sure if the price is better than the above website.
My undergraduate fluid mechanics textbook that you used for ME 320 has a chapter on compressible flow, Chapter 12.
This is a good summary of compressible flow, but we will go into much more detail than that chapter.
Nevertheless, I advise you to refer to Chapter 12 of the Cengel-Cimbala fluids book throughout this course.