Photo of Alexander Rattner

Alexander Rattner

Dorothy Quiggle Career Development Professor
Associate Professor


  • Mechanical Engineering

236A Reber Building


Personal or Departmental Website

Research Areas:

Energy Systems; Thermal/Fluid Sciences

Interest Areas:

Sustainable thermal-fluid energy systems, waste heat recovery, multiphase flow heat and mass transfer, high performance computing





Journal Articles

  • Juan P Murietta-Cortes, Luis E Paniagua-Guerra, C Ulises Gonzalez-Valle, Alexander Rattner and Bladimir Ramos-Alvarado, 2024, "Liquid-cooled heat sink design methodology with technical and commercial viability considerations: Case study of a partially 3-D printed prototype", Applied Thermal Engineering, 247
  • Nosherwan Adil, Sebastien N Dryepondt, Anand Kulkarni, Patrick J Geoghegan, Xiang Zhang, Abdulaziz AlKandari and Alexander Rattner, 2024, "Rational design process for gas turbine exhaust to supercritical CO2 waste heat recovery heat exchanger using topology optimization", Applied Thermal Engineering, 236
  • Xin Chen, Wenyi Zhu, Alexander Rattner and Qiming Zhang, 2023, "A self-actuated electrocaloric polymer heat pump design exploiting the synergy of electrocaloric effect and electrostriction", JPhys Energy, 5, (2)
  • Abdulaziz AlKandari and Alexander Rattner, 2022, "Characterization of laminar and turbulent supercritical carbon dioxide slot jet impingement heat transfer", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 193
  • Ibrahim O Elhagali, Robert R Pearson and Alexander Rattner, 2021, "Aerodynamic port-aligned fins to enhance thermal-hydraulic performance of jet impingement arrays", Applied Thermal Engineering, 198
  • G Jeffrey Snyder, Saniya LeBlanc, Doug Crane, Herschel Pangborn, Chris E Forest, Alexander Rattner, Leah Borsmiller and Shashank Priya, 2021, "Distributed and localized cooling with thermoelectrics", Joule, 5, (4), pp. 748-751
  • Christopher Greer, Jonathon A Peters, Michael P Manahan, Joseph J Cor and Alexander Rattner, 2021, "Experimental characterization of lithium-carbon dioxide combustion in batch reactors for powering Venus landers", Acta Astronautica, 181, pp. 235-248
  • Srinivas Garimella, Khoudor , Alexander Rattner and Girish Kini, 2020, "Conceptualization and analysis of a novel combined sorption and phase-change material thermal storage system", Journal of Energy Storage, 32, pp. 101745
  • Khoudor Keniar, Alexander Rattner and Srinivas Garimella, 2020, "Low cost thermal transient anemometer for challenging gas flow rate measurements", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 157, pp. 119865
  • Robert Pearson, Bikramjit Chatterjee, Samuel H Kim, Samuel Graham, Alexander Rattner and Sukwon Choi, 2020, "Guidelines for reduced order thermal modeling of multi-finger GaN HEMTs", American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Journal of Electronics Packaging, 142, (2), pp. 021012
  • Robert Zboray, Christopher Greer, Alexander Rattner, R Adams and Zoltan Kis, 2020, "Fast neutron imaging at a reactor beam line", Materials Research Proceedings, 15, pp. 180-184
  • David Hobby, Tom Walker, Alexander Rattner, Chris Jacobsen, David Sherrer and Todd Bandhauer, 2020, "Comparison of experimental and computational heat transfer characterization of water jet impingement array with interspersed fluid extraction", Heat Transfer Engineering, 42, (6), pp. 549-564
  • Mahdi Nabil and Alexander Rattner, 2019, "Large eddy simulations of high-heat-flux supercritical CO2 convection in microchannels: Mixed convection and non-uniform heating", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 145, pp. 118710
  • Alexander Rattner and Tyler J Meehan, 2019, "Simple analytic model for optimally sizing thermoelectric generator module arrays for waste heat recovery", Applied Thermal Engineering, 146, pp. 795-804
  • Yue Cao, Alexander Rattner and Yiping Dai, 2018, "Thermoeconomic analysis of a gas turbine and cascaded CO2 combined cycle using thermal oil as an intermediate heat-transfer fluid", Energy, 162, pp. 1253-1268
  • Sanjay Adhikari and Alexander Rattner, 2018, "Heat transfer during condensing droplet coalescence", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 127A, pp. 1159-1169
  • Christopher J Greer, Michael V Paul and Alexander Rattner, 2018, "Analysis of lithium-combustion power systems for extreme environment spacecraft", Acta Astronautica, 151, pp. 68-79
  • Allison J Mahvi, Alexander Rattner, Jennifer Lin and Srinivas Garimella, 2018, "Challenges in predicting steam-side pressure drop and heat transfer in air-cooled power plant condensers", Applied Thermal Engineering, 133, pp. 396-406
  • Alexander Rattner and Srinivas Garimella, 2017, "Simulation of Taylor flow evaporation for bubble-pump applications", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 116, pp. 231-247
  • Sanjay Adhikari, Mahdi Nabil and Alexander Rattner, 2017, "Condensation heat transfer in a sessile droplet at varying Biot number and contact angle", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 115A, pp. 926-931
  • Mahdi Nabil and Alexander Rattner, 2017, "A computational study on the effects of surface tension and Prandtl number on laminar-wavy falling film condensation", Journal of Heat Transfer, 139
  • Alexander Rattner, 2017, "General characterization of jet impingement array heat sinks with interspersed fluid extraction ports for uniform high-flux cooling", Journal of Heat Transfer, 139, (8)
  • Mahdi Nabil and Alexander Rattner, 2016, "interThermalPhaseChangeFoam – A framework for two-phase flow simulations with thermally driven phase change", SotfwareX, 5, pp. 216-226
  • Brian M Fronk and Alexander Rattner, 2016, "High-flux thermal management with supercritical fluids", Journal of Heat Transfer, 132, (12)
  • John G Bustamante, Alexander Rattner and Srinivas Garimella, 2016, "Achieving near-water-cooled power plant performance with air-cooled condensers", Applied Thermal Engineering, 105, pp. 362-371
  • Alexander Rattner and Srinivas Garimella, 2016, "Low-source-temperature diffusion absorption refrigeration: Part I: Modeling and cycle analysis", International Journal of Refrigeration, 65, pp. 287-311
  • Alexander Rattner and Srinivas Garimella, 2016, "Low-source-temperature diffusion absorption refrigeration. Part II: Experiments and model assessment", International Journal of Refrigeration, 65, pp. 312-329
  • Alexander Rattner, Donna P Guillen, Alark Joshi and Srinivas Garimella, 2016, "Framework and algorithms for illustrative visualizations of time-varying flows on unstructured meshes", Advances in Engineering Software, 97, pp. 72-84
  • Alexander Rattner and Srinivas Garimella, 2016, "Taylor flow in intermediate diameter channels: Simulation and hydrodynamic models", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 103, pp. 1108-1124
  • Alexander Rattner and Srinivas Garimella, 2016, "Fast, stable computation of thermodynamic properties of ammonia-water mixtures", International Journal of Refrigeration, 62, pp. 39-59
  • Alexander Rattner and Srinivas Garimella, 2015, "Vertical upward intermediate scale Taylor flow: Experiments and kinematic closure", International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 75, pp. 107–123
  • Anurag Goyal, Alexander Rattner and Srinivas Garimella, 2015, "Model-based feedback control of an ammonia-water absorption chiller", Science and Technology for the Built Environment, 21, pp. 357–364
  • Alexander Rattner and Srinivas Garimella, 2015, "Coupling-fluid heated bubble pump generators: Experiments and model development", Science and Technology for the Built Environment, 21, pp. 332–347
  • Alexander Rattner and Srinivas Garimella, 2014, "Simple mechanistically consistent formulation for volume-of-fluid based computations of condensing flows", Journal of Heat Transfer, 136
  • Vinodh K Viswanathan, Alexander Rattner, Matthew D Determan and Srinivas Garimella, 2013, "Dynamic model for a small-capacity ammonia-water absorption chiller", Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration (HVAC&R) Research, 19, pp. 865–881
  • Alexander Rattner and Srinivas Garimella, 2012, "Simulación a nivel de componente y sistema acoplados en un sistema de refrigeración por absorción difusión para aplicaciones residenciales", Frio Calor Aire Acondicionado, pp. 3-12
  • Alexander Rattner and Srinivas Garimella, 2011, "Energy harvesting, reuse and upgrade to reduce primary energy usage in the USA", Energy, 36, pp. 6172–6183
  • Alexander Rattner, Ananda Krishna Nagavarapu, Srinivas Garimella and Thomas F Fuller, 2011, "Modeling of a flat plate membrane-distillation system for liquid desiccant regeneration in air-conditioning applications", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 54, pp. 3650–3660

Research Projects

  • February 2022 - January 2025, "High Temperature Additively Manufactured Monolithic Heat Pipe Radiators," (Sponsor: National Aeronautics and Space Administration).
  • August 2017 - July 2023, "CAREER: Multiscale Simulation Techniques for Liquid-Vapor Phase Change Heat Transfer," (Sponsor: National Science Foundation).
  • April 2021 - July 2023, "Surviving and Operating through the Lunar Night using Combined Heat and Power Metal Oxidation Warming Systems," (Sponsor: Masten Space Systems $).
  • November 2020 - September 2022, "Design, Testing and Evaluation of Critical Aspects of the Chemical Heat Integrated Power System (CHIPS) Reactor," (Sponsor: Jet Propulsion Laboratory).
  • May 2019 - February 2022, "Go! Program: Additive Manufacturing to Enable Optimized Heat Exchangers for Supercritical CO2 Waste Heat Recovery Power Generation," (Sponsor: Battelle - Oak Ridge National Laboratory).
  • December 2017 - June 2022, "Hot Operating Temperature Lithium combustion IN situ Energy and Power System (HOTLINE Power System)," (Sponsor: The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory LLC).
  • July 2020 - October 2022, "SBIR: Surviving the Lunar Night using Metal Oxidation Warming Systems (Phase II)," (Sponsor: Masten Space Systems $).
  • August 2019 - July 2021, "Polyphasic Electronics Cooling (Log #223724-NDA)," (Sponsor: Lockheed Martin Corporation, Inc. [MP]).
  • September 2016 - August 2020, "Collaborative Research: Computational and Experimental Investigation of High-Flux Heating of Supercritical Fluids in Microscale Geometries," (Sponsor: National Science Foundation).

Honors and Awards


Service to Penn State:

  • Committee Work, Committee Member, College of Engineering Sustainability Council, August 2018 - May 2022
  • Assistance to Student Organizations, Advisor, Faculty Advisor, Innovative Designers Club, August 2016 - December 2021

Service to External Organizations:




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Department of Mechanical Engineering

137 Reber Building

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802-4400

Phone: 814-865-2519