Photo of Catherine Berdanier

Catherine Berdanier

Associate Professor
Director of Online Programs


  • Mechanical Engineering

206 Reber Building


Research Areas:

Engineering Education





Journal Articles

  • Catherine Berdanier, 2021, "Linking current and prospective engineering graduate students' writing attitudes with rhetorical writing patterns", Journal of Engineering Education, 110, (1), pp. 207-229
  • Catherine Berdanier, Carey Whitehair, Adam Kirn and Derek Satterfield, 2020, "Analysis of social media forums to elicit narratives of graduate engineering student attrition", Journal of Engineering Education, 109, (1), pp. 125-147
  • Catherine Berdanier, 2019, "Genre maps as a method to visualize engineering writing and argumentation patterns", Journal of Engineering Education, 108, (3), pp. 377-393
  • Meredith Handley and Catherine Berdanier, 2019, "Operationalizing interpersonal behaviours of leadership for early-career engineers", International Journal of Engineering Education, 35, (3), pp. 719-732
  • Catherine Berdanier, Xiaofeng Tang and Monica Cox, 2018, "Ethics and sustainability in global contexts: Studying engineering student perspectives through photoelicitation", Journal of Engineering Education, 107, (2), pp. 238-262
  • Gracemarie Fillenwarth, Mary McCall and Catherine Berdanier, 2018, "Quantification of engineering disciplinary discourse in résumés: A novel genre analysis with teaching implications", Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Transactions on Professional Communication, 61, (1), pp. 48-64
  • Catherine Berdanier, Robin H Tate, Tom Iwinski and Anil K Kulkarni, 2017, "Student usage of online engineering course videos in a second-year thermodynamics course", Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, 30, (3), pp. 1-8
  • Catherine Berdanier, Anne Tally, Sara Branch, Benjamin Ahn and Monica Cox, 2016, "A strategic blueprint for the alignment of doctoral competencies with disciplinary expectations", International Journal of Engineering Education, 32, (4), pp. 1759–1773
  • Catherine Berdanier and M. F. Cox, 2015, "Research and assessment of learning environments through photoelicitation: Graduate student perceptions of electronics manufacturing in India", Advances in Engineering Education, 4, (4), pp. 1-24

Conference Proceedings

  • Catherine Berdanier, 2019, "Investigating the formation of engineers and the future professoriate: Linking writing approaches and attitudes to doctoral socialization, persistence, and attrition", pp. 1-5
  • Ellen Zerbe, Catherine Berdanier, Natascha Buswell and Joana Melo, 2019, "Validating a short form writing attitudes survey for engineering writers", pp. 1-12
  • Priyesh Mehta and Catherine Berdanier, 2019, "A systematic review of additive manufacturing education: Towards engineering education research in AM", pp. 1-10
  • Ellen Zerbe and Catherine Berdanier, 2019, "Quantitative comparison between writing attitudes of U.S. domestic and international engineering graduate students", pp. 1-10
  • Manoj Malviya and Catherine Berdanier, 2019, "Visual and statistical methods to calculate interrater reliability for time-resolved qualitative data: Examples from a screen capture study of engineering writing patterns", pp. 1-13
  • Catherine Berdanier, Eric Baker, Weiqin Wang and Chris McComb, 2018, "Opportunities for natural language processing in qualitative engineering education research: Two examples", pp. 1-6
  • Catherine Berdanier and Ellen Zerbe, 2018, "Correlations between graduate student writing concepts and processes and certainty of career trajectories", pp. 1-9
  • Jessica Menold, Catherine Berdanier, Chris McComb, Emma Hocker and Lisa Gardner, 2018, "Thus, I had to go with what I had:” A multiple methods exploration of novice designers’ articulation of prototyping decisions", pp. 1-10
  • Christopher McComb, Catherine Berdanier, Jessica Menold, Emma Hocker and Lisa Gardner, 2018, "Design practica as authentic assessments in first-year engineering design courses", pp. 1-9
  • Catherine Berdanier and Ellen Zerbe, 2018, "Quantitative investigation of engineering graduate student conceptions and processes of academic writing", pp. 1-9
  • Carey Whitehair and Catherine Berdanier, 2018, "Capturing narratives of graduate engineering attrition through online forum mining", pp. 1-10
  • Catherine Berdanier and Natascha Buswell, 2018, "Data visualization for time-resolved real-time engineering writing processes", pp. 1-14
  • Catherine Berdanier and Natascha Trellinger, 2017, "Development of a method to study real-time engineering writing processes", pp. 1-13
  • Catherine Berdanier, Sanyukta Baluni and Carey Whitehair, 2017, "Investigating strategies of pre-tenure women engineering faculty to overcome microaggressions in the classroom", pp. 1-5
  • Joshua Lenart and Catherine Berdanier, 2017, "A genre analysis of graduate student literature reviews in engineering: Toward understanding patterns of disciplinary argumentation", pp. 1-5
  • Carey Whitehair and Catherine Berdanier, 2017, "The role of trust in collaborative research settings: Opportunities for future research in graduate engineering education", pp. 1-26
  • Catherine Berdanier, Robin Tate, Anil K Kulkarni and Tom Iwinski, 2017, "Student usage of online engineering course videos in a second-year thermodynamics course", pp. 1-10
  • Catherine Berdanier, Mary McCall and Gracemarie Mike, 2016, "Résumés in the development of undergraduate engineering identity: A genre analysis with teaching implications", pp. 1-9
  • Catherine Berdanier, Mary McCall and Gracemarie Mike, 2016, "A degree is not enough: Promoting engineering identity development and professional planning through the teaching of engineering résumé writing", pp. 1-5

Research Projects

Honors and Awards

  • NSF CAREER Award, National Science Foundation, December 2018 - November 2024
  • Shuman Family Early Career Professorship, Clyde W. Shuman Jr. and Nancy Shuman, August 2020 - June 2023


Service to Penn State:

Service to External Organizations:




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Department of Mechanical Engineering

137 Reber Building

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802-4400

Phone: 814-865-2519