Dr. Jing Du Curriculum Vitae
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Courtesy Appointment, Biomedical Engineering
316B Leonhard Bldg, University Park, PA 16802-6817
Email: jingdu (at) psu.edu
Office: (814) 863-1043; Fax: (814) 865-9693

Yichun (Leo) Tang
Ph.D. Student
Email: yzt5124 (at) psu.edu

Gongyuan Liu
Ph.D. Student
Email: gxl5293 (at) psu.edu

Chenxu Yue
Ph.D. Student
Email: cxy5275 (at) psu.edu

Dr. Kangning Su
Ph.D. 2020
Placement: Align Technology

Dr. Yuxiao Zhou
Ph.D. 2020
Placement: Assistant Professor at Texas A&M University

Michael Shulock
Master 2024
Placement: Kromek Group

Chengyao Gao
Master 2023

Alyssa Minnier
Master 2019
Placement: Voith Hydro

Eleanor van der Ent
Master 2019
Placement: VDE Machines

Yuetong Hao
B.S. 2021
Placement: Graduate Program at the University of Pennsylvania

Young Joon Kim
Undergraduate Student
College of Engineering Equity (REU) program

Yuyang Wang
College of Engineering Equity (REU) program
Placement: Graduate Program at Columbia University

Ruyi Man
B.S. 2020
College of Engineering Equity (REU) program
Dr. and Mrs. David and Shirley Wormley fund for Engineering Excellence
Placement: Graduate Program at the University of Michigan

Jiacheng Gao
B.S. 2020
Dr. and Mrs. David and Shirley Wormley fund for Engineering Excellence
Placement: Graduate Program at Columbia University

CongYuan Zhang
B.S. 2020
Dr. and Mrs. David and Shirley Wormley fund for Engineering Excellence
Placement: Graduate Program at University of Pennsylvania

Weihao Zhou
B.S. 2020
Placement: Graduate Program at University of California, Berkeley

Paola Villarrubia
Undergraduate Student from University of Puerto Rico
Penn State Office of Graduate Educational Equity program

Zhiqing Lu
B.S. 2020
Placement: Graduate Program at Penn State University

Chujie Gong B.S. 2019
College of Engineering Research Initiative (CERI) programs
Poster Competition Award at 2018 IMECE
Erickson Discovery Grant
Placement: Graduate Program at University of Pennsylvania

Kayla Reigh
B.S. 2019
MNE Scholar with the Alan Thomas Scholarship

Ben Cellini
Placement: Graduate Program at Penn State University

Abhinit Kothari
Dr. and Mrs. David and Shirley Wormley fund for Engineering Excellence
Placement: Graduate Program at Columbia University

Michael Andrés Hernández Lamberty
Undergraduate Student from University of Puerto Rico
Penn State Office of Graduate Educational Equity program
Placement: Graduate Program at University of Michigan

Yuxing Zhang
Placement: Graduate Program at Washington University

Guillermo A. Yau Chong
College of Engineering Research Initiative (CERI) program

Mo Shi
College of Engineering Research Initiative (CERI) program
Placement: Graduate Program at Carnegie Mellon University

Ryan Shannon
Schreyer Honors College

Seongyon Lee
MNE Scholars Programs

Hong (Kim) Jin
MNE Scholars Programs
Placement: Graduate Program at Carnegie Mellon University

Shahd Waleed M Ali
KAUST (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology) REU program

Abdulrahman Khalid Taher
KAUST (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology) REU program

Alex Verbitsky
KAUST (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology) REU program

Yuan Tang
Penn State and Texas A&M Univ joint REU program

Christina Sheldon
Penn State and Texas A&M Univ joint REU program

Qiyuan Mao
Visiting Scholar
Changzhou Vocational Institute of Light Industry

Guoxian Qiu
Visiting Scholar
Changzhou Vocational Institute of Engineering
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