Photo of Alok Sinha

Alok Sinha



  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Center for Acoustics and Vibration

330 Reber Building


Personal or Departmental Website

Research Areas:

Energy Systems; Mechanical Sciences; Sensors & Controls

Interest Areas:

Vibration, Control Systems, Jet Engines, Robotics, Neural Engineering and Nanotechnology






  • Alok Sinha, 2017, Vibration of nearly periodic structures and mistuned bladed rotors, Cambridge University Press
  • Alok Sinha, 2011, Solution manual for vibration of mechanical systems, Cambridge University Press
  • Alok Sinha, 2010, Vibration of mechanical systems, Cambridge University Press
  • Alok Sinha, 2007, Linear systems: Optimal and robust control, CRC/Taylor & Francis Press, pp. 488
  • Alok Sinha, 2007, Solution manual (Linear systems: Optimal and robust control), CRC/Taylor & Francis Press

Journal Articles

  • Christopher Smith and Alok Sinha, 2023, "Effects of Structural Flexibility on Flight Control of a Quadrotor", AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, 46, (12), pp. 2432-2439
  • Alok Sinha and Caleb Barnes, 2023, "Flutter Response of a One-Dimensional Panel with Arbitrary Nonuniformities and Discontinuities", AIAA Journal, 61, (12), pp. 5675-5680
  • Alok Sinha, 2023, "Free Vibration of a Timoshenko Beam with Arbitrary Nonuniformities, Discontinuities and Constraints", Journal of Vibration Engineering and Technologies, 11, (5), pp. 2099-2108
  • Alok Sinha, 2023, "Vibration of a Timoshenko Beam: Clarifications on Second Spectrum and Fourth-Order Single Partial Differential Equation", Journal of Vibration Engineering and Technologies
  • Alok Sinha, 2022, "Solving Fundamental Partial Differential Equation for Mistuned Bladed Disk Vibration", AIAA Journal, 60, (6), pp. 6
  • Alok Sinha, 2022, "Computing Natural Frequencies and Mode Shapes of an Axially Moving Nonuniform Beam", ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 17, pp. 041001-1 to 041001-7
  • Alok Sinha, 2021, "Free Vibration of an Euler-Bernoulli Beam with Arbitrary Nonuniformities and Discontinuities", AIAA Journal, 59, (11)
  • Alok Sinha, 2020, "A New Approach to Compute Natural Frequencies and Mode shapes of One-Dimensional Continuous Structures with Arbitrary Nonuniformities", ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 15, pp. 111004-1 to 111004-13
  • Arjun Chauhan and Alok Sinha, 2020, "Estimation of Forcing Function, Mistuning and Modal Damping in a Bladed Rotor", ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 142, (5)
  • Alok Sinha, 2020, "New Approach to Compute Buckling Loads and Buckled Shapes of Non-Uniform Beams", AIAA Journal, 58, (5)
  • Alok Sinha, 2020, "Computing Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors and Frequency Responses of Structures with Non-Proportional Damping", Journal of Sound and Vibration, 489, pp. 14 pages
  • Alok Sinha, 2020, "Computing Natural Frequencies and Mode Shapes of a Non-Uniform Circular Membrane", Mechanics Research Communications, 107
  • Alok Sinha, 2018, "Vibration Absorbers for a Mistuned Bladed Disk", ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 140, (5)
  • Alok Sinha, 2018, "Estimation of forcing functions on a mistuned bladed rotor from harmonic response", ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 140
  • Robert Hudson and Alok Sinha, 2018, "An order reduction method for single-walled carbon nanotubes with multi-vacancy defects", ACS Journal: Carbon, 138
  • Alok Sinha and Krishna Trikutam, 2018, "Optimal Vibration Absorber with a Friction Damper", ASME Journal of Vibration and Accoustics, 140, (2)
  • Robert Hudson and Alok Sinha, 2018, "Vibration of Carbon Nanotubes with Defects: Order Reduction Methods", Proceedings of The Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 474
  • Xibei Ding and Alok Sinha, 2017, "Hydropower plant frequency control via second order sliding mode", ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, 139, (7), pp. 074503-074503-5
  • Robert Hudson and Alok Sinha, 2016, "Frictional damping of flutter: Microslip versus macroslip", ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 138, (6), pp. 061010-1 to 061010-6
  • Alok Sinha, 2016, "Optimal damping of a taut cable under random excitation", ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 138, (4), pp. 041010-1 to 041010-8
  • X. Ding and Alok Sinha, 2016, "Hydropower plant load frequency control via feedback linearization and sliding mode control", ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, 138, (7), pp. 074501-1 to 074501-5
  • Alok Sinha and Vinod Vishwakarma, 2016, "Estimation of forcing function for a geometrically mistuned bladed rotor via modified modal domain analysis", ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 138, (4)
  • Alok Sinha, 2015, "Optimal damped vibration absorber: Including multiple modes and excitation due to rotating unbalance", ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 137, (6), pp. six
  • Vinod Vishwakarma and Alok Sinha, 2015, "Forced response statistics of a bladed rotor with geometric mistuning", AIAA Journal, 53, (9), pp. pp.2776-2781
  • Vinod Vishwakarma, Alok Sinha, Yasharth Bhartiya and Jeffrey Brown, 2015, "Modified modal domain analysis of a bladed rotor using coordinate measurement machine data on geometric mistuning", ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 137, (4)
  • Y. Bhartiya and Alok Sinha, 2014, "Geometric mistuning identification of integrally bladed rotors using modified modal domain analysis", ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 136, pp. 122504-1 to 122504-8
  • Y Bhartiya and Alok Sinha, 2014, "Accuracies of reduced order models of a bladed rotor with geometric mistuning", ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, 136, (7), pp. 074501-1 - 074501-4
  • Y. Bhartiya and Alok Sinha, 2013, "Reduced order modeling of a bladed rotor with geometric mistuning: Alternative bases and extremely large mistuning", International Journal of Gas Turbine, Propulsion and Power Systems, 5, (1)
  • Y. Bhartiya and Alok Sinha, 2013, "Reduced order modeling of a bladed rotor with geometric mistuning via estimated deviations in mass and stiffness matrices", ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbine and Power, 135, pp. 052501-1 to 052501-1
  • P. Gorzelic, S. J. Schiff and Alok Sinha, 2013, "Model-based rational feedback controller design for closed-loop deep brain stimulation of Parkinson's disease", Journal of Neural Engineering, 10, (2)
  • Y. Bhartiya and Alok Sinha, 2012, "Reduced order model of a multistage bladed rotor with geometric mistuning via modal analyses of finite element sectors", ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, 134, pp. 041001-1 to 041001-8
  • D. Cha and Alok Sinha, 2011, "Computation of the optimal normal load for a mistuned and frictionally damped bladed disk assembly under different types of excitation", ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 6, (2), pp. 021012-1 to 10
  • M. C. Pai and Alok Sinha, 2011, "Increasing the robustness of input shaping method to parametric uncertainties and time delays via sliding mode and H-infinity/Mu techniques", ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, 133, pp. 021001-1 to 021001-8
  • Alok Sinha, 2010, "Elimination of vibration localization in a micro/nano mechanical resonator array", IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 18, (6), pp. 1464-1468
  • Alok Sinha, 2010, "Computation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a mistuned bladed disk via unidirectional Taylor series expansions", ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, 132, pp. 044501
  • Alok Sinha, 2010, "Mistuning analyses of a bladed disk: Pole-zero and modal approaches", International Journal of Turbo and Jet Engines, 27, (1), pp. 11-25
  • Alok Sinha, 2009, "Reduced order model of a bladed rotor with geometric mistuning", ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, 131, pp. 031007-1 to 031007-7
  • M.-C. Pai and Alok Sinha, 2009, "Asymptotic stability for coupled modal sliding mode control of vibration in a flexible structure", Shock and Vibration Journal, 16, (3), pp. 319-324
  • Alok Sinha, 2009, "Optimal damped vibration absorber for narrow band random excitations: A mixed H2/H-infinity optimization", Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 24, pp. 251-254
  • Alok Sinha, 2008, "Reduced-order model of a mistuned multi-stage bladed rotor", International Journal of Turbo and Jet Engines, 25, pp. 145-153
  • Alok Sinha, B. Hall, B. Cassenti and G. Hilbert, 2008, "Vibratory parameters of blades from coordinate measurement machine data", ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, 130, (1), pp. 011013-1 - 011013-8
  • M.-C. Pai and Alok Sinha, 2007, "Sliding mode output feedback control of vibration in a flexible structure", ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, 129, (6), pp. 851-855
  • Alok Sinha, 2006, "Computation of the statistics of forced response of a mistuned bladed disk assembly via polynomial chaos", ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 128, (4), pp. 449-457
  • D. Cha and Alok Sinha, 2006, "Statistics of responses of a mistuned and frictionally damped bladed disk assembly subjected to white noise and narrow band excitations", Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 21, pp. 384-396
  • Alok Sinha, 2005, "Nonlinear dynamics of atomic force microscope with PI feedback", Journal of Sound and Vibration, 288, pp. 387-394
  • D. Cha and Alok Sinha, 2003, "Computation of the optimal normal load of a friction damper under different types of excitation", ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 125, (4), pp. 1042-1049
  • P. Bhatta and Alok Sinha, 2003, "A discrete-time, optimal, active vibration absorber", Journal of Sound and Vibration, 268, pp. 201-208
  • D. Cha and Alok Sinha, 2002, "Effects of the nature of excitation on the response of a mistuned bladed disk assembly", ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, 124, pp. 588-596
  • Alok Sinha and Vinod Vishwakarma, , "Estimation of forcing function for a geometrically mistuned bladed rotor via modified modal domain analysis", ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbine and Power
  • Alok Sinha, , "Estimation of Forcing Function on a Mistuned Bladed Rotor from Measured Harmonic Response", ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbine and Power
  • Alok Sinha, , "Minimum-Time Control of a Linear System with Input Saturation: A Practical Approach", ASME Letters in Dynamic Systems and Control

Conference Proceedings

  • Christopher Smith and Alok Sinha, 2023, "Time Varying Rotor Aerodynamics for Quadrotor Vehicles", 2023 AIAA Scitech Conference Proceedings , January
  • Alok Sinha, 2022, "Multi-Input Shaping for a Multi-Modal Vibratory Structure using Deadbeat Control Theory", DETC2022-89788, ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conference, St. Louis, MO
  • Himanshu Patel and Alok Sinha, 2021, "Identification of Slip Load, Friction Force and External Force using Unscented Kalman Filter for Frictionally Damped Turbine Blades", ASME Turbo Expo 2021, June, 2021, Virtual, Online, GT2021-59863
  • Alok Sinha, 2020, "Computing Natural Frequencies and Mode Shapes of an Axially Moving Non-Uniform Beam", DETC2020-22073, ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conference, 2020
  • Alok Sinha, 2020, "A New Approach to Solution of Time-Independent One-Dimensional Schrödinger Equation", DETC2020-22468, ASME International Design Technical Conference, 2020
  • Alok Sinha and Larry Byrd, 2019, "Control of Cold Plate Temperature in a Pumped Two Phase Flow", IMECE2019-10651, Proceedings of 2019 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition , Salt Lake City, Utah
  • Alok Sinha, 2019, "A New Approach to Compute Natural Frequencies and Mode Shapes of Non-Uniform Continuous Bar, Circular Shaft and Beam Vibration", DETC2019-97263, ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conference, Anaheim, CA, August 18 -21, 2019., ASME
  • Arjun Chauhan and Alok Sinha, 2019, "Estimation of Forcing Function, Mistuning and Modal Damping in a Bladed Rotor", GT2019 - 90262, Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo, Pheonix, AZ, June, 2019, ASME
  • Alok Sinha, 2018, "Input Shaping for Vibratory Systems using Deadbeat State Feedback Control", DETC 2018-85398, Proceedings of ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conference, Quebec City, Canada, ASME
  • Alok Sinha, 2017, "Estimation of forcing functions on a mistuned bladed rotor from harmonic response", GT 2017 - 65045, Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2017, Charlotte, NC
  • Robert Hudson and Alok Sinha, 2016, "Friction damping of flutter: Microslip versus macroslip", Proceedings of ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference (IDETC2016-60423), pp. 8 pages
  • Alok Sinha, 2016, "Vibration absorbers for a mistuned bladed disk", Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo, Seoul, Korea (GT2016-56076), pp. 7 pages
  • Vinod Vishwakarma and Alok Sinha, 2015, "Estimation of forcing function for a geometrically mistuned bladed rotor via modified modal domain analysis", ASME Turbo Expo, Montreal Canada, June 2015, USA
  • Alok Sinha, 2014, "Optimal damped vibration absorber: Including multiple modes and excitation due to rotating unbalance"
  • Alok Sinha, S. J. Schiff and N. Huebel, 2013, "Estimation of internal variables from Hodgkin-Huxley neuron voltage", IEEE Neural Engineering Conference
  • B. D. Rittenhouse and Alok Sinha, 2013, "Optimal sliding mode Gaussian controller for a hydropower plant with grid dynamics", Proceedings of 2013 ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference
  • V. Vishwakarma, Alok Sinha, Y. Bhartita and J. Brown, 2013, "Modified modal domain analysis of a bladed rotor using coordinate measurement machine data on geometric mistuning", ASME Turbo Expo
  • B. D. Rittenhouse and Alok Sinha, 2013, "Optimal sliding mode Gaussian controller for a hydropower plant", Proceedings of American Control Conference
  • X. Ding and Alok Sinha, 2012, "Hydropower plant load frequency control via second order sliding mode", ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference
  • Y. Bhartiya and Alok Sinha, 2012, "Geometric mistuning identification of integrally bladed rotors using modified modal domain analysis", ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference
  • Y. Bhartiya and Alok Sinha, 2011, "Reduced order modeling of a bladed rotor with geometric mistuning: Alternative bases and extremely large mistuning", Proceedings of the International Gas Turbine Congress, pp. IGTC2011 - 0186
  • X. Ding and Alok Sinha, 2011, "Hydroplant frequency control via feedback linearization and sliding mode control", Proceedings of the 2011 ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference
  • Y. Bhartiya and Alok Sinha, 2011, "Reduced order modeling of a bladed rotor with geometric mistuning via estimated deviations in mass and stiffness matrices", Proceedings of the ASME 2011 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & International Conference on Multibody Systems, Nonlinear Dynamics, and Control (MSNDC), pp. IDETC/ MSNDC 2011
  • Y. Bhartiya and Alok Sinha, 2011, "Reduced order model of a bladed rotor with geometric mistuning: Comparison between modified domain analysis and frequency mistuning approach", ASME Turbo Expo, pp. GT2011 - 45391
  • Alok Sinha and X. Ding, 2011, "Sliding mode/H-infinity control of a hydro-power plant", Proceedings of American Control Conference
  • Y. Bhartiya and Alok Sinha, 2010, "Reduced order model of a multistage bladed rotor with geometric mistuning via modal analyses of finite element sectors", ASME Turbo Expo
  • Alok Sinha, 2008, "Mistuning analyses of a bladed disk: Pole-zero and modal approaches", ASME Turbo Expo, GT2008-50191
  • Alok Sinha, 2007, "Reduced-order model of a mistuned multi-stage bladed rotor", ASME Turbo Expo, GT2007-27277
  • Alok Sinha, 2007, "Reduced order model of a bladed rotor with geometric mistuning", ASME Turbo Expo, GT2007-27276
  • M. C. Pai and Alok Sinha, 2006, "Sliding mode output feedback control of time-varying mismatched uncertain systems", IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics
  • Alok Sinha, 2006, "Statistical distribution of the peak maximum amplitude of the forced response of a mistuned bladed disk: Some investigations and applications of neural networks", ASME Turbo Expo
  • Alok Sinha, 2006, "Computation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a mistuned bladed disk", ASME Turbo Expo 2006, GT2006-90087, pp. 9
  • M. Widrich, Alok Sinha, E. Suarez and B. Cassenti, 2006, "Applications of neural networks to the real-time prediction of metal temperatures in gas turbine engine components", ASME Turbo Expo, GT2006-90317, pp. 8
  • Alok Sinha, B. Hall, B. Cassenti and G. Hilbert, 2005, "Vibratory parameters of blades from coordinate measurement machine (CMM) data", ASME Turbo Expo, pp. 9
  • Alok Sinha, 2005, "Statistics of the peak maximum amplitude of the forced response of a mistuned bladed disk", ASME Turbo Expo, pp. 8
  • M. C. Pai and Alok Sinha, 2005, "Increasing the robustness of input shaping method via sliding mode and H-infinity/Mu technique", IEEE International Conference on Systems and Signals, Proceedings of ICSS 2005, pp. 6
  • M. C. Pai and Alok Sinha, 2004, "Sliding mode control of vibration in a flexible structure using output feedback method", 8th International Workshop on Variable Structure Systems
  • M. C. Pai and Alok Sinha, 2003, "Sliding mode control of vibration in a flexible structure using output feedback method", Proceedings of ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, IMECE 2003-43228
  • Alok Sinha, 2003, "Computation of the statistics of forced response of a mistuned bladed disk assembly via polynomial chaos", Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo, GT2003-38961
  • D. Cha and Alok Sinha, 2002, "Effects of the nature of excitation on the response of a mistuned bladed disk assembly", ASME International Gas Turbine Conference


  • V. Vishwakarma and Alok Sinha, 2014, "Forced response statistics of a bladed rotor with geometric mistuning"
  • Alok Sinha and Y. Bhartiya, 2010, "Modeling geometric mistuning of a bladed rotor: Modified modal domain analysis", pp. 177-184
  • Alok Sinha and Y. Bhartiya, 2009, "Modeling geometric mistuning of a bladed rotor: Modified modal domain analysis"
  • Alok Sinha, 2005, "Impact of breakthrough technologies on the IIT curriculum"
  • Alok Sinha, B. Hall, B. Cassenti and G. Hilbert, 2004, "Vibratory parameters of blades from coordinate measurement machine (CMM) data"

Research Projects

Honors and Awards

  • Air Force Summer Faculty Fellowship, AFOSR, May 2022 - July 2022
  • Air Force Summer Faculty Fellowship, May 2018 - July 2018
  • Air Force Summer Faculty Fellowship, May 2017 - July 2017
  • Visiting Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Stanford University, May 2016
  • Visiting Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, July 2014
  • Visiting Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, January 1992 - August 1992
  • Adjunct Faculty, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, May 2021
  • Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), ASME, 2002
  • Fellow, American Association for The Advancement of Science (AAAS), AAAS, 2011
  • Associate Fellow, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), AIAA, 2011


Service to Penn State:

Service to External Organizations:




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Department of Mechanical Engineering

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The Pennsylvania State University

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