Complex Flows
The complex flows research supergroup has expertise in computational and experimental fluid dynamics. Common themes of their work include include turbulence, the presence of multiple phases (bubbles, drops, or particles), or the use of non-Newtonian flows. Specific research areas cover method development, bio-fluid dynamics, combustion, turbomachinery, renewable energy, environmental fluid mechanics, and marine science.
The group's goals are to develop new physical insights, predictive models, and control strategies for complex flows in natural and engineered environments. The objective of the supergroup is to facilitate collaborations and synergistic efforts among the members, particularly in student recruiting and co-advising. A student who is interested in any of the topics above (or fluid dynamics more generally) should reach out to a member of the supergroup.
Complex Flows Sample Work
- Linear logistic regression with weight thresholding for flow regime classification of a stratified wake: Xinyi L.D. Huang, Robert F. Kunz, and Xiang I.A. Yang
- An Assessment of Second Moment Closure Modeling for Stratified Wakes Using DNS Ensembles: Naman Jain, Xinyi L.D. Huang, Jiaqi J.L. Li, Xiang I.A. Yang, and Robert Kunz
- Distilling experience into a physically interpretable recommender system for computational model selection: Xinyi Huang, Thomas Chyczewski, Zhenhua Xia, Robert Kunz, and Xiang Yang
- Full Stage Axial Compressor Performance Modeling Incorporating the Effects of Blade Damage Due to Particle Ingestion: Emanuel Chirayath, Haosen Xu, Xiang Yang, and Robert Kunz
Research Super Groups
- Bioinspired and Multifunctional Materials, Systems, & Structures
- Biomechanics & Biodevices
- Complex Flows
- Engineering Education Research
- Low-carbon Energy Systems
- Product Design & Manufacturing
- Systems, Controls, & Robotics
- Turbomachinery & Propulsion