Photo of Christopher Rahn

Christopher Rahn

J. Lee Everett Professor of Mechanical Engineering


  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Larson Transportation Institute
  • Center for Acoustics and Vibration

Research Areas:

Energy Systems; Mechanical Sciences; Sensors & Controls; Transportation Systems

Interest Areas:

Dynamic systems modeling, design, analysis, and control with applications to flexible structures, biologically inspired robotics, smart material actuators, sensors, and energy harvesters, and electrochemical energy storage.






  • Christopher Rahn and C.-Y. Wang, 2013, Battery systems engineering, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Chichester, UK
  • Christopher Rahn, 2001, Mechatronic control of distributed noise and vibration: A Lyapunov approach, Springer, Berlin, Germany

Journal Articles

  • Christopher Rahn, 2025, "Smriti, R., W. Li, A. Nozariasbmarz, S. Ghosh, N. Liu, C. Rahn, M. Sanghadasa, S. Priya, B. Poudel, “Thermoelectric Energy Harvesting for Exhaust Waste Heat Recovery: A System Design,” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, doi:, 2025."
  • S Shan, M Parekh, R Kou, D Wang and Christopher Rahn, 2024, "Increasing the Cycle Life of Zinc Metal Anodes and Nickel-Zinc Cells Using Flow-through Alkaline Electrolytes", Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 171, (3)
  • Christopher Rahn, 2024, "Ahuja, N., J. Martin, M. Yukish, G. Stump, L. Bennett, B. Schlake, J. Anstrom, and C. Rahn, “Route-Based Energy Analysis of Hybrid Rail Consists,” ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, Vol. 146, No. 1,, 2024."
  • Christopher Rahn, 2024, "Cho, C., C. Rahn, E. Smith, and J. Cusumano, “Active Vibration Damping Using Rotor Torque Control in Electric Aircraft,” AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics,, 2024."
  • Christopher Rahn, 2024, "Parekh, M., S. Shan, M. Sabet, C. Rahn, and A. Rao, “A snapshot review of electric field’s role in crystallization at electrochemical interfaces,” MRS Advances,, 2024."
  • Christopher Rahn, 2024, "Bhaskar, K., A. Kumar, J. Bunce, J. Pressman, N. Burkell, N. Miller, and C. Rahn, “Faulty sensor signal reconstruction in Li-ion battery packs,” IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, doi: 10.1109/TTE.2024.3390652, 2024."
  • Christopher Rahn, 2024, "Moon, J., and C. Rahn, “Short Circuit Estimation in Lithium-Ion Batteries Using Moving Horizon Estimation,” ASME Letters in Dynamic Systems and Control, Vol. 4, No. 4,, October, 2024."
  • Christopher Rahn, 2024, "Bhaskar, K., A. Kumar, J. Bunce, J. Pressman, N. Burkell, and N. Miller, “Heterogeneity-induced power and capacity loss in parallel-connected cells,” IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electricification, doi: 10.1109/TTE.2024.3505848, 2024."
  • K Bhaskar, A Kumar, J Bunce, J Pressman, N Burkell and Christopher Rahn, 2023, "Data-Driven Thermal Anomaly Detection in Large Battery Packs", Batteries, 9, (2), pp. 70
  • S Shan, M Parekh, R Kou, D Wang and Christopher Rahn, 2023, "Aqueous Zinc Sulfate Flow Through a Copper Mesh Anode Improves Zinc Metal Electrodeposition Morphology and Impedance", Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 170, (9), pp. 092501
  • G Rai, Christopher Rahn, E Smith and C Marr, 2023, "3D Printed Circular Nodal Plate Stacks for Broadband Vibration Isolation", Journal of Sound and Vibration, 544, pp. 117647
  • S Gonzalez, S Shan, M Frecker and Christopher Rahn, 2023, "Analytical modeling of a multilayer, multimorph lithium-ion battery actuator", Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 34, (12)
  • G Rai, Christopher Rahn, E Smith and C Marr, 2022, "Nodal beam stack vibration isolators", Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 179, pp. 109324
  • T Cleary, Z Nozarijouybari, D Wang, D Wang, Christopher Rahn and H Fathy, 2022, "An Experimentally Parameterized Equivalent Circuit Model of a Solid-State Lithium-Sulfur Battery", Batteries, 8, (12), pp. 269
  • M Parekh and Christopher Rahn, 2022, "Solid electrolyte interphase growth in lithium metal cells with normal electrolyte flow", Frontiers in Chemical Engineering, 4
  • Y Tao, Christopher Rahn, L Archer and F You, 2021, "Second life and recycling: Energy and environmental sustainability perspectives for high-performance lithium-ion batteries", Science Advances, 7, (45), pp. eabi7633
  • X Chen, T Yang, Q Zhang, L Q Chen, V Bobnar, Christopher Rahn and Q M Zhang, 2021, "Topological Structure Enhanced Nanostructure of High Temperature Polymer Exhibiting More Than Ten Times Enhancement of Dipolar Response", Nano Energy, pp. 106225
  • V Kovacova, J Yang, L Jacques, H Yeo, V Lanari, Christopher Rahn and S Trolier-McKinstry, 2021, "Comparison of K0.5Na0.5NbO3 and PbZr0.52Ti0.48O3 compliant-mechanism-design energy harvesters", Journal of Applied Physics, 129, (11), pp. 114101
  • C Xu, T Cleary, D Wang, G Li, Christopher Rahn, D Wang, R Rajamani and H Fathy, 2021, "Online state estimation for a physics-based Lithium-Sulfur battery model", Journal of Power Sources, 489, pp. 229495
  • D Meng, P Xia, K Lange, E Smith and Christopher Rahn, 2020, "Neural Network Based Hysteresis Compensation of Piezoelectric Stack Actuator Driven Active Control of Helicopter Vibration", Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 302, pp. 111809
  • D McAnallen, S DeLaney, A Hollinger, J Ma, M Brockett and Christopher Rahn, 2020, "Cylindrical Lithium-ion Structural Batteries for Drones", International Journal of Energy Research, 44, (1), pp. 560-566
  • G Brulo, A Grede, A Ren, Christopher Rahn and N Giebink, 2019, "Design of a High-Concentration Microtracking Photovoltaic System", ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 11, (6), pp. 065001
  • M Krott, Christopher Rahn and E Smith, 2019, "Coupled and Multimode Tailboom Vibration Control Using Fluidic Flexible Matrix Composite Tubes", Journal of the American Helicopter Society, 64, (4), pp. 1-10
  • K Miura, M Krott, E Smith, Christopher Rahn and P Romano, 2019, "Experimental Demonstration of a Vibration Absorber Using Braid-Sheathed Fluidic Flexible Matrix Composite Tubes", Journal of the American Helicopter Society, 64, (3), pp. 1-6
  • J Ma, C Gonzalez, Q Huang, J Farese, Christopher Rahn, M Frecker and D Wang, 2019, "Multifunctional NCM-Si Batteries with Self-Actuation and Self-Sensing", Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures
  • M Krott, Christopher Rahn and E Smith, 2019, "Modeling and Testing of Fluidic Flexible Matrix Composite Lead-Lag Dampers", Journal of the American Helicopter Society
  • Mayank Garg, Tanvir R. Tanim, Christopher Rahn, Hanna Bryngelsson and Niklas Legnedahl, 2018, "Elevated temperature for life extension of lithium ion power cells", Energy, 159, pp. 716-723
  • Hong Goo Yeo, Tiancheng Xue, Shad Roundy, Xiaokun Ma, Christopher Rahn and Susan E Trolier-McKinstry, 2018, "Strongly (001) Oriented Bimorph PZT Film on Metal Foils Grown by rf -Sputtering for Wrist-Worn Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters", Advanced Functional Materials, 28, (36), pp. 1801327
  • Hong Goo Yeo, Tiancheng Xue, Shad Roundy, Xiaokun Ma, Christopher Rahn and Susan E Trolier-McKinstry, 2018, "Piezoelectric MEMS Energy Harvesters for Powering Sensor Systems", Proceedings, 2, (13), pp. 1103
  • Christopher Rahn, 2016, "Efficient piezoelectric energy harvesters utilizing (001) textured bimorph PZT films on flexible metal foils", Advanced Functional Materials
  • Christopher Rahn, 2016, "Dynamic data-driven and model-based recursive analysis for estimation of battery state-of-charge"
  • Christopher Rahn, 2016, "Modeling and design of a tailboom vibration absorber using fluidic flexible matrix composite tubes", Journal of the American Helicopter Society
  • Christopher Rahn, 2016, "Multifunctional structural lithium ion battery for electric vehicles", Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures
  • Christopher Rahn, 2016, "How does model reduction affect lithium-ion battery state of charge estimation errors?", Journal of the Electrochemical Society
  • Xiaokun Ma, Andrew Wilson, Christopher Rahn and Susan E Trolier-McKinstry, 2016, "Efficient energy harvesting using piezoelectric compliant mechanisms: Theory and experiment", Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 138, (2), pp. 021005
  • Christopher Rahn and Bin Zhu, 2015, "Fluidic flexible matrix composite vibration absorber for a cantilever beam", ASME J. Vibration and Acoustics, 137, (2), pp. 11
  • Tanvir R Tanim, Christopher Rahn and Chao-Yang Wang, 2015, "A temperature dependent, single particle, lithium ion cell model including electrolyte diffusion", Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 137, (1), pp. 011005
  • Tanvir R Tanim and Christopher Rahn, 2015, "Aging formula for lithium ion batteries with solid electrolyte interphase layer growth", Journal of Power Sources, 294, pp. 239–247
  • Abhendra K Singh, Lei Cao, Jun Ma, Jiho Seo, Charles E Bakis, Yancheng Zhang, Michael A Hickner and Christopher Rahn, 2015, "Design, manufacture and test of a novel structural battery based on sandwich construction", Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, 17, (6), pp. 666–690
  • Bin Zhu, Christopher Rahn and Charles E Bakis, 2015, "Fluidic flexible matrix composite vibration absorber for a cantilever beam", Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 137, (2), pp. 021005
  • Yue Li, Pritthi Chattopadhyay, Asok Ray and Christopher Rahn, 2015, "Identification of the battery state-of-health parameter from input–output pairs of time series data", Journal of Power Sources, 285, pp. 235–246
  • S g Lu, Xiaodong Chen, T Levard, P J Diglio, L J Gorny, Christopher Rahn and Q M Zhang, 2015, "Large displacement in relaxor ferroelectric terpolymer blend derived actuators using Al electrode for Braille displays", Scientific reports, 5
  • Guangsheng Zhang, Lei Cao, Shanhai Ge, Chao-Yang Wang, Christian E Shaffer and Christopher Rahn, 2015, "Reaction temperature sensing (RTS)-based control for Li-ion battery safety", Scientific Reports, 5
  • Tanvir R Tanim, Christopher Rahn and Chao-Yang Wang, 2015, "State of charge estimation of a lithium ion cell based on a temperature dependent and electrolyte enhanced single particle model", Energy, 80, pp. 731–739
  • Yue Li, Zheng Shen, Asok Ray and Christopher Rahn, 2014, "Real-time estimation of lead-acid battery parameters: A dynamic data-driven approach", Journal of Power Sources, 268, pp. 758–764
  • T Xue, Xiaoliang Ma, Christopher Rahn and S Roundy, 2014, "Analysis of upper bound power output for a wrist-worn rotational energy harvester from real-world measured inputs", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 557, (1), pp. 012090
  • Guangsheng Zhang, Lei Cao, Shanhai Ge, Chao-Yang Wang, Christian E Shaffer and Christopher Rahn, 2014, "In situ measurement of radial temperature distributions in cylindrical Li-ion cells", Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 161, (10), pp. A1499–A1507
  • Deepak Trivedi and Christopher Rahn, 2014, "Model-based shape estimation for soft robotic manipulators: The planar case", Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 6, (2), pp. 021005
  • Githin K Prasad and Christopher Rahn, 2014, "Reduced order impedance models of lithium ion batteries", Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 136, (4), pp. 041012
  • Donald J Docimo, Mohammad Ghanaatpishe, Michael J Rothenberger, Christopher Rahn and Hosam Kadry Fathy, 2014, "The lithium-ion battery modeling challenge: A dynamic systems and control perspective", Mechanical Engineering, 136, (6), pp. S7
  • Z. Shen and Christopher Rahn, 2013, "Physics-based model of a valve-regulated lead-acid battery and an equivalent circuit", ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 135, pp. 041011-1 - 041011-7
  • A. Lotfi-Gaskarimahalle, L. Scarborough, Christopher Rahn and E. Smith, 2013, "Tunable fluidic composite mounts for vibration absorption", Journal of Vibration and Control
  • K. Mateti, R. Byrne-Dugan, Christopher Rahn and S. Tadigadapa, 2013, "Monolithic SUEX flapping wing mechanisms for pico air vehicle applications", IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 22, (3), pp. 527-535
  • G. Prasad and Christopher Rahn, 2013, "Model based identification of aging parameters in lithium ion batteries", Journal of Power Sources, 232, pp. 79-85
  • D. Han, Christopher Rahn and E. Smith, 2013, "Higher harmonic pitch link loads reduction using fluidlastic isolators", Proceedings of IMechE Part G: J Aerospace Engineering
  • K. Mateti, Z. Zhang, Christopher Rahn and S. Tadigadapa, 2013, "Fabrication and characterization of micromachined piezoelectric T-beam actuators", IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 22, (1), pp. 163-169
  • G. Zhang, C. Shaffer, C.-Y. Wang and Christopher Rahn, 2013, "Effects of non-uniform current distribution on energy density of Li-ion cells", Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 160, (11), pp. A2299-A2305
  • Y. Shi, C. Ferone and Christopher Rahn, 2013, "Identification and remediation of sulfation in lead-acid batteries using cell voltage and pressure sensing", Journal of Power Sources, 221, pp. 177-185
  • K. Mateti, R. Byrne-Dugan, S. Tadigadapa and Christopher Rahn, 2013, "Wing rotation and lift in SUEX flapping wing mechanisms", Smart Materials and Structures, 22, (1), pp. 11
  • G. Zhang, C. Shaffer, C.-Y. Wang and Christopher Rahn, 2013, "In-situ measurement of current distribution in a Li-ion cell", Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 160, (4), pp. A610-A615
  • Z. Shen, L. Cao, Christopher Rahn and C.-Y. Wang, 2013, "Least squares galvanostatic intermittent titration technique (LS-GITT) for accurate solid phase diffusivity measurement", Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 160, (10), pp. A1842-A1846
  • A. Lotfi-Gaskarimahalle, L. Scarborough, Christopher Rahn and E. Smith, 2012, "Passive and switched stiffness vibration controllers using fluidic flexible matrix composites", ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 134, (2), pp. 8
  • L. Scarborough, Christopher Rahn and E. Smith, 2012, "Fluidic composite tunable vibration isolators", ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 134, pp. 7
  • T. Levard, P. Diglio, S.-G. Liu, Christopher Rahn and Q. Zhang, 2012, "Core-free rolled actuators for Braille displays using P(VDF-TrFE-CFE)", Smart Materials and Structures, 21, pp. 7
  • B. Zhu, Christopher Rahn and C. Bakis, 2012, "Actuation of fluidic flexible matrix composites in structural media", Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 23, (3), pp. 269-278
  • H. Kommepalli, K. Mateti, Christopher Rahn and S. Tadigadapa, 2011, "Piezoelectric T-beam actuators", ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 33, (6), pp. 9
  • H. Zhao and Christopher Rahn, 2011, "Repetitive control of a flexible whisker in tip contact with an unknown surface", Journal of Vibration and Control, 17, (2), pp. 197-203
  • H. Zhao and Christopher Rahn, 2010, "Repetitive control of an electrostatic microbridge actuator: Theory and simulation", Smart Materials and Structures, 19, (12), pp. 125006
  • K. Smith, Christopher Rahn and C.-Y. Wang, 2010, "Model-based electrochemical estimation and constraint management for pulse operation of lithium ion batteries", IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 18, (3), pp. 654-663
  • H. Kommepalli, H. Yu, C. Muhlstein, S. Trolier-McKinstry, Christopher Rahn and S. Tadigadapa, 2009, "Design, fabrication, and performance of a piezoelectric uniflex microactuator", IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 18, (3), pp. 616-625
  • A. Uraoka and Christopher Rahn, 2009, "Simulation of a sheet handling machine", Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 14, (4), pp. 1617-1626
  • Y. Shan, M. Philen, A. Lotfi, S. Li, C. Bakis, Christopher Rahn and K.-W. Wang, 2009, "Variable stiffness structures utilizing fluidic flexible matrix composites", Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 20, (4), pp. 443-456
  • H. Zhao and Christopher Rahn, 2008, "Iterative learning velocity and tension control for axially moving materials", ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 130, (5), pp. 051003
  • D. Trivedi and Christopher Rahn, 2008, "Optimal, model-based design of soft robotic manipulators", ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 130, (9), pp. 091402
  • D. Trivedi, Christopher Rahn, W. Kier and I. Walker, 2008, "Soft robotics: Biological inspiration, state of the art, and future research", Applied Bionics and Biomechanics, 5, (3), pp. 99-117
  • D. Trivedi, A. Lotfi and Christopher Rahn, 2008, "Geometrically exact models for soft robotic manipulators", IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 24, (4), pp. 773-780
  • A. Lotfi-Gaskarimahalle and Christopher Rahn, 2008, "Two-dimensional input shaping for one-dimensional continua", ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 130, (2), pp. 021004
  • A. Rajami, M. Grissom, Christopher Rahn and Q. Zhang, 2008, "Wound roll dielectric elastomer actuators: Fabrication, analysis and experiments", IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 13, (1), pp. 117-124
  • K. Smith, Christopher Rahn and C.-Y. Wang, 2008, "Model order reduction of 1-D diffusion systems via residue grouping", ASME J. Dynamic Systems, Measurement, & Control, 130, (1), pp. 011012
  • M. Philen, Y. Shan, P. Prakash, K. Wang, Christopher Rahn, A. Zydney and C. Bakis, 2007, "Fibrillar network adaptive structure with ion transport actuation", Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 18, (4), pp. 323-334
  • K. Smith, Christopher Rahn and C.-Y. Wang, 2007, "Control-oriented 1D electrochemical model of a lithium ion battery", Energy Conversion and Management, 48, (9), pp. 2565-2578
  • H. Zhao and Christopher Rahn, 2007, "Stability of damped membranes and plates with distributed inputs", Journal of Sound and Vibration, 302, (3), pp. 564-576
  • K. Stanney and Christopher Rahn, 2006, "Response of a tethered aerostat to simulated turbulence", Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 11, (6), pp. 759-776
  • H. Zhao and Christopher Rahn, 2006, "On the control of axially moving material systems", ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 128, (4), pp. 527-531
  • H. Zhao and Christopher Rahn, 2006, "On the boundedness of damped strings and beams with boundary and distributed inputs", Journal of Vibration and Control, 12, (6), pp. 619-633
  • Y. Shan, M. Philen, C. Bakis, K. Wang and Christopher Rahn, 2006, "Nonlinear-elastic finite axisymmetric deformation of flexible matrix composite membranes under internal pressure and axial force", Composites Science and Technology, 66, pp. 3053-3063
  • T. Clements and Christopher Rahn, 2006, "Three-dimensional contact imaging with an actuated whisker", IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 22, (4), pp. 844-848
  • P. Prakhash, M. Grissom, Christopher Rahn and A. Zydney, 2006, "Development of an electroosmotic pump for high performance actuation", Journal of Membrane Science, 286, (1-2), pp. 153-160
  • J. Clark, B. Fraser, Christopher Rahn and A. Rajamani, 2005, "Limit-cycle oscillations of a heavy whirling cable subject to aerodynamic drag", Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series A - Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences
  • J. Cheong, S. Tadigadapa and Christopher Rahn, 2005, "Fabrication and performance of a flextensional microactuator", Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 15, pp. 1-9
  • G. Scholz and Christopher Rahn, 2004, "Profile sensing with an actuated whisker", IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 20, (1), pp. 124-127
  • G. Jiao and Christopher Rahn, 2004, "Field weakening for radial force reduction in brushless permanent-magnet DC motors", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 40, (5), pp. 3286-3292
  • W. Liu and Christopher Rahn, 2003, "Fiber reinforced membrane models of McKibben actuators", ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 70, (6), pp. 853-859
  • I. Gravagne, Christopher Rahn and I. Walker, 2003, "Large deflection dynamics and control for planar continuum robots", IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 8, (2), pp. 299-307
  • C. Li and Christopher Rahn, 2002, "Design of continuous backbone, cable-driven robots", ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 124, (2), pp. 265-271
  • S. Nagarkatti, F. Zhang, B. Costic, D. Dawson and Christopher Rahn, 2002, "Speed tracking and transverse vibration control of an axially accelerating web", Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 16, (2/3), pp. 337-356
  • M. de Queiroz and Christopher Rahn, 2002, "Boundary control of vibration and noise in distributed parameter systems: An overview", Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 16, (1), pp. 19-38
  • Y. Li, D. Aron and Christopher Rahn, 2002, "Adaptive vibration isolation for axially moving strings: Theory and experiment", Automatica, 38, (ER3), pp. 379-390
  • R. Fan, S. Singh and Christopher Rahn, 2001, "Modal analysis of ballooning strings with small curvature", ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 68, pp. 332-338
  • Y. Li and Christopher Rahn, 2000, "Adaptive vibration isolation for axially moving beams", IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 5, (4)
  • C. Kopp, Christopher Rahn and F. Paul, 2000, "Measuring deformations of limp fabrics for material handling", Textile Research Journal, 70, (10), pp. 920-932
  • S. Nagarkatti, F. Zhang, Christopher Rahn and D. Dawson, 2000, "Tension and speed set-point regulation for axially moving materials", ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 122, (3), pp. 445-453
  • F. Zhu and Christopher Rahn, 2000, "Limit cycle prediction for ballooning strings", International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics, 35, (3), pp. 373-383
  • R. Wu, J. Yu, Christopher Rahn and B. Goswami, 2000, "Measurement of yarn/package friction during over-end unwinding", Textile Research Journal, 70, (4), pp. 321-327
  • F. Zhang, D. Dawson, Christopher Rahn and S. Nagarkatti, 2000, "Boundary control for a general class of nonlinear string-actuator systems", Journal of Sound and Vibration, 229, (1), pp. 113-132
  • D. Ertur, Y. Li and Christopher Rahn, 1999, "Adaptive vibration isolation for flexible structures", ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 121, (4), pp. 440-445
  • Christopher Rahn, F. Zhang, S. Joshi and D. Dawson, 1999, "Asymptotically stabilizing angle feedback for a flexible cable gantry crane", ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 121, (3), pp. 563-566
  • C. Baicu, Christopher Rahn and D. Dawson, 1999, "Exponentially stabilizing boundary control of string-mass systems", Journal of Vibration and Control, 5, (3), pp. 491-502
  • X. Kong, Christopher Rahn and B. Goswami, 1999, "Steady state unwinding of yarn from cylindrical packages", Textile Research Journal, 69, (4), pp. 292-306
  • S. Shenoy and Christopher Rahn, 1999, "Neural adaptive control for positioning fabric on a frictional surface", ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 121, pp. 127-133
  • M. de Queiroz, D. Dawson, Christopher Rahn and F. Zhang, 1999, "Adaptive vibration control of an axially moving string", ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 121, pp. 41-49
  • H. Canbolat, D. Dawson, Christopher Rahn and S. Nagarkatti, 1998, "Adaptive boundary control of out-of-plane cable vibration", ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 65, (4), pp. 963-969
  • F. Zhu and Christopher Rahn, 1998, "Stability analysis of a circularly towed cable-body system", Journal of Sound and Vibration, 217, (3), pp. 435-452
  • B. McDow and Christopher Rahn, 1998, "Adaptive web tension control using dancer arms", TAPPI Journal, 81, (10), pp. 197-205
  • C. Baicu, Christopher Rahn and D. Dawson, 1998, "Backstepping boundary control of flexible link electrically driven gantry robots", IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 3, (1), pp. 60-66
  • F. Zhu, K. Hall and Christopher Rahn, 1998, "Steady state response and stability of ballooning strings in air", International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics, 33, (1), pp. 33-46
  • A. Renshaw, Christopher Rahn, J. Wickert and C. Mote Jr., 1998, "Energy and conserved functionals for axially moving materials", ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 120, (2), pp. 634-636
  • H. Canbolat, D. Dawson, Christopher Rahn and P. Vedagarbha, 1998, "Boundary control of a cantilevered flexible beam with point-mass dynamics at the free end", Mechatronics, 8, (3), pp. 163-186
  • R. Sharma and Christopher Rahn, 1998, "An experimental study of ballooning yarn with a control ring", Journal of the Textile Institute. Part 1: Fibre Science and Textile Technology, 89, (4), pp. 621-634
  • Christopher Rahn and S. Joshi, 1998, "Modeling and control of an electrorheological beam", ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 120, (1), pp. 221-227
  • F. Zhu, R. Sharma and Christopher Rahn, 1997, "Vibrations of ballooning elastic strings", ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 64, (3), pp. 676-683
  • Christopher Rahn, 1996, "Stabilizability conditions for strictly bilinear systems with purely imaginary spectra", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 41, (9), pp. 1346-1347
  • Christopher Rahn and C. Mote Jr., 1996, "Parametric control of conservative mechanical systems", ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 118, (2), pp. 309-314
  • Christopher Rahn and C. Mote Jr., 1996, "Axial force stabilization of transverse vibration in pinned and clamped beams", ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 118, (2), pp. 379-380
  • C. Baicu, Christopher Rahn and B. Nibali, 1996, "Active boundary control of elastic cables: Theory and experiment", Journal of Sound and Vibration, 198, (1), pp. 17-26
  • Christopher Rahn and C. Mote Jr., 1994, "Parametric control of flexible systems", ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 116, (3), pp. 379-385
  • Christopher Rahn and C. Mote Jr., 1993, "On the stability of the damped Hill's equation with arbitrary, bounded parametric excitation", ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 60, (2), pp. 366-370
  • Christopher Rahn, 1992, "Asymptotic disturbance rejection for momentum bias spacecraft", AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 15, (5), pp. 1294-1296
  • Christopher Rahn and P. Barba, 1991, "Reorientation maneuver for spinning spacecraft", AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 14, (4), pp. 724-728

Conference Proceedings

  • Christopher Rahn, 2024, "Moon, J., K. Bhaskar, and C. Rahn, “Short Circuit Estimation in Lithium-Ion Batteries Using Moving Horizon Estimation,” 2024 MECC, Chicago, October 2024."
  • Christopher Rahn, 2024, "Cleary, T., D. Wang, D. Wang, H. Fathy, and C. Rahn, “All-Solid-State Lithium Sulfur Cell Safety Characterization,” 2024 MECC, Chicago, October 2024."
  • Christopher Rahn, 2024, "Ahuja, N., K. Bhaskar, M. Rackaitis, C. Moore, and C. Rahn, “State of Health Estimation Using Temperature Sensors During Charging in Li-Ion Batteries,” 2024 MECC, Chicago, October 2024."
  • Christopher Rahn, 2024, "Ahuja, N., K. Bhaskar, J. Martin, C. Rahn, and H. Pangborn, “MPC-Based Real-Time Energy Management of Freight Hybrid Locomotives,” 2024 MECC, Chicago, October 2024. Invited Paper."
  • Christopher Rahn, 2024, "Bhaskar, K., S. Vyas, S. Padisala, C. Rahn, X. Hu, and S. Dey, “Dynamical Modeling of Battery Life-Cycle Ecosystem,” 2024 MECC, Chicago, October 2024. Invited Paper."
  • Christopher Rahn, 2024, "Shan, S. and C. Rahn, “Electrolyte-Enhanced Single Particle Lithium Cell Models Including Electrolyte Convection,” 2024 MECC, Chicago, October 2024. Invited Paper."
  • Christopher Rahn, 2024, "Bhaskar, K., C. Rahn, and S. Dey, “Data-Driven Learning-Based Sensor Placement and Temperature Distribution Reconstruction in Lithium-Ion Pouch Cells,” 2024 MECC, Chicago, October 2024."
  • Christopher Rahn, 2024, "Bhaskar, K., J. Moon, and C. Rahn, “Post-Damage Short Circuit Detection in Lithium-ion Batteries,” 2024 American Control Conference, Toronto."
  • Christopher Rahn, 2024, "Cho, C., C. Rahn, E. Smith, and P. Singh, “Active Vibration Damping and Harmonic Vibration Reduction in an eVTOL Aircraft Model Using Electric Rotor Torque,” 2024 VHS Forum, Montreal, May 2024."
  • K Bhaskar, A Kumar, J. Bunce, J. Pressman, N. Burkell, N. Miller and Christopher Rahn, 2023, "State of Charge and State of Health estimation in large lithium-ion battery packs"
  • C Cho, S Kelley, J Tylka, M He, N Nandola and Christopher Rahn, 2023, "Improving Nonuniform Utilization of Li-Ion Pouch Cells Using Tapered Electrodes Through Calendering"
  • N Ahuja, J Martin, M Yukish, G Stump, L Bennett, B Schlake, J Anstrom and Christopher Rahn, 2023, "Route Based Fuel Savings of Freight Train Hybridization"
  • T D Cleary, D Wang, D Wang, H Fathy and Christopher Rahn, 2023, "Laboratory Setup for Solid-State Battery Pressure Characterization and Control"
  • G Rai, Christopher Rahn, E Smith and C Marr, 2023, "Dynamic Antiresonant Vibration Isolators with Flexible Levers and Elastic Boundary Conditions"
  • C Cho, Christopher Rahn, E Smith and J Cusumano, 2023, "Thrust Control and Vibration Damping Using a Wingtip Electric Proprotor"
  • K Bhaskar, A Kumar, J Bunce, J Pressman, N Burkell and Christopher Rahn, 2022, "Detecting synthetic anomalies using median-based residuals in lithium-ion cell groups"
  • M Parekh and Christopher Rahn, 2022, "Normal Electrolyte Flow Helps in Controlling Dendrite Growth in Zinc Metal Batteries"
  • C Gonzalez, S Shan, M Frecker and Christopher Rahn, 2021, "1D Shape Matching of a Lithium-Ion Battery Actuator"
  • S Shan, C Gonzalez, Christopher Rahn and M Frecker, 2021, "Experimental Study of NCM-SI Batteries with Bi-Directional Actuation"
  • A Saxena, G Rai, V Lanari, Christopher Rahn and G Manogharan, 2021, "Strain-Coupled Fluidlastic Circuits Inside Metal Additive Manufactured Structures"
  • G Rai, Christopher Rahn, C Rahn, E Smith and C Marr, 2021, "Vibration Isolation in Continuous Beam Networks"
  • M Trowbridge, V Lanari, Christopher Rahn and E Smith, 2020, "Design, Modeling, and Testing of a Fluidic Flexible Matrix Composite Damped Absorber Prototype for Stiff-Inplane Hingeless Rotorcraft Blades"
  • M Garg, T Tanim, Christopher Rahn, H Bryngelsson and N Legnedahl, 2019, "Temperature control to reduce capacity mismatch in parallel-connected lithium ion cells"
  • C Gonzalez, J Ma, M Frecker and Christopher Rahn, 2019, "Analytical Modeling and Simulation of the Blocked Force and Large Deformation of Multifunctional Segmented Lithium Ion Battery Unimorph Actuator"
  • Cody Gonzalez, Jun Ma, Mary I Frecker and Christopher Rahn, 2018, "Analytical Modeling of a Multifunctional Segmented Lithium Ion Battery Unimorph Actuator", ASME
  • Jun Ma, Cody Gonzalez, Christopher Rahn, Mary I Frecker and Donghai Wang, 2018, "Experimental Study of Multifunctional NCM-Si Batteries With Self-Actuation", ASME
  • Alex J. Grede, Gregory S. Brulo, Andrew J. Ren, Matthew D. Lenko, Christopher Rahn and Noel Giebink, 2018, "Motorless Microtracking for Rooftop CPV", IEEE
  • Tahzib Safwat, Zoubeida Ounaies and Christopher Rahn, 2018, "Modeling and design of electromagnetic and piezoelectric chest strain energy harvesters including soft tissue effects", SPIE
  • Christopher Rahn, 2017, "Experimental validation of multi-mode tailboom passive vibration control using fluidic flexible matrix composite tubes"
  • Christopher Rahn, 2017, "Optimal temperature trajectory for maximum lithium ion battery charge acceptance"
  • Christopher Rahn, 2016, "An intelligent nail design for lithium ion battery penetration test"
  • Christopher Rahn, 2016, "Optimal battery-structure composites for electric vehicles"
  • Christopher Rahn, 2016, "Finite element modeling of fluidic flexible matrix composite (F2MC) treatments for bending and torsional vibration control"
  • Christopher Rahn, 2016, "A dynamic model of electrostrictive unimorph actuators for haptic devices"
  • Christopher Rahn, 2016, "Piezoelectric compliant mechanism energy harvesters excited under large base accelerations"
  • Christopher Rahn, 2016, "Pitch-flap stability of an articulated rotor with fluidic pitch links"
  • Matthew Krott, Kentaro Miura, Christopher Rahn and Edward Smith, 2016, "Finite element modeling of fluidic flexible matrix composite (F2MC) treatments for bending and torsional vibration control", 57th AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, pp. 1479
  • Xiaokun Ma and Christopher Rahn, 2015, "Efficient aeroelastic energy harvesting from HVAC ducts", ASME 2015 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, pp. V002T22A003–V002T22A003
  • Tanvir R Tanim, Christopher Rahn and Niklas Legnedahl, 2015, "Elevated temperatures can extend the life of lithium iron phosphate cells in hybrid electric vehicles", ASME 2015 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, pp. V002T26A003–V002T26A003
  • Kentaro Miura, Bin Zhu, Christopher Rahn, Edward Smith and Charles E Bakis, 2015, "Vibration isolation of a cantilever beam using fluidic flexible matrix composite tubes", ASME 2015 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, pp. V008T13A048–V008T13A048
  • Hong Goo Yeo, Charles Yeager, Xiaokun Ma, J Israel Ramirez, Kaige G Sun, Christopher Rahn, Thomas N Jackson and Susan E Trolier-McKinstry, 2014, "Piezoelectric MEMS energy harvesters", pp. V002T02A019–V002T02A019
  • Guangsheng Zhang, Lei Cao, Shanhai Ge, Chao-Yang Wang, Christian E Shaffer and Christopher Rahn, 2014, "In situ measurement of temperature distribution in cylindrical Li-ion cells", 226th ECS Meeting, Cancun, Mexico
  • Tanvir R Tanim, Christopher Rahn and Chao-Yang Wang, 2014, "A reduced order electrolyte enhanced single particle lithium ion cell model for hybrid vehicle applications", American Control Conference (ACC), pp. 141–146
  • Bin Zhu, Matthew J Krott, Christopher Rahn and Charles E Bakis, 2014, "Experimental characterization of a cantilever beam with a fluidic flexible matrix composite vibration treatment", ASME 2014 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, pp. V008T11A009–V008T11A009
  • Kentaro Miura, Christopher Rahn and Edward Smith, 2014, "Passive tailboom vibration control using fluidic flexible matrix composite (F2MC) tubes", Proceedings of the 55th AIAA/AS-ME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference
  • Y. Shi and Christopher Rahn, 2013, "A control-oriented model for lead-acid batteries including degradation", 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
  • A. Vashisth, B. Zhu, B. Wimmer, C. Bakis and Christopher Rahn, 2013, "Evaluation of millimeter-size fluidic flexible matrix composite tubes", SMASIS2013
  • B. Zhu, Christopher Rahn and C. Bakis, 2013, "Design of a fluidic flexible matrix composite damping treatment for a cantilever beam", American Society for Composites 28th Technical Conference
  • B. Zhu, Christopher Rahn and C. Bakis, 2013, "Tunable vibration absorption of a cantilever beam utilizing fluidic flexible matrix composites", 2013 ASME IDETC
  • B. Zhu, Christopher Rahn and C. Bakis, 2013, "Vibration damping of a cantilever beam utilizing fluidic flexible matrix composites", SPIE Smart Structures and Materials Conference, San Diego, CA
  • G. Zhang, L. Cao, S. Ge, C.-Y. Wang, C. Shaffer and Christopher Rahn, 2013, "In situ measurement of Li-ion battery internal temperature", The Electrochemical Society, 10, pp. 538-538
  • Y. Shi, Christopher Rahn and C. Ferone, 2012, "Capacity recovery of a sulfated lead-acid battery using pressure feedback charging control", Dynamic Systems and Control Conference
  • G. Prasad and Christopher Rahn, 2012, "Development of a first principles equivalent circuit model for a lithium ion battery", Dynamic Systems and Control Conference
  • Z. Shen and Christopher Rahn, 2012, "Model-based state-of-charge estimation for a valve-regulated lead-acid battery", Dynamic Systems and Control Conference
  • N. Kurczewski, L. Scarborough, Christopher Rahn and E. Smith, 2012, "Coupled fluidic vibration isolators for rotorcraft pitch link loads reduction", 2012 ASME IDETC, DETC2012-70174
  • L. Scarborough, Christopher Rahn, E. Smith and K. Koudela, 2012, "Coupled pitch links for multi-harmonic isolation using fluidic circuits", 2012 ASME IDETC, DETC2012-70334
  • Y. Shi, C. Ferone, C. Rao and Christopher Rahn, 2012, "Nondestructive forensic pathology of lead-acid batteries", American Control Conference
  • B. Wimmer, B. Zhu, C. Bakis and Christopher Rahn, 2012, "Actuation behavior of multi-layer flexible matrix composite tubes with internal pressurization", International SAMPE Technical Conference
  • S. Gottimukkula and Christopher Rahn, 2011, "Design of circularly towed cable body systems", 2011 ASME IDETC, DETC2011-47465
  • Y. Shi, G. Prasad, Y. Shen and Christopher Rahn, 2011, "Discretization methods for battery systems modeling", 2011 American Control Conference, pp. 356-361
  • D. Han, Christopher Rahn and E. Smith, 2011, "Pitch link loads analysis of a variable speed rotor", 67th Annual Forum Proceedings - AHS International, pp. Paper 348
  • Christopher Rahn, and , , 2011, "Loads reduction using coupled fluidic pitch links", 52nd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference
  • T. Levard, P. Diglio, L. Gorny, Christopher Rahn, Q. Zhang and M. Lin, 2011, "PVDF actuators for Braille displays: Design, fabrication process, and testing", SPIE Smart Structures and Materials Conference, pp. Paper 7976-36
  • Z. Shen, J. Gou, Christopher Rahn and C.-Y. Wang, 2011, "Ritz model of a lead-acid battery with application to electric locomotives", Dynamic Systems and Control Conference
  • H. Kommepalli, K. Mateti, Christopher Rahn and S. Tadigadapa, 2010, "Displacement and blocking force performance of T-beam actuators", 2010 ASME IDETC, DETC2010-28370
  • D. Trivedi, D. Lesutis and Christopher Rahn, 2010, "Dexterity and workspace analysis of two soft robotic manipulator designs", 2010 ASME IDETC, DETC2010-28719
  • A. Lotfi and Christopher Rahn, 2009, "Switched stiffness vibration controllers for fluidic flexible matrix composites", 2009 ASME IDETC, DETC2009-111
  • D. Trivedi and Christopher Rahn, 2009, "Shape sensing for soft robotic manipulators", 2009 ASME IDETC, DETC2009-87598
  • H. Kommepalli and Christopher Rahn, 2009, "Optimization of piezoelectric uniflex microactuators", 2009 ASME IDETC, DETC2009-87594
  • A. Lotfi, Y. Shan, S. Li, Christopher Rahn, C. Bakis and K.-W. Wang, 2008, "Stiffness shaping for zero vibration fluidic flexible matrix composites", ASME Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems, SMASIS08-501
  • K. Smith, Christopher Rahn and C.-Y. Wang, 2008, "Model-based electrochemical estimation of lithium ion batteries", IEEE International Conference on Control Applications (CCA2008), pp. 714-719
  • H. Kommepalli, H. Yu, S. Tadigadapa, Christopher Rahn, S. Trolier-McKinstry and C. Muhlstein, 2008, "Displacement and blocking force modeling for piezoelectric uniflex microactuators", 2008 ASME IDETC, DETC2008-49897
  • H. Kommepalli, A. Hirsch, Christopher Rahn and S. Tadigadapa, 2008, "Piezoelectric T-beam microactuators", 2008 ASME IDETC, DETC2008-49886
  • S. Li, A. Lotfi, Y. Shan, K.-W. Wang, Christopher Rahn and C. Bakis, 2008, "A variable transverse stiffness sandwich structure using fluidic flexible matrix composite (F2MC)", SPIE Smart Structures and Materials Conference Proceedings, 6928
  • H. Zhao and Christopher Rahn, 2007, "Repetitive contact imaging", 21st Biennial Conference on Mechanical Vibration and Noise, DETC2007-35586
  • D. Trivedi, D. Dienno and Christopher Rahn, 2007, "Optimal, model-based design of soft robotic manipulators", 21st Biennial Conference on Mechanical Vibration and Noise, DETC2007-35612
  • M. Philen, U. Shan, K. Wang, C. Bakis and Christopher Rahn, 2007, "Fluidic flexible matrix composites for the tailoring of variable stiffness adaptive structures", 48th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, AIAA-2007-1703
  • D. Trivedi, A. Lotfi and Christopher Rahn, 2007, "Geometrically exact dynamic models for soft robotic manipulators", Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp. 1497-1502
  • A. Lotfi-Gaskarimahalle and Christopher Rahn, 2006, "Two dimensional input shaping for one dimensional continua", ASME IMECHE, ASME IMECHE2006-14611
  • M. Philen, Y. Shan, C. Bakis, K.-W. Wang and Christopher Rahn, 2006, "Variable stiffness adaptive structures utilizing hydraulically pressurized flexible matrix composites with valve control", 14th AIAA/ASME/AHS Adaptive Structures Conference, AIAA-2006-2134
  • W. McMahan, M. Pritts, V. Chitrakara, D. Dienno, B. Jones, M. Grissom, M. Csencsits, V. Iyengar, I. Walker, Christopher Rahn and D. Dawson, 2006, "Field trials and testing of the OctArm continuum manipulator", 2006 ICRA, pp. 2336-2341
  • H. Zhao, Christopher Rahn and H. Canbolat, 2005, "Repetitive control for an electrostatic microbridge", 2005 ASME IMECE, ASME IMECE2005-80019
  • H. Zhao and Christopher Rahn, 2005, "Iterative learning velocity and tension control for axially moving materials", ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences, ASME DETC2005-84700
  • J. Cheong, S. Tadigadapa and Christopher Rahn, 2005, "Dynamic response of a piezoelectric flextensional microactuator", ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences, ASME DETC2005-84701
  • A. Rajamani, M. Grissom, Christopher Rahn, Y. Ma and Q. Zhang, 2005, "Wound roll dielectric elastomer actuators: Fabrication, analysis and experiments", 2005 IROS, pp. 2587-2592
  • T. Clements and Christopher Rahn, 2005, "Three-dimensional contact imaging with an actuated whisker", 2005 IROS, pp. 1640-1645
  • H. Zhao and Christopher Rahn, 2005, "Stability of damped membranes and plates with distributed inputs", 2005 American Control Conference, WeB07.2
  • H. Zhao and Christopher Rahn, 2004, "On the boundedness of damped strings and beams with boundary and distributed inputs", CDC 2004, FrC01.4
  • K. Stanney and Christopher Rahn, 2004, "Response of a tethered aerostat to simulated turbulence", ASME IMECE 2004-59166
  • A. Docimo and Christopher Rahn, 2004, "Nonlinear dynamic simulation and stress prediction for a tethered aerostat", ASME IMECE 2004-59167
  • M. Pritts and Christopher Rahn, 2004, "Design of an artificial muscle continuum robot", ICRA, pp. 4742-4746
  • J. Cheong, S. Tadigadapa and Christopher Rahn, 2004, "Solder bonding based on indium and indium-tin alloys for MEMS fabrication", Proceedings of SPIE, 5343, pp. 5343-15
  • J. Cheong, S. Tadigadapa and Christopher Rahn, 2004, "Piezoelectric micro flextensional actuator", Proceedings of SPIE, 5344, pp. 5344-14
  • M. Philen, Y. Shan, P. Prakash, K.-W. Wang, Christopher Rahn, A. Zydney and C. Bakis, 2004, "Fibrillar network adaptive structure with ion transport actuation", International Conference on Adaptive Structure Technology
  • G. Scholz and Christopher Rahn, 2002, "Profile sensing with an actuated whisker", IMECE2002-33988
  • W. Reutzel and Christopher Rahn, 2002, "Adaptive backstepping control of an artificial muscle actuator driving and inertial load", IMECE2002-33540
  • G. Jiao and Christopher Rahn, 2002, "Current waveform optimization for low noise permanent magnet motors", IMECE2002-33058
  • S. Nagarkatti, Christopher Rahn, D. Dawson and E. Zereroglu, 2001, "Observer-based modal control of flexible systems using distributed sensing", Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 4268-4273
  • I. Gravagne, Christopher Rahn and I. Walker, 2001, "Large deflection dynamics and control for planar continuum robots", ASME 2001 Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, DETC2001/VIB-21530
  • I. Gravagne, Christopher Rahn and I. Walker, 2001, "Good vibrations: A vibration damping setpoint controller for continuum robots", IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp. 3877-3884
  • S. Nagarkatti, Christopher Rahn, D. Dawson and S. Singh, 2000, "Adaptive boundary control for noise reduction in finite ducts", 7th Mechatronics Forum International Congress
  • Y. Li, A. Malatpure and Christopher Rahn, 2000, "Adaptive noise isolation in finite ducts", ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, 107, pp. 11-21
  • Christopher Rahn, 2000, "Modal control of flexible systems using distributed sensing", ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, 61, pp. 101-108
  • C. Li and Christopher Rahn, 2000, "Nonlinear kinematics of a continuous backbone, cable-driven robot", 20th Southeastern Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (SECTAM XX)
  • F. Zhang, S. Nagarkatti, B. Costic, D. Dawson and Christopher Rahn, 1999, "Velocity tracking control of an axially accelerating string and actuator system", Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 4325-4330
  • Y. Li and Christopher Rahn, 1999, "Vibration isolation control for an axially moving beam", ASME 17th Biennial Conference on Mechanical Vibration and Noise
  • R. Fan, S. Singh and Christopher Rahn, 1999, "Modal analysis of ballooning strings with small sag", ASME 17th Biennial Conference on Mechanical Vibration and Noise
  • S. Nagarkatti, F. Zhang, Christopher Rahn and D. Dawson, 1999, "Tension and speed setpoint regulation for axially moving materials", ASME 17th Biennial Conference on Mechanical Vibration and Noise
  • S. Nagarkatti, F. Zhang, Christopher Rahn and D. Dawson, 1999, "Backstepping boundary control for noise reduction in finite ducts", IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, pp. 836-841
  • Y. Li, D. Aron and Christopher Rahn, 1999, "Vibration isolation control for axially moving strings", American Control Conference, pp. 2708-2712
  • F. Zhu and Christopher Rahn, 1998, "Limit cycle prediction for ballooning strings", 1998 ASME International Congress, 98, pp. 181-188
  • D. Ertur, Y. Li and Christopher Rahn, 1998, "Adaptive vibration control for flexible structures", 1998 ASME International Congress, 97, pp. 49-55
  • S. Shenoy and Christopher Rahn, 1998, "Neural adaptive control for positioning fabric on a frictional surface", 1998 ASME International Congress
  • J. Clark, W. Fraser, R. Sharma and Christopher Rahn, 1998, "The dynamic response of a ballooning yarn: Theory and experiment", Royal Society of London Series A: Mathematical, Physical, and Engineering Sciences, 454, (1978), pp. 2767-2789
  • S. Mast, Christopher Rahn and F. Paul, 1998, "Iterative techniques for fabric position control during folding", 35th Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science (SES)
  • F. Zhu and Christopher Rahn, 1997, "Stability analysis of a circularly towed cable-body system", 25th Midwestern Mechanics Conference
  • F. Zhu, R. Sharma and Christopher Rahn, 1997, "Vibrations of ballooning elastic strings", Proceedings of the 1997 ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference
  • M. de Queiroz, D. Dawson, Christopher Rahn and F. Zhang, 1997, "Vibration control of a distributed axially moving string using two actuators", Proceedings of the 1997 ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference
  • H. Canbolat, D. Dawson, Christopher Rahn and S. Nagarkatti, 1997, "Boundary control of a flexible cable with actuator dynamics", American Control Conference, pp. 3547-3551
  • H. Canbolat, D. Dawson and Christopher Rahn, 1997, "Boundary control of a cantilevered flexible beam with point-mass dynamics at the free end", 38th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, pp. 1589-1598
  • F. Zhu, K. Hall and Christopher Rahn, 1997, "Steady state response and stability of ballooning strings", Pan-American Congress of Applied Mechanics (PACAM) V, pp. 449-452
  • T. Burg, D. Dawson, Christopher Rahn and W. Rhodes, 1996, "Nonlinear control of an overhead crane via the saturating control approach of Teel", IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation, 4, pp. 3155-3160
  • C. Baicu, Christopher Rahn and D. Dawson, 1996, "Boundary control of a flexible link electrically driven gantry robot", 1996 ASME International Conference, Active Control of Vibration and Noise, pp. 109-115
  • J. Malsam, Christopher Rahn, P. Vedagarbha and D. Dawson, 1996, "Adaptive backstepping tension control of a ballooning yarn", 1996 ASME International Conference, Textile Engineering Division, pp. 25-31
  • C. Baicu and Christopher Rahn, 1996, "Active boundary control of a flexible single link gantry robot", 1996 IFAC Conference, pp. 103-108
  • Christopher Rahn, D. Dawson and F. Paul, 1995, "Development of a cross-disciplinary mechatronics course", Proceedings of the 1995 Frontiers in Education Conference, pp. 4a1.10-4a1.13
  • C. Baicu and Christopher Rahn, 1995, "Active boundary control of an elastic cable", ASME 1995 Design Engineering Technical Conferences, pp. 143-147
  • K. Hall, F. Zhu and Christopher Rahn, 1995, "Three dimensional vibration of a ballooning string", ASME 1995 Design Engineering Technical Conferences, pp. 1411-1418
  • C. Baicu, Christopher Rahn and D. Dawson, 1995, "Robust and adaptive tracking control of a rigid link in a cross flow", American Control Conference, pp. 2985-2989
  • S. Joshi and Christopher Rahn, 1995, "Position control of a flexible cable gantry crane: Theory and experiment", American Control Conference, pp. 2820-2824
  • Christopher Rahn, 1995, "Approximate nonlinear control for a two degree of freedom overhead crane: Theory and experimentation", American Control Conference, pp. 301-305
  • Christopher Rahn and S. Joshi, 1994, "Modeling and control of an electrorheological beam", Active Control of Vibration and Noise, ASME Design Engineering Division, 75
  • Christopher Rahn and C. Mote Jr., 1993, "Axial force stabilization of transverse beam vibration", Vibration and Control of Mechanical Systems, ASME Design Engineering Division, 61
  • Christopher Rahn and C. Mote Jr., 1992, "Parametric control of conservative mechanical systems", Symposium on Active Control of Noise and Vibration, ASME Winter Annual Meeting
  • Christopher Rahn and P. Barba, 1989, "Reorientation maneuver for spinning spacecraft", Proceedings of the AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference
  • Christopher Rahn and B. Gretz, 1989, "Environmental disturbance torque rejection for momentum bias stabilized spacecraft", Proceedings of the AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference


  • K. Mateti, R. Byrne-Dugan, S. Tadigadapa and Christopher Rahn, 2012, "SUEX flapping wing mechanisms for pico air vehicles"
  • K. Mateti, R. Byrne-Dugan, S. Tadigadapa and Christopher Rahn, 2012, "Wing rotation and lift modeling and measurement in SUEX flapping wing mechanisms"
  • B. Zhu, Christopher Rahn and C. Bakis, 2011, "Tailored fluidic composites for stiffness or volume change", pp. SMASIS2011-4962
  • L. Scarborough, Christopher Rahn and C. Rahn, 2010, "Fluidic composite tunable vibration isolators"
  • K. Mateti, Z. Zhang, S. Tadigadapa and Christopher Rahn, 2010, "Thrust modeling and measurement for clapping wing nano air vehicles actuated by piezoelectric T-beams"
  • Z. Zhang, K. Mateti, S. Tadigadapa and Christopher Rahn, 2010, "Micromachined multifunctional piezoelectric T-beam transducers"
  • D. Han, E. Smith and Christopher Rahn, 2010, "Pitch link loads reduction using fluidlastic isolators"
  • A. Lotfi and Christopher Rahn, 2009, "Semi-active vibration control of a harmonically excited variable stiffness structure"
  • K. Mateti, H. Kommepalli, S. Tadigadapa and Christopher Rahn, 2009, "Clapping wing nano air vehicle using piezoelectric T-beam actuators"
  • P. Montanye, E. Smith, Christopher Rahn and S. Conlon, 2009, "Shipboard helicopter gust response alleviation using active trailing edge flaps", 2, pp. 1604-1616
  • A. Lotfi and Christopher Rahn, 2008, "Control of slender structures"
  • A. Uraoka and Christopher Rahn, 2007, "Behavior of a curved sheet handled in a feeding machine"
  • K. Smith, C.-Y. Wang and Christopher Rahn, 2006, "1-D electrochemical lithium ion battery model for real-time application"
  • W. McMahan, M. Pritts, V. Chitrakara, D. Dienno, B. Jones, M. Grissom, M. Csencsits, V. Iyengar, I. Walker, Christopher Rahn and D. Dawson, 2006, "Design and experimental testing of the OctArm soft robot manipulator"
  • I. Walker, D. Dawson, T. Flash, F. Grasso, R. Hanlon, B. Hochner, W. Kier, C. Pagano, Christopher Rahn and Q. Zhang, 2005, "Continuum robot arms inspired by cephalopods"

Research Projects

Honors and Awards

  • 2024 ASME Robert E. Abbott Award, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, August 2024 - 2024


Service to Penn State:

Service to External Organizations:

  • Participation in or Service to Professional and Learned Societies, Editorial Board Member, eTransportation, 2018 - 2024
  • Participation in or Service to Professional and Learned Societies, Technical Editor, ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 2018 - 2024
  • Participation in or Service to Professional and Learned Societies, Board Member, Journal of Energy Storage, July 2015 - 2024



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