Photo of Liming Chang

Liming Chang

Professor Emeritus


  • Mechanical Engineering

Research Areas:

Mechanical Sciences

Interest Areas:

Tribology, lubricants/lubrication, modeling of contact/lubrication problems.





Journal Articles

  • Liming Chang, Qingtao Yu and Yeau-Ren Jeng, 2018, "Modeling and Analysis of High-Load and High-Speed Involute Spur Gear Systems in Adverse Lubrication", Tribology Transactions
  • Liming Chang and Yeau-Ren Jeng, 2018, "A Model for Surface-Film Lubricated Cold Rolling Incorporating Interdependence of Mechanics, Heat Transfer and Surface-Film Lubrication", 141
  • Liming Chang, Yeau-Ren Jeng and Qingtao Yu, 2017, "Analysis of Thermal Stability of High-Performance Rolling/Sliding Contacts in Mixed Lubrication", Tribology Transactions
  • Liming Chang, Y.R. Jeng and Q. Yu, 2016, "Parametric analysis of rolling/sliding line contacts under boundary and near boundary lubrication conditions", Tribology Transactions
  • Liming Chang, Y.R. Jeng and Q. Yu, 2016, "A unified mixed-lubrication model of rolling/sliding line contacts from elastohydrodynamic lubrication to boundary lubrication", Proc. IMechE Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology
  • Q. Yu, Liming Chang and Y. R. Jeng, 2015, "A mathematical model for rolling/sliding line contacts in boundary and near boundary lubrication", Proc. IMechE Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology
  • Liming Chang and Y. R. Jeng, 2014, "A mathematical model for the mixed lubrication of non-conformable contacts with asperity friction, plastic deformation, flash temperature and tribo-chemistry", ASME Journal of Tribology, 136, pp. 022301
  • Liming Chang and Y. R. Jeng, 2014, "Parametric analyses of the mixed-lubrication performance of rolling/sliding contacts in high-load and high-speed conditions", Tribology Transactions, 57, pp. 879-889
  • Liming Chang and Y. Yan, 2013, "A theory of the hydrodynamic film thickness in centrally pivoted oil-lubricated plane-pad thrust bearings", Tribology Transactions, 56, pp. 149-160
  • Liming Chang and Y. R. Jeng, 2013, "Effects of negative skewness of surface roughness on the contact and lubrication of nominally flat metallic surfaces", IMech, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 227, pp. 559-569
  • Liming Chang, Y. R. Jeng and P. Y. Huang, 2013, "Modeling and analysis of the meshing losses of involute spur gears in high-speed and high-load conditions", ASME Journal of Tribology, 135, (1)
  • Liming Chang and H. Zhang, 2012, "Modeling and parametric study of fatty-acids boundary lubrication in nominally flat contacts of metallic surfaces", STLE Tribology Transactions, 55, pp. 376-386
  • R. A. Naffin and Liming Chang, 2010, "An analytical model for the basic design calculations of journal bearings", ASME Journal of Tribology, 132, pp. 024503
  • Liming Chang and H. Zhang, 2010, "On the state and severity of frictional sliding contacts between nominally flat metallic surfaces", IMech Journal of Engineering Tribology, 224, pp. 427-438
  • Liming Chang, 2010, "A baseline theory for the design of oil-lubricated centrally pivoted plane-pad thrust bearings", ASME Journal of Tribology, 132, pp. 041703
  • Liming Chang, 2009, "Effects of thermal induced inhomogeneous shear and surface thermal boundary conditions on the shear stress in sliding elastohydrodynamic contacts", Lubrication Science, 21, pp. 227-240
  • Liming Chang, 2009, "Determination of the sampling interval in the surface roughness measurements with implications to engineering tribo-surface characterization and evaluation", IMech Journal of Engineering Tribology, 223, pp. 675-681
  • H. Zhang and Liming Chang, 2008, "An asperity-based mathematical model for the boundary lubrication of nominally flat metallic contacts", Lubrication Science, 20, pp. 1-19
  • Liming Chang, 2008, "Modeling of asperity collisions and their effects in a frictionless sliding contact of nominally flat metallic surfaces", ASME Journal of Tribology, 130, pp. 031403
  • Liming Chang, 2007, "On the CMP material removal at the molecular scale", ASME Journal of Tribology, 129, pp. 436-437
  • Liming Chang and H. Zhang, 2007, "A mathematical model for frictional elastic-plastic sphere-on-flat contacts at sliding incipient", ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 74, pp. 100-106
  • S. Qu, Liming Chang, M. N. Webster and A. Jackson, 2006, "On the mechanisms of the reduction in EHL traction at low temperature", Tribology Transactions, 49, pp. 182-191
  • Liming Chang, 2006, "A parametric analysis of the thermal shear localization in elastohydrodynamic lubrication films", ASME Journal of Tribology, 128, pp. 79-84
  • Liming Chang, H. Zhang and J. Lococo, 2006, "Effects of boundary films on the frictional behavior of rough-surface contacts in incipient sliding", IMeche Engineering Tribology, 220, pp. 385-394
  • M. N. Webster, G. H. Lee and Liming Chang, 2006, "Effect of EHL conditions on the behavior of traction fluids", Tribology Transactions, 49, pp. 439-448
  • Liming Chang, 2006, "Platform for modeling the boundary lubrication of nominally flat metallic contacts", ASME Journal of Tribology, 128, pp. 677-680
  • Liming Chang, 2005, "On the shear bands and shear localizations in elastohydrodynamic lubrication films", ASME Journal of Tribology, 127, (1), pp. 245-247
  • Liming Chang and H. Zhang, 2005, "On the two points of views of plastically deformed asperity contacts with friction loading", IMechE J. Engineering Tribology, 219, (13), pp. 201-208
  • H. Zhang, Liming Chang, M. N. Webster and A. Jackson, 2003, "Effects of friction on the contact and deformation behavior in sliding asperity contacts", Tribology Transactions, 46, (4), pp. 514-521
  • H. Zhang, Liming Chang, M. N. Webster and A. Jackson, 2003, "A micro-contact model for boundary lubrication with lubricant/surface physio-chemistry", ASME Journal of Tribology, 125, (1), pp. 8-15
  • Y. Zhao, Liming Chang and S. Kim, 2003, "A mathematical model for chemical-mechanical polishing based on formation and removal of weakly bonded molecular species", Wear, pp. 332-339
  • Y. Zhao and Liming Chang, 2002, "A micro-contact and wear model for chemical-mechanical polishing of silicon wafers", Wear, 252, pp. 220-226
  • Y. Zhao and Liming Chang, 2001, "A model of asperity interactions in elastic-plastic contact of rough surfaces", Journal of Tribology, 123, (4), pp. 857-864
  • X. Zhai and Liming Chang, 2001, "Some insights into asperity temperatures in mixed-film lubrication", Tribology International, 34, (6), pp. 381-387
  • N. Fang, Liming Chang, G. Johnston, M. Webster and A. Jackson, 2001, "An experimental/theoretical approach to modelling the viscous behaviour of liquid lubricants in elastohydrodynamic lubrication contacts", Proc. Instn. Mech. Engrs. Part J, 215, pp. 311-318
  • Liming Chang, Y. Zhao, P. Hall, R. Thom and C. Moore, 2001, "On heat generation in rolling contacts under boundary and mixed lubrication", Journal of Tribology, 123, (1), pp. 61-66
  • N. Fang, Liming Chang, A. Jackson and M. Webster, 2000, "A non-averaging method of determining the rheological properties of traction fluids", Tribology International, 33, (11), pp. 751-760
  • Liming Chang, 2000, "A simple and accurate method to calculate transient EHL film thickness in machine components undergoing operation cycles", Tribology Transactions, 43, (1), pp. 116-122
  • Liming Chang and Y. Zhao, 2000, "On the sensitivity of the asperity pressures and temperatures to the fluid pressure distribution in mixed-film lubrication", Journal of Tribology, 122, (1), pp. 77-85
  • Y. Zhao, D. Maietta and Liming Chang, 2000, "An asperity microcontact model incorporating the transition from elastic deformation to fully plastic flow", Journal of Tribology, 122, (1), pp. 86-93
  • X. Zhai and Liming Chang, 2000, "A transient thermal model for mixed-film contacts", Tribology Transactions, 43, (3), pp. 427-434
  • Liming Chang and Yeau-Ren Jeng, , "On the Feasibility of Surface-Film Lubricated Cold Rolling without Liquid-Phase Cooling", Journal of Tribology

Conference Proceedings

  • N. Fang, Liming Chang, G. Johnston, M. Webster and A. Jackson, 2000, "An experimental/theoretical approach to modeling the viscous behavior of liquid lubricants under EHL conditions", 27th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology


  • Liming Chang and Y. R. Jeng, 2013, "A mathematical model for the mixed lubrication of non-conformable contacts with asperity friction, plastic deformation, flash temperature and tribo-chemistry", ASME Journal of Tribology

Research Projects

Honors and Awards

  • Captain Alfred E. Hunt Memorial Award, STLE, March 2016
  • NSF Career Award, 1995


Service to Penn State:

Service to External Organizations:




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Department of Mechanical Engineering

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The Pennsylvania State University

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