"EES example - how to get the Mach number (inversely) from the temperature ratio equation, Rayleigh flow J. M. Cimbala" "Universal ideal gas constant:" Ru = 8314 [J/(kmol*K)] "Gas is air:" gamma = 1.40 [-] MW = 28.97 [kg/kmol] R = Ru/MW c_v = R/(gamma-1) c_P = R*gamma/(gamma-1) "Given information:" T_01 = 553.19 [K] T_02 = 1598.5 [K] "Example of forward calculation - for a given Mach number, calculate the temperature ratio:" M_1 = 0.17018 [-] T01byT0star = (2+(gamma-1)*(M_1^2))*(gamma+1)*(M_1^2)/((1+gamma*(M_1^2))^2) "Example of the inverse calculation - for a given temperature ratio, calculate Mach number:" T02byT0star = (T_02/T_01)*T01byT0star T02byT0star = (2+(gamma-1)*(M_2^2))*(gamma+1)*(M_2^2)/((1+gamma*(M_2^2))^2)