Photo of Sean Brennan

Sean Brennan



  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Larson Transportation Institute

227 Reber Building


Personal or Departmental Website

Research Areas:

Mechanical Sciences; Sensors & Controls; Transportation Systems

Interest Areas:

Ground vehicle dynamics and automation, mechatronics and embedded systems, data representations for map-based localization and robot guidance.





Journal Articles

  • J. Glunt, J. Siefert, Herschel Pangborn and Sean N Brennan, 2023, "Challenges in Integrating Low-level Path Following and High-level Path Planning Over Polytopic Maps", International Federation of Automatic Control, IFAC-PapersOnline, 56, (3), pp. Pages 19-24
  • L. Gao, J. Mitrovich, C. Beal, W. Bai, S. Maddipatla, C. Chen, K. Jerath, H. Haeri, L. Sinanaj and Sean N Brennan, 2023, "Boxes-based Representation and Data Sharing of Road Surface Friction for CAVs", Data Science for Transportation., 5, (2), pp. 10 pages
  • J. Pentzer, Sean N Brennan and K. Reichard, 2022, "On-line estimation of power model parameters for skid-steer robots with applications in mission energy use prediction", Journal of Field Robotics, 1, (1), pp. 1-20
  • C. Earnhardt, B. Groelke, J. Borek, E. Pelletier, Sean N Brennan and C. Vermillion, 2022, "Cooperative Exchange-Based Platooning using Predicted Fuel-Optimal Operation of Heavy-Duty Vehicles", IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
  • E. Pelletier, W. Bai, M. Alvarez, J. Borek, S. Boyle, C. Earnhardt, L. Gao, S. Geyer, C. Grahm, B. Groelke, M. Magee, K. Palmeter, M. Rodriguez, C. Xu, Hosam Kadry Fathy, M. Naghnaeian, Stephanie Stockar, C. Vermillion and Sean N Brennan, 2021, "In-Vehicle Validation of Heavy-Duty Vehicle Fuel Savings via a Hierarchical Predictive Online Controller", SAE International Journal of Advanced and Current Practice in Mobility, 3, (4), pp. 2159-2169
  • K. Wolkowicz, R. Leary, Jason Zachary Moore and Sean N Brennan, 2021, "Statistical Determination of Decision-Making Regions for Branching Paths: An Algorithm with a Wheelchair Assistance Application", January, (1), pp. 5 pages
  • Michael Robinson and Sean N Brennan, 2020, "At what cost? How planned collisions with pedestrians may save lives", Accident Analysis and Prevention, Volume 141
  • Christopher Monaco and Sean N Brennan, 2020, "RADARODO: Ego-motion Estimation from Doppler and Spatial Data in RADAR Images", 5, (3), pp. 6 pages
  • C. Xu, B. Groelke, M. Alvarez, C. Earnhardt, J. Borek, E. Pelletier, S. Boyle, B. Huynh, M. Wahba, S. Geyer, C. Grahm, M. Magee, K. Palmeter, M. Naghnaeian, Sean N Brennan, Stephanie Stockar, C. Vermillion and Hosam Kadry Fathy, 2020, "Engine-in-the-loop Study of A Hierarchical Predictive Online Controller for Connected and Automated Heavy-duty Vehicles", pp. 6
  • C. Beal and Sean N Brennan, 2020, "Modeling and Friction Estimation for Automotive Steering Torque at Very Low Speeds", Vehicle System Dynamics, pp. 30 pages
  • C. Beal and Sean N Brennan, 2019, "Friction Detection from Stationary Steering Maneuvers", Vehicle System Dynamics, pp. 30 pages
  • K. Jerath, Sean N Brennan and C. Lagoa, 2018, "Bridging the gap between sensor noise modeling and sensor characterization", Measurement, 116, pp. 350-366
  • M. Rothenberger, J. Safi, J. Anstrom, Ji Liu, Sean N Brennan and H. Fathy, 2017, "Improving Lithium-Ion Battery Pack Diagnostics by Optimizing the Internal Allocation of Demand Current for Parameter Identifiability", ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement and Control, 139, (8), pp. 13
  • Clifford J Lissenden, S. Choi, H. Cho, Arthur T Motta, K. Hartig, X. Xiao, S. Le Berre, Sean N Brennan, Karl M Reichard, R. Leary, B. McNelly and I. Jovanovic, 2017, "Toward Robotic Inspection of Dry Storage Casks for Spent Nuclear Fuel", J. Pressure Vessel Technology, 139, (3), pp. 8
  • Nicolas Ochoa-Lleras, Sean N Brennan, Dennis J Murphy, Jennifer Klena, Philip M Garvey and Henry J Sommer, 2017, "Assessing Perceptions and Alerts of Tractor Instabilty", Chemical Engineering Transactions, 58, pp. 7-12
  • N. Ochoa-Lleras, Sean N Brennan, Murphy Dennis, M. Klena, P. Garvey and Henry J Sommer, 2016, "Development of an open-source tractor driving simulator for tractor stability tests", Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health, 22, (4), pp. 227-246
  • P. Stankiewicz, A. Brown and Sean N Brennan, 2015, "Preview horizon analysis for vehicle rollover prevention using the zero-moment point", ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 137, (9), pp. 091002
  • A. Brown and Sean N Brennan, 2015, "Lateral vehicle state and environment estimation using temporally previewed mapped lane features", IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 16, (3), pp. 1601-1608
  • A. Brown and Sean N Brennan, 2015, "Simulating vehicle dynamics on both design plans and LIDAR-scanned road geometry to guide highway design policy", Journal of Transportation Research, Part C: Emerging Technologies., 50, pp. 28-36
  • D. Torbic, E. Donnell, Sean N Brennan, A. Brown, M. O'Laughlin and K. Bauer, 2015, "Superelevation design for sharp horizontal curves on steep grades", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2436, pp. 81-91
  • A. Whalen, Sean N Brennan, T. Sauer and S. Schiff, 2015, "Observability and controllability of neuronal network motifs", Physical Review X, 5, (1), pp. 011005-01 to 011005-18
  • K. Jerath, A. Ray, Sean N Brennan and V. V. Gayah, 2015, "Dynamic prediction of vehicle cluster distribution in mixed traffic: A statistical mechanics-inspired method", IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 16, (5), pp. 11
  • M. Keske, A. Brown and Sean N Brennan, 2015, "Low-order modeling of vehicle impacts upon boulders embedded in cohesionless soil", International Journal of Impact Engineering, 75, pp. 88-99
  • Sean N Brennan and M. Beattie-Moss, 2014, "Will Americans accept self-driving cars?"
  • J. Pentzer, Sean N Brennan and K. Reichard, 2014, "Model-based prediction of skid-steer robot kinematics using on-line estimation of track instantaneous centers of rotation", Journal of Field Robotics, 31, (3), pp. 455-476
  • E. Laftchiev, C. Lagoa and Sean N Brennan, 2014, "Vehicle localization using in-vehicle pitch data and dynamical models", IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 16, (1), pp. 206-220
  • A. Brown and Sean N Brennan, 2014, "On the required complexity of vehicle dynamic models for use in simulation-based highway design", International Journal of Safety Research, 49, (1), pp. 105-115
  • P. Vemulapalli, V. Monga and Sean N Brennan, 2013, "Robust extrema filters for time-series data analysis", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 35, (6), pp. 8
  • K. Jerath and Sean N Brennan, 2012, "Analytical prediction of self-organized traffic jams as a function of increasing ACC penetration", IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 13, (4), pp. 11
  • D. Logan, J. Pentzer, Sean N Brennan and K. Reichard, 2012, "Comparing batteries to generators as power sources for use with mobile robotics", International Journal of Power Sources, 212, pp. 130-138
  • T. Simpson, A. Bobuk, L. Slingerland, Sean N Brennan, D. Logan and K. Reichard, 2012, "From user requirements to commonality specifications: An integrated approach to product family design", Res. Eng. Design, 23, pp. 141-153
  • S. Lapapong, A. Brown, K. Swanson and Sean N Brennan, 2012, "Zero-moment point determination of worst case maneuvers leading to vehicle wheel lift", International Journal of Vehicle System Dynamics, 50, pp. 24
  • J. Stine, B. Hamblin, Sean N Brennan and E. Donnell, 2010, "Analyzing the influence of median cross-section design on highway safety using vehicle dynamics simulations", Accident Analysis and Prevention, 42, (5), pp. 8
  • J. Yutko, K. Jerath and Sean N Brennan, 2010, "A failure rate analysis of complex vehicles", International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Dynamics, 17, (1), pp. 23
  • S. Lapapong, V. Gupta, E. Callejas and Sean N Brennan, 2009, "Fidelity of using scaled vehicles for chassis dynamic studies", Vehicle System Dynamics: International Journal of Vehicle Mechanics and Mobility, 47, (11), pp. 31
  • M. Petersheim and Sean N Brennan, 2009, "Scaling of hybrid-electric vehicle powertrain components for hardware-in-the-loop simulation", Mechatronics, 8, (1), pp. 1-13
  • Sean N Brennan and B. McGinnis, 2008, "Highway medians", Vehicle Dynamics International, 4, pp. 52-53
  • H. Hailu and Sean N Brennan, 2008, "Reduction in the number of gain-scheduling parameters using dimensional transformation", ASME Transactions on Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 130, (3), pp. 6
  • V. Mehta, F. Gandhi and Sean N Brennan, 2008, "Experimentally verified optimal serpentine gait and hyper-redundancy of a rigid-link snake robot", IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 24, (2), pp. 348-360
  • V. Gupta and Sean N Brennan, 2008, "Vehicle state estimation using vision and inertial measurements", Journal of Field Robotics, 25, (3), pp. 181-202
  • A. Dean and Sean N Brennan, 2008, "A low-order dynamic model of a tracked robot inclusive of nonlinear slip", International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems, 15, (2), pp. 327-355
  • Sean N Brennan, J. Buckland, U. Christen, K. Fischbach, I. Haskara and I. Kolmanovsky, 2007, "Editorial to special issue on control applications in automotive engineering", IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 13, (3), pp. 403-405
  • Sean N Brennan and A. Alleyne, 2005, "Dimensionless robust control with application to vehicles", IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 13, (4), pp. 624-630
  • Sean N Brennan and A. Alleyne, 2004, "Real-time identification of vehicle chassis dynamics using a novel reparameterization based on sensitivity invariance", International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing: Special Issue on Automotive Applications, 18, (2), pp. 103-123
  • A. Alleyne, Sean N Brennan, B. Rasmussen, R. Zhang and Y. Zhang, 2003, "Controls and experiments: Lessons learned", IEEE Control Systems Magazine, 23, (5), pp. 20-34
  • Sean N Brennan and A. Alleyne, 2001, "Robust scalable vehicle control via non-dimensional vehicle dynamics", Vehicle System Dynamics, 36, (4-5), pp. 255-277
  • Sean N Brennan and A. Alleyne, 2001, "Using a scale testbed: Controller design and evaluation", IEEE Control Systems Magazine, 21, (3), pp. 15-26
  • Sean N Brennan and A. Alleyne, 2000, "The Illinois Roadway Simulator: A mechatronic testbed for vehicle dynamics and control", IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronic Systems, 5, (4), pp. 349-359
  • M. Lieberman, C. Bragg and Sean N Brennan, 1998, "Determining gravimetric bark content in cotton with machine vision", Textile Research Journal, 68, (2), pp. 94-104
  • A. Dean, R. Martini and Sean N Brennan, , "Terrain-based road vehicle localization using particle filters", International Journal of Vehicle System Dynamics, 48, (8), pp. 1209-1223

Conference Proceedings

  • Rinith Pakal, N. Kathiriya, Hossein Haeri, Satya Maddipatla, Kshitij Jerath, Craig Beal, Sean N Brennan and Cindy Chen, 2023, "Distributed Edge Computing System for Vehicle Communication", pp. 8
  • J. Mitrovich, S. Maddipatla, L. Gao, Sukran Ilgin Guler, C. Beal and Sean N Brennan, 2023, "Analysis of Friction Utilization Within a Roadway Network Using Simulated Vehicle Trajectories", pp. 6 pages
  • J. Glunt, J. Siefert, Herschel Pangborn and Sean N Brennan, 2023, "Challenges in Integrating Low-level Path Following and High-level Path Planning Over Polytopic Maps", pp. 6 pages
  • Stephen Harnett, Sean N Brennan, Karl M Reichard, Jesse Pentzer, Seth Tau and David Gorsich, 2023, "Determining A Direction- And Position-Agnostic Occupancy Probability And Occupancy Ratio From Maps of Obstacle Fields For Ground Vehicle Navigation", pp. 6 pages
  • Stephen Harnett, Sean N Brennan, Karl M Reichard, Jesse Pentzer, Seth Tau and David Gorsich, 2023, "Estimation and Comparison of the Distance Costs of Routing Around or Through All Obstacles in Mapped Obstacle Fields", pp. 6 pages
  • Stephen Harnett, Sean N Brennan, Karl M Reichard, Jesse Pentzer, Seth Tau and David Gorsich, 2022, "Path-Free Estimation of Navigation Distance Using Obstacle Shape Statistics and Density", pp. 6 pages
  • W. Bai, S. Maddipatla, E. Pelletier, L. Gao and Sean N Brennan, 2022, "Determining Region of Influence of Ego-Vehicle on Roadways for Vehicle Decision Making", pp. 6 pages
  • L. Gao, C. Beal, W. Bai, S. Maddipatla, C. Chen, K. Jerath, H. Haeri, L. Sinanaj and Sean N Brennan, 2022, "Boxes-based Representation and Data Sharing of Road Surface Friction for CAVs", pp. 10 pages
  • S. Maddipatla, H. Haeri, K. Jerath and Sean N Brennan, 2021, "Fast Allan Variance (FAVAR) and Dynamic Fast Allan Variance (D-FAVAR) Algorithms for both Regularly and Irregularly Sampled Data", pp. 6 pages
  • L. Gao, W. Bai, R. Leary, K. Varadarajan and Sean N Brennan, 2021, "ROS Integration of External Vehicle Motion Simulations with an AIMSUN Traffic Simulator as a Tool to Assess CAV Impacts on Traffic", pp. 6 pages
  • Lorina Sinanaj, Hossein Haeri, Liming Gao, Satya Prasad Maddipatla, Cindy Chen, Kshitij Jerath, Craig Beal and Sean N Brennan, 2021, "Allan Variance-based Granulation Technique for Large Temporal Databases", Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2021), 3, pp. 17-28
  • W. Bai, E. Pelletier, G. Zhou and Sean N Brennan, 2021, "An In-Vehicle Speed Advisories HMI for Driving Safety and Fuel Economy Improvement", pp. 7 pages
  • Liming Gao, Craig Beal, Daniel Fescenmyer and Sean N Brennan, 2021, "Analytical Longitudinal Speed Planning for CAVs with Previewed Road Geometry and Friction Constraints", pp. 6 pages
  • Siu Ling Leung and Sean N Brennan, 2021, "A New Approach to Equip Students to Solve 21st-Century Global Challenges: Integrated Problem-Based Mechanical Engineering Laboratory", pp. 6 pages
  • L. Gao, S. Maddipatla, C. Beal, K. Jerath, C. Chen, L. Sinanaj, H. Haeri and Sean N Brennan, 2021, "A Micro-Simulation Framework for Studying CAVs Behavior and Control Utilizing a Traffic Simulator, Chassis Simulation, and a Shared Roadway Friction Database", New Orleans, LA, pp. 1650-1655
  • S. Maddipatla and Sean N Brennan, 2021, "Synchronization and Feedback Loop Integration of a Non-real Time Microscopic Traffic Simulation with a Real-time Driving Simulator using Model Based Prediction", New Orleans, LA, pp. 8 pages
  • W. Bai, J. Borek, L. Gao, C. Vermillion and Sean N Brennan, 2021, "Determining the region of influence of a signalized traffic intersection by analysis of heavy-duty diesel vehicle fuel consumption", New Orleans, LA, pp. 8 pages
  • V. Gruning, J. Pentzer, Sean N Brennan and Karl M Reichard, 2020, "Energy-Aware Path Planning for Skid-Steer Robots Operating on Hilly Terrain", American Control Conference, Proceedings of the 2020 American Control Conference
  • S. Tau, Sean N Brennan, Karl M Reichard, J. Pentzer and D. Gorsich, 2020, "Increasing Efficiency of Grid Free Path Planning by Bounding the Path-Planning Search Region", American Control Conference, Proceedings of the 2020 American Control Conference
  • C. Beal and Sean N Brennan, 2019, "Modeling and Friction Estimation for Automotive Steering Torque at Very Low Speeds", pp. 9 pages
  • E. Pelletier and Sean N Brennan, 2019, "Diesel Engine Characterization and Performance Scaling via Brake Specific Fuel Consumption Map Dimensional Analysis", pp. 8 pages
  • K. Varadarajan, R. Leary, E. Pelletier, M. Wahba and Sean N Brennan, 2019, "Analyzing the Effects of Geometric Lane Constraints on RADAR-based Sensing of Available Vehicle Headway using Mapped Lane Geometry and Camera Registration of Lane Position", pp. 8 pages
  • K. Wolkowicz, R. Leary, Jason Zachary Moore and Sean N Brennan, 2019, "Real-Time Path-based Fusion of Spatial Databases with Temporal Control Inputs for Assistive Operation of Wheelchairs", pp. 8 pages
  • K. Wolkowicz, R. Leary, Jason Zachary Moore and Sean N Brennan, 2019, "Statistical Determination of Decision-Making Regions for Branching Paths: An Algorithm with a Wheelchair Assistance Application", pp. 8 pages
  • C. Xu, B. Groelke, M. Alvarez, C. Earnhardt, J. Borek, E. Pelletier, S. Boyle, B. Huynh, M. Wahba, S. Geyer, C. Grahm, M. Magee, K. Palmeter, M. Naghnaeian, Sean N Brennan, Stephanie Stockar, C. Vermillion and Hosam Kadry Fathy, 2019, "Engine-in-the-loop Study of A Hierarchical Predictive Online Controller for Connected and Automated Heavy-duty Vehicles", pp. 6
  • Nick Dow, Stefan Topper, Sean N Brennan and Matthew B Parkinson, 2019, "Assessment of Speed Choice during High Speed Horizontal Curves Evaluating Driver Familiarity and Engagement", The Transportation Research Board of the National Academies of Science, pp. 15 pages
  • J. Bracken, Sean N Brennan, Ian VanSant, Clifford J Lissenden and Karl M Reichard, 2018, "Nuclear Storage Cask Inspection Robotics as a Case Study in System Design Challenges", pp. 10 pages
  • Matthew Ng and Sean N Brennan, 2018, "Mechanical Performance Analysis of ULTEM 9085 in a Heated, Irradiated Environment", pp. 6 pages
  • K. Blundi, K. Wolkowicz and Sean N Brennan, 2018, "A Model-Based Approach for Predicting the Yaw-rate of a Wheelchair Using Joystick Steering Inputs", pp. 6 pages
  • T Baum, K. Wolkowicz, J. Chobot and Sean N Brennan, 2018, "Negative Obstacle Detection Using LiDAR Sensors for Robotic Wheelchair", 2018 ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, October 3rd, 2018, Atlanta GA, USA, pp. 10 pages
  • Christopher Monaco and Sean N Brennan, 2018, "Ego-Motion Estimate Corruption due to Violations of the Range Flow Constraint", 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2018), Madrid, Spain, pp. 6 pages
  • Christopher Monaco, Sean N Brennan and Kurt Hacker, 2018, "Doppler Velocity Log Placement Effects on Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Navigation Accuracy", pp. 6 pages
  • V. Vohra, M. Wahba, G. Akarslan, Rui Ni and Sean N Brennan, 2018, "An Examination of Vehicle Spacing to Reduce Aerodynamic Drag in Truck Platoons", pp. 6
  • M. Wahba and Sean N Brennan, 2018, "Developing an Operational Testing Ground for Autonomous and Connected Vehicles", pp. 5
  • R. Leary and Sean N Brennan, 2018, "Region of Attraction of a Real-time Vehicle Pose Estimator Using Monocular Vision And Lane Marker Maps", pp. 6
  • M. Alvarez, C. Xu, M. Rodriguez, A. Al-Mamun, M. Wahba, Sean N Brennan and Hosam Kadry Fathy, 2018, "Reducing Road Vehicle Fuel Consumption by Exploiting Connectivity and Automation: A Literature Survey", pp. 6
  • Ting Xu and Sean N Brennan, 2018, "Collision-Free CAV Navigation for Two Cars at Four-Way Non-Signalized Intersections", pp. 7 pages
  • Ting Xu and Sean N Brennan, 2018, "Cooperative Driving for Two Vehicles at Four-way Non-Signalized Intersections", Penn State University, pp. 6 pages
  • Matthew Ng and Sean N Brennan, 2018, "Mechanical Performance Analysis of ULTEM 9085 in a Heated, Irradiated Environment", pp. 6 pages
  • P. Arora and Sean N Brennan, 2017, "Development of User-guided Automatic Generation of Random Highway Scenarios for Driving Simulator Applications", 2017 Roadside Safety and Simulation International Conference, The Hague, Netherlands, pp. 10
  • M. Robinson and Sean N Brennan, 2017, "Geometrically Derived Distance-Optimal Trajectories Using a Point-Mass Model for Pedestrian Avoidance", 2017 Roadside Safety and Simulation International Conference, The Hague, Netherlands, pp. 10
  • I. Shekhawat, D. Corbin, Eric T Donnell and Sean N Brennan, 2017, "Automatic identification of hazardous roadside conditions", 2017 Roadside Safety and Simulation International Conference, The Hague, Netherlands, pp. 10
  • M. Wahba, R. Leary, J. Safi, Nicolas Ochoa-Lleras and Sean N Brennan, 2016, "A ROS-Simulink real-time communication bridge using UDP with a driver-in-the-loop application", ASME 2016 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, DSCC2016-9693, pp. 7
  • R. Leary and Sean N Brennan, 2016, "Region of attraction for a vehicle pose estimator utilizing monocular vision and lane marker maps", 2016 ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, pp. 7
  • C. Miller, K. Wolkowicz, J. Safi and Sean N Brennan, 2016, "State of charge estimation for an electric wheelchair using a fuel guage model", 2016 ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, pp. 8 pages
  • J. Pentzer, J. Safi, Sean N Brennan and Karl M Reichard, 2016, "On-line estimation of skid-steer instantaneous centers of rotation in GPS-denied environments", Journal of Field Robotics, Proceedings of the 2016 International Society for Terrain Vehicle Systems, 8th Americas Regional Conference
  • P. Arora, D. Corbin and Sean N Brennan, 2016, "Variable-sensitivity road departure warning system based on static, mapped, near-road threats", 2016 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium
  • H. Yang, Derek McBlane, Christina Boyd, C. Beal and Sean N Brennan, 2016, "Vehicle road departure detection using anomalies in dynamics", American Control Conference (ACC), pp. 6314-6319
  • B. McNelly, R. Leary, Sean N Brennan and Karl M Reichard, 2016, "Characterizing successful robotic insertion and removal from a dry storage cask using peg-like jamming and wedging analysis", ASME 2016 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, 6B: Materials and Fabrication, pp. 10
  • Clifford J Lissenden, S. Choi, H. Cho, Arthur T Motta, K. Hartig, X. Xiao, S. Le Berre, Sean N Brennan, Karl M Reichard, R. Leary, B. McNelly and I. Jovanovic, 2016, "Robotic inspection of dry storage casks for spent nuclear fuel", ASME 2016 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, 6B: Materials and Fabrication, pp. 10
  • A. Whalen, Sean N Brennan, T. Sauer and S. Schiff, 2016, "Effects of symmetry on the structural controllability of neural networks", American Control Conference, pp. 6
  • J. Pentzer, Karl M Reichard and Sean N Brennan, 2016, "Energy-based path planning for skid-steer vehicles operating in areas with mixed surface types", 2016 American Control Conference, pp. 6
  • P. Stankiewicz, N. Ochoa-Lleras and Sean N Brennan, 2015, "Vehicle rollover prevention using the zero-moment point in an LQR output regulator", Proceedings of the 2015 ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, pp. 10
  • A. Trezza, N. Virani, K. Wolkowicz, J. Moore and Sean N Brennan, 2015, "Indoor mapping and localization for a smart wheelchair using measurements of ambient magnetic fields", ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, pp. 10
  • M. Wahba and Sean N Brennan, 2015, "MPC-based energy management of a parallel hybrid electric vehicle using terrain information", Proceedings of the 2015 ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, pp. 8
  • A. Whalen, Sean N Brennan, T. Sauer and S. Schiff, 2015, "Structural controllability with symmetry", 7th International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, pp. 6
  • N. Ochoa-Lleras, Murphy Dennis and Sean N Brennan, 2015, "Experimental determination of operator perception of tractor instability", 3rd International Conference on Safety, Health and Welfare in Agriculture, Agro-food and Forestry Systems (Ragusa), pp. 294-301
  • K. Jerath and Sean N Brennan, 2015, "Identification of locally influential agents in self-organizing multi-agent systems", Proceedings of the 2015 American Control Conference, pp. 335-340
  • J. Safi, J. Anstrom, Sean N Brennan and H. Fathy, 2014, "Differential diagnostics for lithium ion battery cells connected in series", ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, pp. 6
  • K. Jerath, V. Gayah and Sean N Brennan, 2014, "Influential subspaces of connected vehicles in highway traffic", TRB Committee on Traffic Flow Theory and Characteristics Symposium, pp. 9
  • N. Ochoa-Lleras, A. A. Brown, Sean N Brennan, P. M. Garvey, H. J. Sommer and D. J. Murphy, 2014, "Development of an open-source immersive tractor driving simulator", American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting, pp. 4
  • K. Jerath, A. Ray, Sean N Brennan and V. Gayah, 2014, "Statistical mechanics-inspired framework for studying the effects of mixed traffic flows on highway congestion", American Control Conference, pp. 5402-5407
  • D. Torbic, E. Donnell, Sean N Brennan, A. Brown, M. O'Laughlin and K. Bauer, 2014, "Superelevation design for sharp horizontal curves on steep grades", Transportation Research Board Annual Conference, pp. 20
  • J. Safi, M. Beeney, M. Kehs, J, Anstrom, Sean N Brennan and H. Fathy, 2014, "Improving SOC accuracy using collective estimation for lithium ion battery cells in series", American Control Conference, pp. 254-259
  • E. Laftchiev, C. Lagoa and Sean N Brennan, 2014, "Multi-attribute data dynamics discontinuity identification: A probabilistic approach using linear modeling", 53rd Annual IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 5666-5673
  • J. Pentzer, Sean N Brennan and K. Reichard, 2014, "On-line estimation of vehicle motion and power model parameters for skid-steer robot energy use prediction", American Control Conference, pp. 2786-2791
  • P. Stankiewicz, A Brown and Sean N Brennan, 2014, "Open-loop vehicle collision avoidance and rollover prevention using previewed zero-moment point", American Control Conference, pp. 3207-3212
  • E. Laftchiev, C. Lagoa and Sean N Brennan, 2014, "Robust data map design using chance constraint optimization", American Control Conference, pp. 4573-4580
  • A. Brown and Sean N Brennan, 2014, "Temporal preview estimation for design of a low cost lane-following system using a forward-facing monocular camera", IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, pp. 1457-1462
  • J. Pentzer, Sean N Brennan and K. Reichard, 2014, "The use of unicycle robot control strategies for skid-steer robots through the ICR kinematic mapping", IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pp. 3201-3206
  • E. Laftchiev, C. Lagoa and Sean N Brennan, 2013, "Robust map design by outlier point selection for terrain-based vehicle localization", IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 3366-3371
  • A. Brown and Sean N Brennan, 2013, "Comparison of field measurements of vehicle dynamics to simulations using both design plans and LIDAR-scanned road geometry", Road Safety and Simulation International Conference, pp. 14
  • A. Brown and Sean N Brennan, 2013, "Analysis of simulation model complexity for predicting vehicle skidding for 3D geometric design of roadways", Road Safety and Simulation International Conference, pp. 14
  • P. Stankiewicz, A. Brown and Sean N Brennan, 2013, "Determination of minimum state preview time to prevent vehicle rollover", ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, pp. 8
  • A. Brown and Sean N Brennan, 2013, "Global and local frameworks for vehicle state estimation using temporally previewed mapped lane features", IEEE IV Workshop on Environment Perception and Navigation for Intelligent Vehicles, pp. 127-133
  • K. Swanson, A. Brown, Sean N Brennan and C. LaJambe, 2013, "Extending driving simulator capabilities toward hardware-in-the-loop testbeds and remote vehicle interfaces", IEEE IV Workshop on Environment Perception and Navigation for Intelligent Vehicles, pp. 115-120
  • H. Pangborn, Sean N Brennan and K. Reichard, 2013, "Development and applications of a robot tracking system for NIST test methods", IEEE Systems and Information Engineering Design Symposium (SIEDS), pp. 70-75
  • E. Laftchiev, C. Lagoa and Sean N Brennan, 2012, "Terrain-based vehicle localization from real-time data using dynamical models", IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 3366-3371
  • E. O'Hare, D. Linzell, Z. Rado and Sean N Brennan, 2012, "Development of shallow foundation streetscape vehicular anti-ram (SVAR) systems through modeling and testing", 83rd Shock and Vibration Symposium, pp. 11
  • L. Reese, T. Qiu, D. Linzell, Z. Rado and Sean N Brennan, 2012, "Development of landscape vehicular anti-ram systems through computational and experimental methods", 83rd Shock and Vibration Symposium, pp. 18
  • P. Vemulapalli, G. Ledva, Sean N Brennan and K. Reichard, 2012, "Pattern matching of in-vehicle acceleration time-series data", Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, pp. 761-770
  • M. Barnes and Sean N Brennan, 2012, "Simulation, design, and verification of an electrified bicycle energy model", Proceedings of the 2012 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, pp. 875-880
  • A. Brown and Sean N Brennan, 2012, "Model-based vehicle state estimation using previewed road geometry and noisy sensors", Proceedings of the 2012 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, pp. 591-600
  • Sean N Brennan, 2012, "GPS-free terrain-based vehicle tracking on road networks", American Control Conference, pp. 307-311
  • M. Montenbruck and Sean N Brennan, 2012, "Monitoring delayed systems using the Smith Predictor", Proceedings of the American Control Conference, pp. 6235 - 6239
  • J. Pentzer and Sean N Brennan, 2012, "Investigation of the effect of continuously variable transmissions on ground robot powertrain efficiency", American Control Conference, pp. 4245 - 4250
  • P. Vemulapalli, V. Monga and Sean N Brennan, 2012, "Optimally robust extrema filters for time series data", American Control Conference, pp. 2189 - 2195
  • A. Whalen, Sean N Brennan, T. Sauerx and S. Schiff, 2012, "Observability of neuronal network motifs", 46th Annual Conference Information Sciences and Systems (CISS), pp. 1-5
  • T. Varunjikar, P. Vemulapalli and Sean N Brennan, 2011, "Multi-body vehicle dynamics simulation based on measured 3D terrain data", Road Safety and Simulation Conference, pp. 10
  • S. Lapapong, A. Brown and Sean N Brennan, 2011, "Frequency characteristics and explanation of notches seen in frequency responses of vehicles", 2nd TSME International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, pp. 6
  • S. Kadetotad, P. Vemulapalli, Sean N Brennan and C. Lagoa, 2011, "Terrain-aided localization using feature-based particle filtering", Proceedings of the 2011 ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC), pp. 725-731
  • K. Jerath and Sean N Brennan, 2011, "GPS-free terrain-based vehicle tracking performance as a function of inertial sensor characteristics", Proceedings of the 2011 ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC), pp. 367-374
  • S. Lapapong and Sean N Brennan, 2011, "A novel comparative approach to evaluate vehicle rollover propensity", 22nd International Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks (IAVSD 2011), pp. 6
  • A. Brown and Sean N Brennan, 2011, "Measuring vehicle roll, tire camber, and camber coefficient using LIDAR", 22nd International Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks (IAVSD 2011), pp. 6
  • A. Brown, S. Lapapong, K. Swanson and Sean N Brennan, 2011, "Modeling of planar vehicle dynamics during gradual tire deflation", 22nd International Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks (IAVSD 2011)
  • P. Vemulapalli, A. Dean and Sean N Brennan, 2011, "Pitch-based vehicle localization using time series subsequence matching with multi-scale extrema features", American Control Conference, pp. 2405-2410
  • T. Simpson, K. Reichard and Sean N Brennan, 2011, "An integrated approach to platform-based engineering with application to a family of unmanned ground vehicles", Systems 2020 Conference
  • T. W. Simpson, Sean N Brennan, L. A. Slingerland, A. Bobuk, D. Logan and K. Reichard, 2010, "From user requirements to commonality specifications: An integrated approach to product family design", 13th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis & Optimization Conference, pp. 14
  • K. Jerath and Sean N Brennan, 2010, "Adaptive cruise control: Towards higher traffic flows, at the cost of increased susceptibility to congestion", 10th International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control, pp. 6
  • S. Lapapong, A. Brown and Sean N Brennan, 2010, "Experimental validation of terrain-aware rollover prediction for ground vehicles using the zero-moment point method", 10th International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control. (2010 AVEC), pp. 6
  • A. Dean, J. Langelaan and Sean N Brennan, 2010, "Improvements in terrain-based road vehicle localization by initializing an unscented Kalman filter using particle filters", American Control Conference, pp. 6
  • S. Lapapong and Sean N Brennan, 2010, "Terrain-aware rollover prediction for ground vehicles using the zero-moment point method", American Control Conference, pp. 7
  • A. Dean and Sean N Brennan, 2009, "Terrain-based road vehicle localization on multi-lane highways", American Control Conference, pp. 707-712
  • C. Rogan, J. Anstrom and Sean N Brennan, 2009, "Power and energy management for heavy tactical vehicles", Joint Service Power Expo
  • P. Vemulapalli and Sean N Brennan, 2009, "Design and testing of a terrain mapping system for median slope measurement", Transportation Research Board of the National Academy of Science, pp. 20
  • K. Reichard, T. Simpson, C. Rogan, J. Merenich, Sean N Brennan and E. Crow, 2008, "Design and development of a family of explosive ordinance disposal (EOD) robots", SPIE European Defense and Security Conference
  • A. Dean, P. Vemulapalli and Sean N Brennan, 2008, "Highway evaluation of terrain-aided localization using particle filters", Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, pp. 1139-1145
  • M. Petersheim and Sean N Brennan, 2008, "Scaling of hybrid electric vehicle powertrain components for hardware-in-the-loop simulation", Multi-Systems Conference
  • M. Petersheim, Sean N Brennan, C. LaJambe and F. Brown, 2008, "Important visual cues for driver speed perception in virtual driving environments", 4th International Conference on Traffic & Transport Psychology (ICTTP)
  • A. Dean and Sean N Brennan, 2008, "Terrain-based road vehicle localization using particle filters", American Control Conference, pp. 236-241
  • V. Gupta and Sean N Brennan, 2007, "Vehicle state estimation using vision and inertial measurements", Fifth IFAC Symposium on Advances in Automotive Control, pp. 65-70
  • Sean N Brennan, 2007, "Mechatronics and systems instruction across graduate, undergraduate, and research applications using rapidly reconfigurable hardware", Proceedings of the 2007 ASEE Annual Conference and Exhibition
  • B. Hamblin and Sean N Brennan, 2007, "Lessons learned from matching experimental data to low-order models of vehicle behavior", Proceedings of the 2007 ASME IMECE
  • B. Hamblin and Sean N Brennan, 2007, "Utilization of vehicle dynamic simulations as predictors of highway safety", Proceedings of the 2007 ASME IMECE, pp. IMECE2007- 42195
  • M. D. Petersheim, S. P. Clewell, Sean N Brennan, C. M. LaJambe, M. El-Gindy and F. M. Brown, 2006, "Development of a driving simulator for human-vehicle interaction studies", 9th Int Symp on Heavy Vehicles, Weights, & Dimensions, pp. 121-130
  • B. Hamblin, R. Martini, J. Cameron and Sean N Brennan, 2006, "Low-order modeling of vehicle roll dynamics", Proceedings of the 2006 American Control Conference, pp. 8
  • H. Hailu and Sean N Brennan, 2006, "The vehicle autopilot: Simultaneous robust control through parametric adaptation", Proceedings of the 2006 ASME IMECE, pp. 137-144
  • J. Cameron and Sean N Brennan, 2005, "A comparative, experimental study of model suitability to describe vehicle rollover dynamics for control design", Proceedings of the 2005 ASME IMECE, pp. 405-414
  • H. Hailu and Sean N Brennan, 2005, "Simplifying robust control designs of parametric uncertain systems using dimensional transforms", Proceedings of the 2005 ASME IMECE, pp. 77-83
  • H. Hailu and Sean N Brennan, 2005, "Use of dimensional analysis to reduce the parametric space for gain-scheduling", American Control Conference, pp. 598-603
  • A. Nirakh, Sean N Brennan and F. Gandhi, 2005, "An implicit model for snake robot locomotion and gait optimization", Proceedings of the 2005 ASME IMECE, pp. 1733-1742
  • J. Cameron and Sean N Brennan, 2004, "Low cost vehicle guidance and automation strategies for crash testing: A vehicle dynamics analysis", 7th Annual PTI Transportation Conference
  • E. Ozatay, B. Zile, J. Anstrom and Sean N Brennan, 2004, "Power distribution control coordinating ultracapacitors and batteries for electric vehicles", American Control Conference, 5, pp. 4716-4721
  • C. Robinson, D. Block, Sean N Brennan, F. Bullo and J. Cortes, 2004, "Nonsmooth analysis and sonar-based implementation of distributed coordination algorithms", IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation, 3, pp. 3000-3005
  • Sean N Brennan, 2004, "Similarity conditions for comparing closed-loop vehicle roll and pitch dynamics", American Control Conference, pp. 3393-3398
  • Sean N Brennan, 2003, "Dimensionless sensitivity methods for the identification of vehicle chassis dynamics", ASME IMECE
  • Sean N Brennan and A. Alleyne, 2003, "Generalized H-infinity vehicle control utilizing dimensional analysis", American Control Conference, pp. 3774-3780
  • Sean N Brennan and A. Alleyne, 2002, "H-infinity vehicle control using non dimensional perturbation measures", American Control Conference, pp. 2534-2539
  • Sean N Brennan and A. Alleyne, 2001, "Integrated vehicle control via coordinated steering and wheel torque inputs", American Control Conference, Arlington, VA, pp. 7-12
  • Sean N Brennan and A. Alleyne, 2000, "Robust stabilization of a generalized vehicle, a nondimensional approach", Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control (AVEC), Ann Arbor, MI
  • Sean N Brennan and A. Alleyne, 1999, "A scaled testbed for vehicle control: The IRS", IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, Kohala Coast, HI, pp. 327-332
  • Sean N Brennan and A. Alleyne, 1999, "Driver assisted yaw rate control", American Controls Conference, San Diego, CA, pp. 1679-1704
  • Sean N Brennan, M. DePoorter and A. Alleyne, 1998, "The Illinois Roadway Simulator—A hardware-in-the-loop testbed for vehicle dynamics and control", American Control Conference, Philadelphia, PA, pp. 493-497
  • M. DePoorter, Sean N Brennan and A. Alleyne, 1998, "Driver assisted control strategies: Theory and experiment", ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Anaheim, CA, pp. 721-728
  • N. Aukland, H. Hardee, A. Wehr, Sean N Brennan and P. Lees, 1997, "An examination of the metallic bonding of a clad material and two gold plating systems under constant force fretting conditions", Proceedings of the Forty-Third IEEE Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts, Seattle, WA, pp. 7-19
  • Clifford J Lissenden, Arthur T Motta, Sean N Brennan, Karl M Reichard, I. Jovanovic, T. Knight and J. Popovics, , "Development of robotic multisensor inspection system for used nuclear fuel canisters", American Nuclear Society 2017 Conference, pp. 4
  • K. Blundi, K. Wolkowicz and Sean N Brennan, , "A Model-Based Approach for Predicting the Yaw-rate of a Wheelchair Using Joystick Steering Inputs", 2018 CERS, Penn State University, pp. 6 pages
  • K. Wolkowicz, Robert Leary, Jason Zachary Moore and Sean N Brennan, , "Discriminating Spatial Intent from Noisy Joystick Signals for Wheelchair Path Planning and Guidance", pp. 6 pages
  • Robert Leary and Sean N Brennan, , "Extracting Geometric Road Centerline and Lane Edges from Single-scan LiDAR Intensity using Optimally-Filtered Extrema Features", Copenhagen, Denmark, pp. 6 pages
  • J. Bracken, Sean N Brennan, Clifford J Lissenden, Timothy W Simpson, Ian VanSant, Karl M Reichard and Matthew Ng, , "Change Propagation During Prototyping: A Case Study of a Robotic Inspection System For Dry Nuclear Waste Storage Casks", pp. 10 pages
  • Nick Dow, Stefan Topper, Sean N Brennan and Matthew B Parkinson, , "A Baseline Experiment for the Effect of Virtual Immersion on Vehicle Passenger Risk Perception"
  • S. Tau, Sean N Brennan, Karl M Reichard, J. Pentzer and D. Gorsich, , "The Effects of Obstacle Dimensional Uncertainty on Path Planning in Cluttered Environments", pp. 8 pages

Research Projects

  • March 2017 - December 2020, "Maximizing Fuel Economy through Real-Time, Collaborative, and Predictive Co-Optimization of Routing, Speed, and Powertrain Control," (Sponsor: Energy Advanced Research Projects Agency).
  • October 2011 - September 2017, "Penn State GATE Center of Excellence: In-Vehicle, High-Power Energy Storage Technologies," (Sponsor: National Energy Technology Laboratory (USDOE)).

Honors and Awards

  • Best Student Paper in Conference, 13th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems, July 2021
  • Winner of "gold medal" for student paper, 2021 Modeling, Estimation and Control Conference, July 2021


Service to Penn State:

Service to External Organizations:

  • Participation in or Service to Professional and Learned Societies, Co-Chairperson, Vice Chair for Connected Vehicle to X (CV2X) Technologies, IEEE Technical Committee on Automotive Control, May 2024
  • Service to Governmental Agencies, Volunteer, "Friend of Committee", "Friend of Committee", Transportation Research Board of the National Academies of Science (AKD20), April 2020 - April 2027
  • Service to Governmental Agencies, Volunteer, "Friend of Committee", "Friend of Committee", Transportation Research Board of the National Academies of Science (AED30), April 2020 - April 2027
  • Service to Governmental Agencies, Volunteer, "Friend of Committee", Friend of Committee, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies of Science (ACP15), April 2020 - April 2027
  • Service to Governmental Agencies, Volunteer, "Friend of Committee", "Friend of Committee", Transportation Research Board of the National Academies of Science (AED50), April 2020 - April 2028
  • Service to Governmental Agencies, Volunteer, "Friend of Committee", "Friend of Committee", Transportation Research Board of the National Academies of Science (AKD70), April 2020 - April 2027
  • Service to Governmental Agencies, Volunteer, "Friend of Committee", Transportation Research Board of the National Academies of Science (ACP30), April 2020 - April 2027
  • Participation in or Service to Professional and Learned Societies, Reviewer, Reviewer for best paper award from committee at 2 conferences (Modeling Estimation and Control Conference, and American Control Conference), ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division, Technical Committee on Automotive Control, June 2006 - January 2022
  • Organizing Conferences and Service on Conference Committees, Committee Member, ASME DSCD Mechatronics Technical Committee, June 2005
  • Participation in or Service to Professional and Learned Societies, Member, IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society, December 2003 - January 2022



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