Photo of Katie Fitzsimons

Katie Fitzsimons

Assistant Professor


  • Mechanical Engineering

326 Reber Building


Research Website

Research Areas:

Biomechanics and Mechanobiology; Mechanical Sciences; Sensors & Controls





Journal Articles

  • Kathleen Fitzsimons and Todd Murphey, 2022, "Ergodic shared control: Closing the loop on pHRI based on information encoded in motion", ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction, 11, (4), pp. 20
  • Kathleen Fitzsimons, Aleksandra Kalinowska, Julius P Dewald and Todd D Murphey, 2020, "Task-based hybrid shared control for training through forceful interaction", International Journal of Robotics Research, 39, (9), pp. 1139-1154
  • Kathleen Fitzsimons, Ana Maria Acosta, Julius Dewald and Todd D Murphey, 2019, "Ergodicity reveals assistance and learning from physical human-robot interaction", Science Robotics, 4, (29)
  • Thomas Berrueta, Ana Pervan, Kathleen Fitzsimons and Murphey, 2018, "Dynamical system segmentation for information measures in motion", Robotics and Automation Letters, 4, (1), pp. 169-176

Conference Proceedings

  • Aleksandra Kalinowska, Ahalya Prabhakar, Kathleen Fitzsimons and Todd D Murphey, 2021, "Ergodic imitation: Learning from what to do and what not to do", Virtual, pp. 3648 - 3654
  • Aleksandra Kalinowska, Kyra Rudy, Millicent Schlafly, Kathleen Fitzsimons, Julius P Dewald and T D Murphey, 2020, "Shoulder abduction loading affects motor coordination in individuals with chronic stroke, informing targeted rehabiliation", Virtual, pp. 1010-1017
  • Aleksandra Kalinowska, Kathleen Fitzsimons and Todd D Murphey, 2018, "Online user assessment for minimal intervention during task-based robotic assistance.", Pittsburgh, PA
  • Kathleen Fitzsimons, Emmanouil Tzorakoleftherakis and Todd D Murphey, 2016, "Optimal human-in-the-loop interfaces based on Maxwell's Demon", Boston, MA, pp. 4307-4402
  • Zhiquing Lu, Herschel Pangborn and Kathleen Fitzsimons, , "Developing an affordable multi-course electronics kit for increased software and mechatronic literacy in mechanical engineering"

Research Projects

Honors and Awards


Service to Penn State:

Service to External Organizations:




With more than 60 faculty members, 330 graduate students, and 1,000 undergraduate students, the Penn State Department of Mechanical Engineering embraces a culture that welcomes individuals with a diversity of backgrounds and expertise. Our faculty and students are innovating today what will impact tomorrow’s solutions to meeting our energy needs, homeland security, biomedical devices, and transportation systems. We offer B.S. degrees in mechanical engineering as well as resident (M.S., Ph.D.) and online (M.S.) graduate degrees in mechanical engineering. See how we’re inspiring change and impacting tomorrow at

Department of Mechanical Engineering

137 Reber Building

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802-4400

Phone: 814-865-2519