Photo of Jing Du

Jing Du

Associate Professor


  • Mechanical Engineering

316A Leonhard Building


Personal or Departmental Website

Interest Areas:

Solid mechanics, Fracture mechanics, Biomechanics, Biomaterials, Bio-inspired design, Medical devices, Electronic devices.





Journal Articles

  • Yanran Wang, Jonghyuk Baek, Yichun Tang, Jing Du, Michael Hillman and Jiun-Shyan Chen, 2023, "Support vector machine guided reproducing kernel particle method for image-based modeling of microstructures", Computational Mechanics, pp. 1-36
  • Gongyuan Liu, Yichun Tang, Khalid Hattar, Yuzhou Wang, William Windes, Md Amanul Haque and Jing Du, 2023, "An investigation of fracture behaviors of NBG-18 nuclear graphite using in situ mechanical testing coupled with micro-CT", Journal of Materials Research, 38, pp. 1984–1993
  • Yuxiao Zhou and Jing Du, 2022, "Atomic force microscopy (AFM) and its applications to bone-related research", Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology, (176), pp. 52-66
  • Xinyu Tan, Ethan Gerhard, Yuqi Wang, Richard T Tran, Hui Xu, Su Yan, Elias B Rizk, April D. Armstrong, Yuxiao Zhou, Jing Du, Xiaochun Bai and Jian Yang, 2022, "Development of Biodegradable Osteopromotive Citrate-Based Bone Putty", Small, 18, (36), pp. 2203003
  • Jing Du, Dinesh Katti and Vinoy Thomas, 2022, "Interactions between Biomaterials and Biological Tissues and Cells, Part I", JOM, 74, (9), pp. 3334--3335
  • Kangning Su, Chengyao Gao, Guoxian Qiu, Li Yuan, Jie Yang and Jing Du, 2022, "Numerical Simulation of Mechanically Adaptive Bone Remodeling Around Teeth and Implants: A Comparison with Clinical Images", JOM, 74, (12), pp. 4640--4651
  • Jing Du, Dinesh Katti and Hendrik Heinz, 2021, "Multiscale experiments and modeling in biomaterials and biological materials, part II (Editorial Commentary)", JOM, 73, pp. 2332–2334
  • Yichun Tang, Kangning Su, Ruyi Man, Michael Hillman and Jing Du, 2021, "Investigation of internal cracks in epoxy-alumina using in situ mechanical testing coupled with micro-CT (Invited Paper)", JOM, 73, pp. 2452–2459
  • Jiarui Wang, Guohua Zhou, Michael Hillman, Anna Madra, Yuri Bazilevs, Jing Du and Kangning Su, 2021, "Consistent immersed volumetric Nitsche methods for composite analysis", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 385, pp. 114042
  • Jing Du, Dinesh Katti and Hendrik Heinz, 2021, "Multiscale experiments and modeling in biomaterials and biological materials, part I (Editorial Commentary)", JOM, 73, (6), pp. 1673-1675
  • Kangning Su, Yuxiao Zhou, Mehran Hossaini-Zadeh and Jing Du, 2021, "Effects of implant buccal distance on peri-implant strain: A micro-CT based finite element analysis", Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 116, pp. 104325
  • Yuxiao Zhou, Junlong Dang, Ye Chen, Song Guo Zheng and Jing Du, 2021, "Microstructure and mechanical behaviors of tibia for collagen induced arthritic mice treated with gingiva-derived mesenchymal stem cells", Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 124, pp. 104719
  • Yuxiao Zhou, Chujie Gong, Mehran Hossaini-Zadeh and Jing Du, 2020, "3D full-field strain in bone-implant and bone-tooth constructs and their morphological influential factors", Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 110, pp. 103858
  • Yuxiao Zhou, Markus Kastner, Timothy Tighe and Jing Du, 2020, "Elastic modulus mapping for bovine cortical bone from submillimeter- to submicron-scales using PeakForce Tapping atomic force microscopy", Extreme Mechanics Letters, 41, pp. 101031
  • Dave Schmitthenner, Carolyn Sweeny, Jing Du and Anne Martin, 2020, "The effect of stiff foot plate length on walking gait mechanics", Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 142, (9), pp. 091012
  • Yuxiao Zhou, Chujie Gong, Gregory Stephen Lewis, April D. Armstrong and Jing Du, 2020, "3D full-field biomechanical testing of a glenoid before and after implant placement", Extreme Mechanics Letters, 35, pp. 100614
  • Kangning Su, Li Yuan, Jie Yang and Jing Du, 2019, "Numerical study of mandible bone remodeling under tooth loading: A parametric study", Scientific Reports, 9, pp. 14887
  • Qiyuan Mao, Kangning Su, Yuxiao Zhou, Mehran Hossaini-Zadeh, Gregory Stephen Lewis and Jing Du, 2019, "Voxel-based micro-finite element analysis of dental implants in a human cadaveric mandible: Tissue modulus assignment and sensitivity analyses", Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 94, pp. 229 - 237
  • Yuqian Jiang, Yuxiao Zhou, Xiaoping Bao, Chuanxin Chen, Lauren Randolph, Jing Du and Xiaojun Lian, 2018, "An ultrasensitive calcium reporter system via CRISPR-Cas9 mediated genome editing in human pluripotent stem cells", iScience, 9, pp. 27-35
  • Jingjie Hu, Yuxiao Zhou, John Obayemi, Jing Du and Wole Soboyejo, 2018, "An investigation of the viscoelastic properties and the actin cytoskeletal structure of triple negative breast cancer cells", Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 86, pp. 1-13
  • J Asare, E Türköz, B Agyei-Tuffour, O K Oyewole, A A Fashina, Jing Du, M G Zebaze Kana and W O Soboyejo, 2017, "Effects of pre-buckling on the bending of organic electronic structure", AIP Advances, 7, pp. 045204
  • J. Asare, S. A. Adeniji, O. K. Oyewole, B. Agyei-Tuffour, Jing Du, E. Arthur, A. A. Fashina, M. G. Zebaze Kana and W. O. Soboyejo, 2016, "Cold welding of organic light emitting diode: Interfacial and contact models", AIP Advances, 6, (6), pp. 065125
  • V.C. Anye, M.G. Zebaze Kana, Jing Du and Wole Soboyejo, 2015, "Effect of pressure and MoO3 hole injection layer on the current-voltage characteristics of organic light emitting diodes", Advanced Materials Research, 1132, pp. 160–165
  • Jing Du, J. Lee, A. T. Jang, A. Gu, M. Hossaini-Zadeh, R. Prevost, D. A. Curtis and S. P. Ho, 2015, "Biomechanics and strain mapping in bone as related to immediately-loaded dental implants", Journal of Biomechanics, 48, (12), pp. 3486-3494
  • Jing Du, X. Niu and W. Soboyejo, 2015, "Creep-assisted slow crack growth in bio-inspired dental multilayers", Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 46, pp. 41-48
  • O K Oyewole, D Yu, Jing Du, J Asare, V C Anye, A Fashina, M. G. Zebaze Kana and W O Soboyejo, 2015, "Lamination of organic solar cells and organic light emitting devices: Models and experiments", Journal of Applied Physics, 118, pp. 075302
  • O. K. Oyewole, D. Yu, Jing Du, J. Asare, D. O. Oyewole, V. C. Anye, A. Fashina, M. G. Zebaze Kana and W. O. Soboyejo, 2015, "Micro-wrinkling and delamination-induced buckling of stretchable electronic structures", Journal of Applied Physics, 117, pp. 235501
  • D. Yu, Oyewole, O K, D. Kwabi, T. Tong, V. C. Anye, J. Asare, E. Rwenyagila, A. Fashina, O. Akogwu, Jing Du and W. O. Soboyejo, 2014, "Adhesion in flexible organic and hybrid organic/inorganic light emitting device and solar cells", Journal of Applied Physics, 116, (7), pp. 074506
  • Jing Du, V. C. Anye, E. O. Vodah, T. Tong, M. G. Zebaze Kana and W. O. Soboyejo, 2014, "Pressure-assisted fabrication of organic light emitting diodes with MoO3 hole-injection layer materials", Journal of Applied Physics, 115, (23), pp. 233703
  • Jing Du, Tiffany Tong, Wali Akande, Androniki Tsakiridou and Wole Soboyejo, 2013, "Pressure effects on the lamination of organic light-emitting diodes", Journal of Display Technology, 9, (8), pp. 601–606
  • Jing Du, X. Niu, N. Rahbar and W. Soboyejo, 2013, "Bio-inspired dental multilayers: Effects of layer architecture on the contact-induced deformation", Acta Biomaterialia, 9, (2), pp. 5273-5279
  • I. Yakub, Jing Du and W. O. Soboyejo, 2012, "Mechanical properties, modeling and design of porous clay ceramics", Materials Science and Engineering: A, 558, (15), pp. 21–29
  • W. L. Shan, Jing Du, E. P. Hampp, H. Li, M. Johnson, G. Papandreou, C. A. Maryanoff and W. O. Soboyejo, 2012, "Degradation and adhesive/cohesive strengths of a reservoir-based drug eluting stent", Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 14, pp. 208-215
  • Jing Du, Emily Hampp, Wanliang Shan, Hannah Li, George Papandreou, Cynthia A. Maryanoff and Winston O. Soboyejo, 2012, "Adhesion between a suspended polymeric film and a metallic substrate: Experiments and models", Journal of Materials Research, 27, (14), pp. 1797–1805
  • W. L. Shan, Jing Du, E. P. Hampp, H. Li, G. Papandreou, C. A. Maryanoff and W. O. Soboyejo, 2012, "Adhesion and cohesion in structures containing suspended microscopic polymeric films", Acta Biomaterialia, 8, (4), pp. 1469-1480
  • Jing Du and Pan Zeng, 2009, "Molecular vibrational modes of C60 and C70 via finite element method", European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, 28, (5), pp. 948–954
  • Pan Zeng, Xuegui Yang and Jing Du, 2008, "A C-C bonding element and coordinate transformation for vibrational analysis of C60 nano-molecule", Chinese Journal of Computational Mechanics, 25, (2), pp. 150–155
  • Pan Zeng, Xuegui Yang and Jing Du, 2007, "Computational investigation for Raman vibration modes of C60 molecule", Journal of Vibration Engineering, 20, (2), pp. 185–188
  • Pan Zeng, Jing Du and Xuegui Yang, 2007, "An equivalent C-C bonding element for representing the force-energy relation of carbon-carbon covalent bond", Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 28, (4), pp. 325–332

Research Projects

  • January 2022 - December 2026, "CAREER: Structures and Properties of Bone at Multiple Length Scales," (Sponsor: National Science Foundation).
  • October 2018 - September 2024, "An Integrated Computational-Experimental Approach to Three-dimensional Fracture in Polymer-Ceramic Composites," (Sponsor: National Science Foundation).
  • September 2020 - August 2022, "Biomechanics Study towards Patient-specific Implants for Osteoarthritic Shoulders," (Sponsor: Penn State College of Engineering, College of Medicine, Center for Biodevices).
  • May 2018 - June 2019, "Assessing the Performance of Additively Manufactured Variable Lattice Structures," (Sponsor: Stryker Corporation [MP]).
  • June 2017 - May 2018, "3-dimensional Full-Field Mechanical Properties and Microstructure Measurement of Polymer-Ceramic Composites," (Sponsor: Oak Ridge Associated Universities).
  • March 2017 - June 2018, "Adhesion between a polymer and a transition metal oxide: Atomic- and macro- scales investigations," (Sponsor: Material Computation Center - Penn State University).
  • August 2017 - July 2018, "Image-based alveolar bone biomechanics study: From laboratory to clinical computed tomography (CT)," (Sponsor: Clinical and Translational Science Institute - Penn State University; National Institutes of Health (NIH)).

Honors and Awards

  • Young Leaders Professional Development Award, Functional Materials Division (FMD) of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS), 2022 - 2023
  • Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) Award, National Science Foundation (NSF), 2021
  • Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award, Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU), 2017
  • Young Investigator Award, Biomineralization Group of International Association of Dental Research, 2015


Service to Penn State:

Service to External Organizations:

  • Organizing Conferences and Service on Conference Committees, Member, Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference, June 2019 - 2021
  • Organizing Conferences and Service on Conference Committees, Organizer, 16th International Symposium on Computer Methods on Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, and 4th Conference on Imaging and Visualization (CMBBE), August 14-16, 2019, New York, NY, November 2018 - August 2019
  • Organizing Conferences and Service on Conference Committees, Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (TMS), February 2017
  • Organizing Conferences and Service on Conference Committees, Other, Session Chair, 47th Annual Meeting of American Association for Dental Research (AADR), March 21-24, 2018, Fort Lauderdale, FL, March 2018
  • Organizing Conferences and Service on Conference Committees, Judge, ASME's International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE), November 11-14, 2018, Pittsburgh, PA, November 2018
  • Organizing Conferences and Service on Conference Committees, 22nd International Congress of Dento-Maxillo-Facial Radiology and Joint Conference of the American Academy of Oral & Maxillofacial Radiology, August 22-25, 2019, Philadelphia, PA, August 2019



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Department of Mechanical Engineering

137 Reber Building

The Pennsylvania State University

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Phone: 814-865-2519