Photo of Sanjay Joshi

Sanjay Joshi



  • Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering

303 Leonhard Building


Personal or Departmental Website

Research Areas:


Interest Areas:

Research Interests: Computer-Aided Process Planning, CAD/CAM, Control of Manufacturing Systems, Additive Manufacturing





Journal Articles

  • Xinyi Xiao and Sanjay B Joshi, 2020, "Process Planning for Five-Axis Support Free Additive Manufacturing", Additive Manufacturing, 36
  • Timothy J Ayers, Santosh R Sama, Sanjay B Joshi and Guhaprasanna Manogharan, 2019, "Influence of resin infiltrants on mechanical and thermal performance in plaster binder jetting additive manufacturing", Additive Manufacturing, 30
  • Brant Stoner, Sanjay Joshi and Richard Martukanitz, 2019, "Optimization of Digital Radiography for Large Metallic Additively Manufactured Components", Rapid Prototyping Journal
  • Hongbin Li, Taiyong Wang, Sanjay Joshi and Zhiqiang Yu, 2019, "The quantitative analysis of tensile strength of additively manufactured continuous carbon fiber reinforced polylactic acid (PLA)", Rapid Prototyping Journal, 25, (10), pp. 1624-1636
  • Zackary Snow, Richard Martukanitz and Sanjay B Joshi, 2019, "On the development of powder spreadability metrics and feedstock for powder bed fusion additive manufacturing", Additive Manufacturing, vol. 28, pp. 78-86
  • Xinyi Xiao, Sanjay B Jo andhi, , 2018, "Automatic Toolpath Generation for Heterogeneous Objects Manufactured by Directed Energy Deposition Additive Manufacturing Process", ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 140, (7), pp. pp. 5-17
  • Fred Lia, Joshua Z Park, Jayme S Kaist, Sanjay B Joshi and Richard Martukanitz, 2018, "Thermal and microstructural analysis of laser-based directed energy deposition for Ti-6Al-4V and Inconel 625 deposits", Materials Science and Engineering: A, 717, pp. 1-10
  • Z. Zhang and Sanjay B Joshi, 2017, "Slice Data Representation and Format for Multi-material Objects for Additive Manufacturing Processes", Rapid Prototyping Journal, 23, (1), pp. 149-161
  • Z. Zhang and Sanjay B Joshi, 2015, "An improved slicing algorithm with efficient contour construction using STL files", International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 80, (5-8), pp. 15
  • Ofek Bar-Ilan, Connie C. Chuang, Denise J. Schwahn, Sarah Yang, Sanjay B Joshi, Joel A. Pedersen, Robert J. Hamers, Richard E. Peterson and Warren Heideman, 2013, "TiO2 Nanoparticle Exposure and Illumination During Zebrafish Development: Mortality at Parts Per Billion Concentration", Environmental Sciences and Technology, 47, pp. 4726-4733
  • Z. Yang, Sanjay B Joshi and R. A. Wysk, 2012, "Setup Planning Automation for Six-Axis Wire Electrical Discharge Machining (WEDM)", ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 134, (2)
  • Z. Yang, R. A. Wysk and Sanjay B Joshi, 2011, "Global Tangent Visibility Analysis for Polyhedral CAD Models", ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 133, (3)
  • Jing Fu and Sanjay B Joshi, 2010, "Optimization based Geometric Modeling of Nano/Micro Scale Ion Milling of Organic Materials for Three Dimensional Bioimaging", ASME Journal of Nanotechnology in Engineering and Medicine, 1
  • Z. Yang, R. A. Wysk, Sanjay B Joshi, M. C. Frank and J. E. Petrzleka, 2009, "Conventional Machining Methods for Rapid Prototyping and Direct Manufacturing", International Journal of Rapid Manufacturing, 1, (1), pp. 41-64
  • K. Tong, E. Del Castillo, T. M. Cavalier, E. A. Lehtihet and Sanjay B Joshi, 2009, "D-optimal Design of Artifact Used in Machine Software Error Compensation", International Journal of Production Research, 47, (7), pp. 1895-1912
  • H. Carrion-Gonzales, M. Rogosky, H. Nembhard and Sanjay B Joshi, 2008, "Characterization of the SilSpin Etch-Back (breakthrough) Process for Nanolithography with CHF3 and O2 Gas Chemistry", International Journal for Nanomanufacturing, 2, (4), pp. 305-318
  • R. G. Qiu, G. Y. Tang and Sanjay B Joshi, 2008, "A Process Driven Computing Model for Reconfigurable Semiconductor Manufacturing", Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 26, (6), pp. 709-721
  • J. Fu, Sanjay B Joshi and T. W. Simpson, 2008, "Shape Differentiation of Freeform Surfaces Using a Similarity Measure Based on an Integral Gaussian Curvature", Computer Aided Design, 40, (3), pp. 311-323
  • K. Tong, Sanjay B Joshi and E. A. Lehtihet, 2008, "Error Compensation for FDM Machine by Correcting SSL Files", Rapid Prototyping Journal, 14, (1), pp. 4-14
  • J. Fu, Sanjay B Joshi and J. M. Catchmark, 2008, "A Study of Angular Effects in Focused Ion Beam Milling of Water Ice", Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 19, (9)
  • J. Fu, Sanjay B Joshi and J. M. Catchmark, 2008, "Sputtering Rate of Micro Milling on Water Ice with Focused Ion Beam in a Cryogenic Environment", Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A, 26, (3), pp. 422-429
  • M. Masin, M. Oz Pasaogullari and Sanjay B Joshi, 2007, "Dynamic Scheduling of Production-Assembly Networks in a Distributed Environment", IIE Transactions, 39, (4), pp. 395-409
  • N. A. Sabaliauskas, C. A. Foutz, J. R. Mest, L. R. Budgeon, A. T. Sidor, J. A. Gershenon, Sanjay B Joshi and K. C. Cheng, 2006, "High Throughput Zebrafish Histology", Methods, 39, pp. 246-256
  • M. C. Frank, R. A. Wysk and Sanjay B Joshi, 2006, "Determining Setup Orientations from the Visibility of Slice Geometry for Rapid CNC Machining", ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 28, (1), pp. 228-238
  • P. McDonnell, Sanjay B Joshi and R. Qiu, 2005, "A Learning Approach to Enhancing Machine Reconfiguration Decision-Making Games in a Heterarchical Manufacturing Environment", International Journal of Production Research, 43, (20), pp. 4321-4335
  • R. Qiu, P. McDonnell and Sanjay B Joshi, 2005, "A Heuristic Game Theoretic Approach to Resource Sharing in Reconfigurable Manufacturing", International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 43, (20), pp. 4321-4335
  • R. Qiu, Sanjay B Joshi and P. McDonnell, 2004, "An Approach to Regulating Machine Sharing in Reconfigurable Back-end Semiconductor Manufacturing", Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 15, (5), pp. 579-591
  • P. McDonnell, Sanjay B Joshi and R. Qiu, 2004, "Setup Games: A Heuristic Game Theoretic Approach to Setup Decisions for Heterarchical Manufacturing Systems", International Journal of Production Research, 42, (19), pp. 4195-4210
  • K. Tong, E. A. Lehtihet and Sanjay B Joshi, 2004, "Software Compensation of Rapid Prototyping Machines", Precision Engineering, 28, (3), pp. 280-292
  • T. W. Simpson, D. J. Medeiros, Sanjay B Joshi, E. A. Lehtihet and R. A. Wysk, 2004, "IME Inc. - A New Course for Integrating Design, Manufacturing, and Production Into the Manufacturing Curriculum", International Journal of Engineering Education, 20, (5)

Conference Proceedings

  • Alexander Belchou, Ashish Jacob, Sanjay B Joshi, Edward Reutzel and Peter Coutts, 2022, "Studies on Thin and Thick-walled SS316L Overhang Specimens using Powder Laser Based Directed Energy", Austin, Tx, US, pp. 15
  • Bradley Hanks, Shantanab Dinda and Sanjay B Joshi, 2018, "Redesign of the Femoral Stem for a Total Hip Arthroplasty for Additive Manufacturing"
  • Barclift Michael, Andrew Armstrong, Timothy W Simpson and Sanjay B Joshi, 2017, "CAD-Integrated Cost Estimation and Build Orientation Optimization to Support Design for Metal Additive Manufacturing", ASME 2017 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Volume 2A: 43rd Design Automation Conference, pp. 11
  • Xinyi Xiao and Sanjay B Joshi, 2017, "Automatic Vector Toolpath Generation for Heterogeneous Material Parts for Directed Energy Deposition Additive Manufacturing Process"
  • David Saint John, Sanjay B Joshi and Timothy W Simpson, 2016, "A Preliminary Examination of Variability Due to Build Location and Powder Feedstock in Additive Manufacture of Inconel 718 using Laser-Based Powder Bed Fusion"
  • David Saint John, Sanjay B Joshi and Timothy W Simpson, 2016, "Morphology and Grain Texture in As-Deposited and Heat Treated Inconel 718 Structures Produced using Laser-Based Powder Bed Fusion", pp. 12
  • Barclift Michael, Sanjay B Joshi, Timothy W Simpson and Corey Dickman, 2016, "Cost Modeling and Depreciation for Reused Powder Feedstocks in Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing"
  • Sai Nithin Reddy Kantareddy, Byeong-Min Roh, Timothy W Simpson, Sanjay B Joshi, Corey Dickman and El-Amine Lehtihet, 2016, "Saving Weight with Metallic Lattice Structures: Design Challenges with a Real-World Example"
  • S. Turley, D. Diederich, B. Jayanthi, A. Datar, C. Ligetti, D. Finke, C. Saldana and Sanjay B Joshi, 2014, "Automated Process Planning and CNC-Code Generation", 2014 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference, Institute of Industrial Engineers, Montreal Canada
  • David B. St. John, Andrew Coward, Edward W. Reutzel, Sanjay B Joshi, Todd A. Palmer, Karen A. Thole and Timothy W. Simpson, 2014, "Qualifing Manufacturing Variability Using Analytical Computed Tomography Of Direct Metal Laser Sintered Test Structures", ASPE Topical Meeting on Dimensional Accuracy and Surface Finish in Additive Manufacturing, Berkeley
  • M. Samperi, E. Chernov, Sanjay B Joshi, T. Simpson and R. Martikuntz, 2013, "A Process Workflow for Designing Finished Parts for Additive Manufacturing", RAPID 2013
  • E. Chernow, M. Samperi, Sanjay B Joshi, T. W. Simpson and R. Martukanitz, 2013, "A Process Planning Framework for LENS Metal Additive Manufacturing", Institute of Industrial Engineers
  • H. Carrion, R. Shiwalker, Sanjay B Joshi and S. Fonash, 2012, "A Novel Fabrication Method for Embedding Micro-scale Metal Structures into Polymers for Flexible Electronics", IIERC 2012
  • Z. Yang, R. A. Wysk and Sanjay B Joshi, 2010, "Global Tangent Visibility Analysis for Polyhedral Models", Proceedings of the 2010 Industrial Engineering Research Conference
  • Z. Yang, R. A. Wysk and Sanjay B Joshi, 2010, "Setup planning automation for six-axis Wire Electrical Discharge Machining", Proceedings of the 2010 Industrial Engineering Research Conference
  • Zhi Yang, Sanjay B Joshi and Richard Wysk, 2009, "Wire Electrical Discharge Machining for Rapid Manufacturing", Proceedings of Industrial Engineering Research Conference
  • Zhi Yang, Sanjay B Joshi and Richard Wysk, 2009, "WireEDM for Metallic Biomaterial Rapid Prototyping", Proceedings of Industrial Engineering Research Conference
  • J. Fu and Sanjay B Joshi, 2009, "Optimization Based Geometric Modeling Of Nano/Micro Scale Ion Milling Of Organic Materials", Proceedings of IDETC/CIE 2009, ASME 2009 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference
  • F. Alizon, J. Fu, T. W. Simpson, Sanjay B Joshi and S. Shooter, 2008, "Assessing Functional and Shape Differentiation within a Family of Products", Proceedings of IDETC/CIE 2008, ASME 2008 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference
  • W. J. Nam, H. Carrion, P. Park, P. Garg, Sanjay B Joshi and S. J. Fonash, 2007, "Step-And-Grow Approach For Precisely Positioned Nanowire Array Structure Fabrication", Proceedings of the 2007 International Manufacturing Science And Engineering Conference, MSEC2007
  • J. Fu, Sanjay B Joshi and M. J. Catchmark, 2007, "Modeling and simulation of milling frozen hydrated samples by focused ion beam", Proceedings of the ASME 1st International Conference on Micro- and Nanosystems (MNS)
  • H. Carrion-Gonzales, M. Rogosky, H. Nembhard and Sanjay B Joshi, 2006, "Characterization of the Step and Flash Imprint Lithography Silspin Etch-back Process", Industrial Engineering Research Conference
  • Fu Jing and Sanjay B Joshi, 2006, "Data Mining for Product/Mold Design of Free Form Geometry", ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conferences
  • K. McBrearty, R. A. Wysk and Sanjay B Joshi, 2006, "Visibility for Determining Rotational Axis for CNC Rapid Prototyping and Rapid Manufacturing", ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conferences

Research Projects

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