Journal Articles
- Jibin Joy Kolliyil and Melissa Brindise, 2025, "Automated detection of arrhythmias using a novel interpretable feature set extracted from 12-Lead ECGs", Computers in Medicine and Biology, 189, pp. 109957
- Cheng Peng and Melissa Brindise, 2024, "Effects of wall compliance on vessel hemodynamics: A baseline particle tracking velocimetry study", Physics of Fluids, 36, (12), pp. 121925
- Jibin Joy Kolliyil, Nikhil Shirdade and Melissa Brindise, 2024, "Investigating intermittent behaviors in transitional flows using a novel time–frequency-based method", Experiments in Fluids, 65, (123)
- Ruhi Shamin, Melissa Brindise, Jibin Joy Kolliyil, Brett Meyers, Jiacheng Zhang and Pavlos Vlachos, 2024, "An interpretable feature approach for automated atrial fibrillation detection in ECGs", Computers in Medicine and Biology, 179, pp. 108872
- Baha Elkhader and Melissa Brindise, 2024, "Effect of the Womersley number on transition to turbulence in pipe flow: An experimental study", Physics of Fluids, 36, (6), pp. 064109
- Sandy Karam, Nikhil Shirdade, Benjamin Madden, Justin Rheinstadter, Ephraim Church, Melissa Brindise and Guha Manogharan, 2023, "Additive manufacturing of patient-specific high-fidelity and thickness-controlled cerebral aneurysm geometries", Manufacturing Letters, 35, pp. 770-777
- Melissa Brindise, Keving Buno, Luis Solorio and Pavlos Vlachos, 2023, "Automated layer identification for skin tissue histology images", Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 51, (2), pp. 443-455
- Jiacheng Zhang, Sean Rothenberger, Melissa Brindise, Michael Markl, Vitaliy Rayz and Pavlos Vlachos, 2022, "Wall shear stress estimation for 4D Flow MRI using Navier-Stokes equation correction", Annals of Biomedical Engineering, pp. 1-16
- Brett Meyers, Melissa Brindise, Shelby Kutty and Pavlos Vlachos, 2022, "A method of direct estimation of left ventricular global longitudinal strain rate from echocardiograms", Scientific Reports, 12, (1), pp. 1-11
- Jiacheng Zhang, Melissa Brindise, Sean Rothenberger, Michael Markl, Vitaliy Rayz and Pavlos Vlachos, 2022, "A multi-modality approach for enhancing 4D flow magnetic resonance imaging via sparse representation", Royal Society Interface, 19, (186), pp. 202110751
- Melissa Brindise, Brett Meyers, Shelby Kutty and Pavlos Vlachos, 2021, "Automated peak prominence-based iterative Dijkstras algorithm for segmentation of B-mode echocardiograms", IEEE Transactions of Biomedical Engineering, 69, (5), pp. 1595-1607
- Jiacheng Zhang, Sean M. Rothenberger, Melissa Brindise, M. B. Scott, H. Berhane, J. J. Baraboo, Michael Markl, V. L. Rayz and Pavlos P. Vlachos, 2021, "Divergence-free constrained phase unwrapping and denoising for 4D flow MRI using weighted least squares", IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 40, (12), pp. 3389-3399
- Melissa Brindise, Brett A. Meyers and Pavlos Vlachos, 2020, "Universality of vortex ring decay in the left ventricle", Journal of Biomechanics, 103, pp. 109695
- Jiacheng Zhang, Melissa Brindise, Sean Rothenberger, S. Schnell, M. Markl, D. Saloner, V. L. Rayz and Pavlos P. Vlachos, 2019, "4D Flow MRI pressure estimation using velocity measurement-error based weighted least-squares", IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 39, (5), pp. 1668-1680
- Melissa Brindise, Sean Rothenberger, B. Dickerhoff, S. Schnell, M. Markl, D. Saloner, V. L. Rayz and Pavlos P. Vlachos, 2019, "Multi-modality cerebral aneurysm haemodynamic analysis: in vivo 4D Flow MRI, in vitro particle velocimetry, and in silico computational fluid dynamics", Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 16, (158), pp. 20190465
- Melissa Brindise, Margaret Busse and Pavlos Vlachos, 2018, "Density- and viscosity-matched Newtonian and non-Newtonian blood-analog solutions with PDMS refractive index", Experiments in Fluids, 59, (11), pp. 1-8
- Melissa Brindise and Pavlos Vlachos, 2018, "Pulsatile pipe flow transition: Flow waveform effects", Physics in Fluids, 30, (1), pp. 015111
- Melissa Brindise and Pavlos Vlachos, 2017, "Proper orthogonal decomposition truncation method for data denoising and order reduction", Experiments in Fluids, 58, (4), pp. 1-18
- Melissa Brindise, Claudio Chiastra, Francesco Burzotta, Francesco Migliavacca and Pavlos Vlachos, 2017, "Hemodynamics of stent implantation procedures in coronary bifurcations: An in vitro study", Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 45, (3), pp. 542-553
- Nikhil Shirdade, Jibin Joy Kolliyil, Baha Al-Deen T. El-Khader and Melissa Brindise, , "Characterizing the onset of transitional and turbulent flow regimes in pipe flows using instantaneous time-frequency-based analysis", Physics of Fluids, 36, (10), pp. 104107