Journal Articles
- Margaret Busse, Michael McKibben, William Stringfellow, Patrick Dobson and Jennifer Stokes-Draut, 2024, "Impact of Geothermal Expansion and Lithium Extraction in the Salton Sea Known Geothermal Resource Area (SS-KGRA) on Local Water Resources", Environmental Research Letters, 19, (10)
- Kushal Seth, Margaret Busse, Gyoung Jang, Sanket Joag, Kyungho Kim, Thomas Pankratz, Divyansh Sahu, Ramesh Sharma, Jennifer Stokes-Draut, Costas Tsouris and Shankararaman Chellam, 2023, "Electrocoagulation of High-salinity Produced Water: Lessons Learned From its Early Applications in Unconventional Reservoir Plays", Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering, 42
- Margaret M Busse, Jason K Hawes and Ernest R Blatchley III, 2022, "Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Direct and Indirect Solar Water Disinfection Processes for Application in Low-income Settings", Environmental Science & Technology, 56, (22)
- Margaret M Busse, Matouš Becker, Bruce M Applegate, Joseph W Camp and Ernest R Blatchley III, 2019, "Responses of Salmonella typhimurium LT2, Vibrio harveyi, and Cryptosporidium parvum to UVB and UVA radiation", Chemical Engineering Journal, 371, pp. 10
- Melissa Brindise, Margaret Busse and Pavlos Vlachos, 2018, "Density- and Viscosity-matched Newtonian and Non-newtonian Blood-analog Solutions with PDMS Refractive Index", Experiments in Fluids, 59, (11)
- Albert Alwang, Margaret Busse, Audrey Caprio, Marieke Fenton, Jason Hawes, Andrew Kanach and Autumn Mcelfresh-Sutton, 2017, "Water Supply in Developing Countries: Student Experiences in the Dominican Republic", Purdue Journal of Service-Learning and International Engagement, 4, (1), pp. 7
Conference Proceedings
- Shaily Gupta and Margaret Busse, 2024, "Quantifying the Impact of Water Needs for Lithium Production from Geothermal Brines in the Salton Sea KGRA", Geothermal Transactions, Geothermal Rising, Palm Springs, CA, USA, 48
- Margaret Busse, Jennifer Stokes-Draut, Mary Kay Camarillo, Dev Millstein, Margaret Slattery, Michael McKibben, Patrick Dobson and William Stringfellow, , "Environmental Impact Assessment of Lithium Recovery from Geothermal Brines in the SS-KGRA: An Overview", Geothermal Rising Conference
- Patrick Dobson, Naod Araya, Maryjo Brounce, Margaret Busse, Mary Kay Camarillo, Lauren English, Jennifer Humphreys, Boriana Kalderon-Asael, Michael A. McKibben, Dev Millstein, Nori Nakata, John O’Sullivan, Noah Planavsky, Joris Popineau, Theo Renaud, Jérémy Riffault, Margaret Slattery, Eric Sonnenthal, Nicolas Spycher, Jennifer Stokes-Draut, William T. Stringfellow and Malcolm C.A. White, 2023, "Characterizing the Geothermal Lithium Resource at the Salton Sea", pp. 350
- Joseph Sinfield, Romika Kotian and Margaret Busse, 2019, "Application of Comprehensive Issue Analysis to Inform Development Research in East Africa, Part 1: Basic Education (BE), Maternal/Child Healthcare (MCH)"
- Joseph Sinfield, Romika Kotian and Margaret Busse, 2019, "Application of Comprehensive Issue Analysis to Inform Development Research in East Africa, Part 2: Food Security (FS); Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WaSH)"