Photo of Reid Berdanier

Reid Berdanier

Associate Professor


  • Mechanical Engineering

147 Cato Park Engineering Building


Research Areas:

Energy Systems; Thermal/Fluid Sciences





Journal Articles

  • Maria Rozman, Reid A Berdanier and Karen A Thole, 2025, "A review of efficiency losses for a cooled turbine stage", Journal of Propulsion and Power, 41, (1), pp. 99-112
  • Connor J Wiese, Reid Berdanier and Karen A Thole, 2025, "Introduction of axisymmetric grooves as a tip seal treatment for small-core turbines", Journal of Turbomachinery, 147, (6), pp. 061003
  • Connor J Wiese, Reid Berdanier and Karen A Thole, 2025, "Optimization of tip seal grooves for aerodynamic and durability improvements of small-core gas turbines", Journal of Turbomachinery, 147, (6), pp. 061004
  • Kelsey E McCormack, Maria Rozman, Reid Berdanier and Karen A Thole, 2025, "Geometric and flow characterization of additively manufactured turbine blades with drilled film cooling holes", Journal of Turbomachinery, 147, (4), pp. 041013
  • Nicholas L Gailey, Michael D Barringer, Reid A Berdanier and Karen A Thole, 2025, "Integration of cooling holes into a turbine vane made using additive manufacturing", Journal of Turbomachinery, 147, (6), pp. 061010
  • Reid A Berdanier, Margaret R Nunn, Justin T Brumberg, Michael D Barringer, Scott Fishbone and Karen A Thole, 2025, "Evaluating thin-film thermocouple performance on additively manufactured turbine airfoils", Journal of Turbomachinery, 147, (7), pp. 071009
  • Reid A Berdanier, Leland M Tien and Karen A Thole, 2025, "A digital engineering analysis of an additively manufactured turbine vane", Journal of Turbomachinery, 147, (5), pp. 051008
  • Maria Rozman, Reid A Berdanier, Michael D Barringer and Karen A Thole, 2024, "Strategies for high-accuracy measurements of stage efficiency for a cooled turbine", Journal of Turbomachinery, 146, (10), pp. 101009
  • Kelsey E McCormack, Nicholas L Gailey, Reid A Berdanier, Michael D Barringer and Karen A Thole, 2024, "Quantifying part-to-part flow variations and cooling effectiveness in engine-run blades", Journal of Turbomachinery, 146, (1), pp. 011002
  • Brian F Knisely, Reid A Berdanier, Joel H Wagner, Karen A Thole, Allan N Arisi and Charles W Haldeman, 2023, "Effects of part-to-part flow variations on overall effectiveness and life of rotating turbine blades", Journal of Turbomachinery, 145, (6), pp. 061016
  • Reid Berdanier, 2023, "Calculating cooled turbine efficiency with weighted cooling flow distributions", Journal of Turbomachinery, 145, (6), pp. 061007
  • Eric T DeShong, Reid Berdanier and Karen A Thole, 2023, "Predictive modeling of local film-cooling flow on a turbine rotor blade", Journal of Turbomachinery, 145, (4), pp. 041014
  • Maria Rozman, Eric T DeShong, Karen A Thole, Reid Berdanier and Christopher Robak, 2023, "Characterizing flow instabilities during transient events in the turbine rim seal cavity", Journal of Turbomachinery, 145, (3), pp. 031014
  • Iván Monge-Concepción, Reid Berdanier, Michael D Barringer and Karen A Thole, 2023, "Use of multiple tracer fases to quantify vane trailing edge flow into turbine rim seals", Journal of Turbomachinery, 145, (1), pp. 011006
  • Eric T DeShong, Benjamin Peters, Kamran Paynabar, Nagi Gebraeel, Karen A Thole and Reid Berdanier, 2022, "Applying infrared thermography as a method for on-line monitoring of turbine blade coolant flow", Journal of Turbomachinery, 144, (11), pp. 111009
  • Iván Monge-Concepción, Shawn Siroka, Reid Berdanier, Michael D Barringer, Karen A Thole and Christopher Robak, 2022, "Influence of vane trailing edge flow on the formation of cavity cells and rim sealing", Journal of Turbomachinery, 144, (6), pp. 061014
  • Shawn Siroka, Reid Berdanier and Karen A Thole, 2022, "Design and processing of two-layer transient heat transfer gauges using impulse response methods", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 187, pp. 122511
  • Shawn Siroka, Reid Berdanier and Karen A Thole, 2022, "Development of coated heat flux gauges for increased durability for fast responding measurements", Measurement Science and Technology, 33, (4), pp. 045104
  • Eric T DeShong, Shawn Siroka, Reid A Berdanier and Karen A Thole, 2022, "Evaluating the influence of rotor-casing eccentricity on turbine efficiency including time-resolved flow field measurements", Journal of Turbomachinery, 144, (2), pp. 021012
  • Brian F Knisely, Reid A Berdanier, Karen A Thole, Charles W Haldeman, James R Markham, Joseph E Cosgrove, Andrew E Carlson and James J Scire, 2021, "Acquisition and processing considerations for infrared images of rotating turbine blades", Journal of Turbomachinery, 143, (4), pp. 041013
  • Reid A Berdanier, Eric T DeShong, Karen A Thole and Christopher Robak, 2021, "Evaluating the effects of transient purge flow on stator-rotor seal performance", Journal of Turbomachinery, 143, (2), pp. 021006
  • Shawn Siroka, Brian Foley, Reid Berdanier and Karen A Thole, 2021, "Application of 3-omega method for thin-film heat flux gauge calibration", Measurement Science and Technology, 32, (11), pp. 114001
  • Iván Monge-Concepción, Reid A Berdanier, Michael D Barringer, Karen A Thole and Christopher Robak, 2020, "Evaluating the effect of vane trailing edge flow on turbine rim sealing", Journal of Turbomachinery, 142, (8), pp. 081001
  • Shawn Siroka, Reid A Berdanier, Karen A Thole, Kam S Chana, Charles W Haldeman and Richard J Anthony, 2020, "Comparison of thin film heat flux gauge technologies emphasizing continuous-duration operation", Journal of Turbomachinery, 142, (9), pp. 091001
  • Reid A Berdanier, Iván Monge-Concepción, Brian F Knisely, Michael D Barringer, Karen A Thole and Eric A Grover, 2019, "Scaling sealing effectiveness in a stator-rotor cavity for differing blade spans", Journal of Turbomachinery, 141, (5), pp. 051007
  • Jeanne Methel, Natalie R Smith, Reid A Berdanier and Nicole L Key, 2018, "Effects of circumferential nonuniformity in compressor flow fields including vane wake variability", Journal of Propulsion and Power, 34, (4), pp. 1080-1089
  • Reid A Berdanier and Nicole L Key, 2018, "Demonstrating multistage compressor blockage calculations using pressure measurements for large tip clearances", Journal of Propulsion and Power, 34, (2), pp. 281-290
  • Reid A Berdanier, Natalie R Smith, Anna M Young and Nicole L Key, 2018, "Effects of tip clearance on stall inception in a multistage compressor", Journal of Propulsion and Power, 34, (2), pp. 308-317
  • Sayantan Bhattacharya, Reid A Berdanier, Pavlos P Vlachos and Nicole L Key, 2016, "A new particle image velocimetry technique for turbomachinery applications", Journal of Turbomachinery, 138, (12), pp. 124501
  • Reid A Berdanier and Nicole L Key, 2016, "Experimental characterization of tip leakage flow trajectories in a multistage compressor", Journal of Propulsion and Power, 32, (4), pp. 1022-1032
  • Reid A Berdanier and Nicole L Key, 2016, "The effects of tip leakage flow on the performance of multistage compressors used in small core engine applications", Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 138, (5), pp. 052605
  • Reid A Berdanier and Nicole L Key, 2016, "A novel data reduction technique for single slanted hot wire measurements used to study incompressible compressor tip leakage flows", Experiments in Fluids, 57, (3), pp. 29
  • Natalie R Smith, Reid A Berdanier, John C Fabian and Nicole L Key, 2015, "Reconciling compressor performance differences with varying ambient inlet conditions", Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 137, (12), pp. 122603
  • Reid A Berdanier, Natalie R Smith, John C Fabian and Nicole L Key, 2015, "Humidity effects on experimental compressor performance?corrected conditions for real gases", Journal of Turbomachinery, 137, (3), pp. 031011
  • Reid A Berdanier and Nicole L Key, 2015, "Experimental investigation of factors influencing operating rotor tip clearance in multistage compressors", International Journal of Rotating Machinery, 2015, pp. 146272

Conference Proceedings

  • Maria Rozman, Margaret R Nunn, Michael D Barringer, Karen A Thole and Reid Berdanier, 2025, "A comparison of secondary kinetic energy definitions using time-resolved flow field measurements in a turbine", AIAA SciTech Forum, Orlando, FL
  • Reid Berdanier, Scott Fishbone, Karen A Thole, Jeffrey Brogan, Joseph V Mantese, Thomas J Martin, Anand Kulkarni, Ramesh Subramanian, Benjamin L Emerson and Timothy C Lieuwen, 2021, "Sensor integration on additively manufactured hot section components for wireless gas turbine prognostics", AIAA Propulsion & Energy Forum, Virtual, Online
  • Karen A Thole, Michael D Barringer, Reid Berdanier, Scott Fishbone, Joel H Wagner, Richard Dennis, James Black, Patcharin Burke, Doug Straub, Frank O'Neill, Curtis K Stimpson, Ardeshir Riahi, Andrew Aggarwala, Sean Bradshaw, Atul Kohli, Dominic Mongillo, Thomas Praisner, Jose Rodriguez, Michael Fox and Yong W Kim, 2021, "Defining a testbed for the U.S. turbine industry: the National Experimental Turbine (NExT)", AIAA Propulsion & Energy Forum, Virtual, Online
  • Natalie S Hoopes and Reid A Berdanier, 2020, "Consideration of simplified structural models for turbine vane modal analysis", ASME Turbo Expo, Virtual, Online
  • Alex Curtin, Reid A Berdanier, Robert Kunz and Michael L Jonson, 2019, "Evaluation of structural failure mechanisms in a high-speed unshrouded centrifugal compressor", ASME Turbo Expo, Phoenix, AZ
  • Reid A Berdanier and Nicole L Key, 2017, "Evaluating effects of rotor tip clearance on downstream stator performance in a multistage axial compressor", ISABE Conference, Manchester, UK

Research Projects

  • November 2023 - April 2025, "Expanding Capabilities in the Steady Thermal Aero Research Turbine (START) for Heat Transfer and Aerodynamic Research," (Sponsor: U.S. Department of Energy).
  • July 2021 - June 2025, "Leading Advanced Turbine Research for Hybrid Electric Propulsion Systems," (Sponsor: National Aeronautics and Space Administration).
  • October 2015 - December 2023, "Improving Turbine Efficiencies through Heat Transfer and Aerodynamic Research in the Steady Thermal Aero Research Turbine (START)," (Sponsor: U.S. Department of Energy).
  • October 2017 - September 2020, "Real-Time Health Monitoring of Gas Turbine Components Using Online Learning and High-Dimensional Data," (Sponsor: Georgia Tech Research Corporation).
  • July 2017 - March 2019, "DURIP: Addressing Turbine Durability Concerns Associated with Imposed Transient Propulsion Needs," (Sponsor: Office of Naval Research).
  • May 2018 - September 2018, "Innovations for GT Efficiency Improvements," (Sponsor: Electric Power Research Institute).
  • August 2017 - June 2018, "NAVY SBIR Phase II: Micro-Plasma Blade Monitoring Sensor Testing," (Sponsor: Innoveering, LLC).

Honors and Awards

  • Fellow, ASME, April 2024
  • Best Paper Award, ASME K-14 Heat Transfer Committee, 2023
  • Dilip R. Ballal Early Career Engineer Award, ASME International Gas Turbine Institute, June 2020
  • Outstanding Graduate Student Researcher, Purdue University School of Mechanical Engineering, 2015
  • Ward A. Lambert Teaching Fellowship, Purdue University School of Mechanical Engineering, August 2014 - May 2015
  • Graduate Research Fellowship, National Science Foundation, August 2012 - July 2015


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Department of Mechanical Engineering

137 Reber Building

The Pennsylvania State University

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Phone: 814-865-2519