Journal Articles
- Lin Wang*, Zhuo Li*, Sheng Shen and Tak Sing Wong, 2024, "Geometric design of antireflective leafhopper brochosomes", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 121, (14), pp. e2312700121
- Zhuo Li*, Lin Wang*, Xiu Liu, Jiayu Li, Hyeong Seok Yun, Zexiao Wang, Xu Zhang, Tak Sing Wong and Sheng Shen, 2024, "Brochosome-inspired Binary Metastructures for Pixel-for-Pixel Thermal Signature Control", Science Advances, 10, pp. eadl4027
- Lin Wang, Jinsol Choi and Tak Sing Wong, 2024, "Synthetic Brochosomes: Design, Synthesis, and Applications", Nano Research, 17, pp. 734 - 742
- Lin Wang and Tak Sing Wong, 2024, "Camouflage: Tiny Particles Help Insects Evade Predators", eLife, 13, pp. e103508
- Tak Sing Wong, 2024, "Optical Form and Function of Leafhopper-Produced Brochosomes", Microscopy and Microanalysis, 30, pp. 953
- Wen Cheng, Xinyu Wang, Ze Xiong, Jun Liu, Zhuangjian Liu, Yunxia Jin, Haicheng Yao, Tak Sing Wong, John Ho and Benjamin C.K. Tee, 2023, "Frictionless Multiphasic Interface for Near-Ideal Aero-Elastic Pressure Sensing", Nature Materials, 22, pp. 1352 - 1360
- Lin Wang, Ruoxi Wang, Jing Wang and Tak Sing Wong, 2020, "Compact nanoscale textures reduce contact time on bouncing droplets", Science Advances, 6, pp. eabb2307
- Hui Li, Eugene Shkolyar, Jing Wang, Alan C. Pao, Joseph C. Liao, Tak Sing Wong and Pak Kin Wong, 2020, "SLIPS-LAB – A multiplex bioanalysis system for urinary stone disease metabolic workup", Science Advances, 6, pp. eaba8535
- Jing Wang, Nan Sun, Ross Tierney, Hui Li, Margo Corsetti, Leon Williams, Pak Kin Wong and Tak Sing Wong, 2019, "Viscoelastic solid-repellent coatings for extreme water saving and global sanitation", Nature Sustainability, 2, pp. 1097-1105
- Birgitt Boschitsch, Luke Gockowski, Hannah Feldstein, Houston Claure, Jing Wang and Tak Sing Wong, 2018, "Free-standing liquid membranes as unusual particle separators", Science Advances, 4, pp. eaat3276
- Wendong Wang, Jaakko V.I. Timonen, Andreas Carlson, Dirk-Michael Drotlef, Cathy T. Zhang, Stefan Kolle, Alison Grinthal, Tak-Sing Wong, Benjamin Hatton, Sunghoon Kang, Stephen Kennedy, Joshua Chi, Robert Thomas Blough, Metin Sitti, L. Mahadevan and Joanna Aizenberg, 2018, "Multifunctional ferrofluid-infused surfaces with reconfigurable multiscale topography", Nature, 559, pp. 77–82
- Xianming Dai, Nan Sun, Steven O. Nielsen, Birgitt Boschitsch, Jing Wang, Shikuan Yang and Tak-Sing Wong, 2018, "Hydrophilic directional slippery rough surfaces for condensation and water harvesting", Science Advances, 4, pp. eaaq0919
- Shikuan Yang, Nan Sun, Birgitt Boschitsch, Jing Wang, Yu Huang and Tak Sing Wong, 2017, "Ultra-antireflective synthetic brochosomes", Nature Communications, 8, pp. 1285
- Yu Huang, Birgitt Boschitsch, Nan Sun, Jing Wang, Shikuan Yang and Tak-Sing Wong, 2017, "A switchable cross-species liquid repellent surface", Advanced Materials, 29, pp. 1604641
- Jing Wang, Keiko Kato, Alex P. Blois and Tak-Sing Wong, 2016, "Bioinspired omniphobic coatings with a thermal self-repair function on industrial materials", Americcan Chemical Society (ACS) Applied Materials and Interfaces, 8, pp. 8265–8271
- Shikuan Yang, Xianming Dai, Birgitt Boschitsch Stogin and Tak-Sing Wong, 2016, "Ultrasensitive surface-enhanced Raman scattering detection in general liquids", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 113, (2), pp. 268–273
- Xianming Dai, Birgitt Boschitsch Stogin, Shikuan Yang and Tak-Sing Wong, 2015, "Slippery Wenzel state", American Chemical Society (ACS) Nano, 9, pp. 9260 - 9267
- Noah MacCallum, Caitlin Howell, Philseok Kim, Derek Sun, Ronn Friedlander, Jonathan Ranisau, Onye Ahanotu, Jennifer J. Lin, Alex Vena, Benjamin D Hatton, Tak Sing Wong and Joanna Aizenberg, 2015, "Liquid-infused silicone as a biofouling-free medical material", American Chemical Society (ACS) Biomaterials Science & Engineering, 1, pp. 43 - 51
- Cicely Shillingford, Noah MacCallum, Tak Sing Wong, Philseok Kim and Joanna Aizenberg, 2014, "Fabrics coated with lubricated nanostructures display robust omniphobicity", Nanotechnology, 25, pp. 14019
- Nicolas Vogel, Rebecca Belisle, Benjamin Hatton, Tak Sing Wong and Joanna Aizenberg, 2013, "Fully transparent, omniphobic surfaces based on inverse colloidal monolayers", Nature Communications, 4, pp. 2167
- Daniel Daniel, Max N. Mankin, Rebecca A. Belisle, Tak Sing Wong and Joanna Aizenberg, 2013, "Liquid-infused micro/nano-structured surfaces with tunable dynamic omniphobicity at high temperatures", Applied Physics Letters, 102, pp. 231603
- Tak Sing Wong, Taolei Sun, Lin Feng and Joanna Aizenberg, 2013, "Interfacial materials with special wettability", Materials Research Society (MRS) Bulletin, 38, pp. 366-371
- Yao Xi, Yuhang Hu, Alison Grinthal, Tak Sing Wong, L. Mahadevan and Joanna Aizenberg, 2013, "Adaptive fluid-infused porous films with tunable transparency and wettability", Nature Materials, 12, pp. 529-534
- Alex Esptein, Tak Sing Wong, Rebecca Belisle, Emily Marie Boggs and Joanna Aizenberg, 2012, "Liquid-infused structured surfaces with exceptional anti-biofouling performance", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 109, pp. 13182-13187
- Philseok Kim, Tak Sing Wong, Jack Alvarenga, Wilmer Adorno and Joanna Aizenberg, 2012, "Liquid-infused nanostructured surfaces with extreme anti-ice and anti-frost performance", American Chemical Society (ACS) Nano, 6, pp. 6569-6577
- Tak Sing Wong, Sung Hoon Kang, Sindy K.Y. Tang, Elizabeth J. Smythe, Benjamin D. Hatton, Alison Grinthal and Joanna Aizenberg, 2011, "Bioinspired self-repairing slippery surfaces with pressure-stable omniphobicity", Nature, 477, pp. 443-447
- Tak Sing Wong, Ting-Hsuan Chen, Xiaoying Shen and Chih-Ming Ho, 2011, "Nano-chromatography driven by the coffee ring effect", Analytical Chemistry, 83, pp. 1871-1873
- Xiaoying Shen, Chih-Ming Ho and Tak Sing Wong, 2010, "Minimal size of coffee ring structure", The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 114, pp. 5269-5274
- Tak Sing Wong and Chih-Ming Ho, 2009, "Dependence of macroscopic wetting on nanoscopic surface textures", Langmuir, 25, pp. 12851-12854
- Tak Sing Wong, Adam Huang and Chih-Ming Ho, 2009, "Wetting behaviors of individual nanostructures", Langmuir, 25, pp. 6599-6603
- Tak Sing Wong, Braden Brough and Chih-Ming Ho, 2009, "Creation of functional micro and nanosystems through top-down and bottom-up approaches", Molecular and Cellular Biomechanics, 6, pp. 1-55
- Yuh Adam Lin, Tak Sing Wong, Urvashi Bhardwaj, Jia-Ming Chen, Chih-Ming Ho and Edward McCabe, 2007, "Formation of high electromagnetic gradient through particle-based microfluidic approach", Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 17, pp. 1299-1306
- Branden Brough, Karen L. Christman, Tak Sing Wong, Christopher M. Kolodziej, Jeff G. Forbes, Kuan Wang, Heather D. Maynard and Chih-Ming Ho, 2007, "Surface initiated actin polymerization from top-down manufactured nanopatterns", Soft Matter, 3, pp. 541-546
- Adam Huang, Tak Sing Wong and Chih-Ming Ho, 2006, "Silicone polymer chemical vapor sensors fabricated by direct polymer patterning on substrate technique (DDPOST)", Sensors and Actuators B, Chemical, 116, pp. 2-10
- King W. C. Lai, Carmen K. M. Fung, Tak Sing Wong, Mandy L. Y. Sin, Wen J. Li and C. P. Kwong, 2006, "Development of an automated microspotting system for rapid dielectrophoretic fabrication of bundled carbon nanotube sensors", Institute of Electrical and Eletronic Engineers (IEEE) Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 3, pp. 218-227
- Carmen K.M. Fung, Tak Sing Wong, Rosa H. M. Chan and Wen J. Li, 2004, "Dielectrophoretic batch fabrication of bundled carbon nanotube thermal sensors", Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) Transactions on Nanotechnology, 3, pp. 395-403
- Tak Sing Wong and Wen J. Li, 2002, "Dependence of AC electrophoresis carbon nanotube manipulation on microelectrode geometry", Journal of Non-linear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, 3, pp. 769-774