Journal Articles
- Xiaohan Hu, George Huang, Robert Kunz and Xiang Yang, 2025, "Data-Guided Low-Reynolds-Number Corrections for Two-Equation Models", Journal of Fluids Engineering, 147, (2), pp. 021502
- Xiaohan Hu, George Huang, Paul Durbin and Xiang Yang, 2024, "Viscous-Layer Compressibility Correction for Two-Equation Reynolds-Averaged Navier–Stokes Models", AIAA Journal, pp. 1-12
- Shyam Nair, Vishal Wadhai, Robert Kunz and Xiang Yang, 2024, "Rough surfaces in underexplored surface morphology space and their implications on roughness modelling", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 999, pp. A78
- Xiang Yang, Wen Zhang, Abkar Mahdi and William Anderson, 2024, "Computational fluid dynamics: Its carbon footprint and role in carbon reduction", Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 16, (5), pp. 055906
- Xiang Yang, Peng Chen, Wen Zhang and Robert Kunz, 2024, "Predictive near-wall modelling for turbulent boundary layers with arbitrary pressure gradients", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 993, pp. A1
- Abdul Aziz Shuvo, C. Ulises Gonzalez-Valle, Xiang Yang and Bladimir Ramos-Alvarado, 2024, "Assessment of the free shear boundary condition in a capillary meniscus via molecular dynamics", Physics of Fluids, 36, (11), pp. 112031
- Jiaqi Li, Xiang Yang and Robert Kunz, 2024, "Direct numerical simulation of temporally evolving stratified wakes with ensemble average", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 980, pp. A3
- Christoffer Hansen, Jens Sorensen, Xiang Yang and Mahdi Abkar, 2024, "Extension of the law of the wall exploiting weak similarity of velocity fluctuations in turbulent channels", Physics of Fluids, 36, (1), pp. 015134
- Aaron Wang, Mikhail Ovchinnikov and Xiang Yang, 2024, "An Investigation of LES Wall Modeling for Rayleigh–Bénard Convection via Interpretable and Physics-Aware Feedforward Neural Networks with DNS", Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 81, (2), pp. 435-458
- Yuanwei Bin, Xiaohan Hu, Jiaqi Li, Samuel Grauer and Xiang Yang, 2024, "Constrained re-calibration of two-equation Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes models", Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 14, (2), pp. 100503
- Xiaohan Hu, Xiang Yang and George Park, 2024, "On the grid convergence of wall-modeled large-eddy simulation", Journal of Computational Physics, 504, pp. 112884
- Xiang Yang, Mahdi Abkar and George Park, 2024, "Grid Convergence Properties of Wall-Modeled Large-Eddy Simulations in the Asymptotic Regime", Journal of Fluids Engineering, 146, (8), pp. 081501
- Yuanwei Bin, George Park, Yu Lv and Xiang Yang, 2024, "Large-eddy Simulation Of Separated Flows On Unconventionally Coarse Grids", Journal of Fluids Engineering, 146, (9), pp. 091501
- Yuanwei Bin and Xiang Yang, 2024, "Direct numerical simulation of the 7-7-7 film cooling at a range of compound angles", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 231, pp. 125816
- Abdul Aziz Shuvo, Luis Paniagua-Guerra, Xiang Yang and Bladimir Ramos-Alvarado, 2024, "Hydrodynamic slip characteristics of shear-driven water flow in nanoscale carbon slits", The Journal of Chemical Physics, 160, pp. 194704
- Wen Zhang, Xiang Yang, Peng Chen and Minping Wan, 2024, "Integral methods for friction decomposition and their extensions to rough-wall flows", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 985, pp. A46
- Ryan Boldt, Stephen McClain, Robert Kunz and Xiang Yang, 2024, "Tomographic flow measurements over additively manufactured cooling channel roughness", Experiments in Fluids, 65, pp. 58
- Haosen Xu, George Park, Xiang Yang and Xiaowei Zhu, 2024, "The hydraulically smooth limit of flow over surfaces with spanwise heterogeneity", International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 109, pp. 109513
- Deepinder Jot Singh Aulakh, Xiang Yang and Romit Maulik, 2024, "Robust experimental data assimilation for the Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model", Physical Review Fluids, 9, (8), pp. 084608
- Christoffer Hansen, Xiang Yang and Mahdi Abkar, 2023, "Data-Driven Dynamical System Models of Roughness-Induced Secondary Flows in Thermally Stratified Turbulent Boundary Layers", Journal of Fluid Engineering, 145, (6), pp. 061102
- Zhideng Zhou, Xiang Yang, Fengshun Zhang and Xiaolei Yang, 2023, "A wall model learned from the periodic hill data and the law of the wall", Physics of Fluids, 35, (5), pp. 055108
- Emanuel Chirayath, Haosen Xu, Xiang Yang and Robert Kunz, 2023, "Full Stage Axial Compressor Performance Modeling Incorporating the Effects of Blade Damage due to Particle Ingestion", Journal of Turbomachinery, 145, (9), pp. 091001
- Mario Rincon, Martino Reclari, Xiang Yang and Mahdi Abkar, 2023, "Validating the design optimisation of ultrasonic flow meters using computational fluid dynamics and surrogate modelling", International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 100, pp. 109112
- Xinyi Huang, Thomas Chyczewski,, Zhenhua Xia, Robert Kunz and Xiang Yang, 2023, "Distilling experience into a physically interpretable recommender system for computational model selection", Scientific Reports, 13, (1), pp. 2225
- Naman Jain, Xinyi Huang, Jiaqi Li, Xiang Yang and Robert Kunz, 2023, "An Assessment of Second Moment Closure Modeling for Stratified Wakes Using Direct Numerical Simulations Ensembles", Journal of Fluid Engineering, 145, (9), pp. 091502
- Aurelien Vadrot, Mahdi Abkar and Xiang Yang, 2023, "A survey of machine learning wall models for large eddy simulation", Physical Review Fluids, 8, (6), pp. 064603
- Jeremy Koncoski, Xiang Yang, Robert Kunz, Adam Nickels, David Devilbiss and Jeffrey Harris, 2023, "Experimental characterization of the flow field and cavitation physics of a tip-loaded hydrofoil", Physics of Fluids, 35, (5), pp. 053336
- Xiang Yang, Wen Zhang, Junlin Yuan and Robert Kunz, 2023, "In Search of a Universal Rough Wall Model", Journal of Fluid Engineering, 145, (10), pp. 101302
- Yuanwei Bin, George Huang and Xiang Yang, 2023, "Data-enabled re-calibration of the Spalart-Allmaras model", AIAA Journal, 61, (11), pp. 1-13
- Peng Chen, Xiaowei Zhu, Yipeng Shi and Xiang Yang, 2023, "Quantifying uncertainties in DNS statistics due to wall-normal numerics and grids", Physical Review Fluids, 8, (7), pp. 074602
- Aurelien Vadrot, Xiang Yang, Jane Bae and Abkar Mahdi, 2023, "Log-law recovery through reinforcement-learning wall model for large-eddy simulation", Physics of Fluids, 35, (5), pp. 055122
- Samuel Altland, Xiang Yang, Karen Thole and Robert Kunz, 2023, "Application of a Distributed Element Roughness Model to Additively Manufactured Internal Cooling Channels", Journal of Turbomachinery, 145, (10), pp. 101004
- Wen Zhang, Xiang Yang, Xiaowei Zhu, Minping Wan and Shiyi Chen, 2023, "Asymmetric secondary flows above geometrically symmetric surface roughness", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 970, pp. A15
- Peng Chen, Wen Wu, Kevin Griffin, Yipeng Shi and Xiang Yang, 2023, "A universal velocity transformation for boundary layers with pressure gradients", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 970, pp. A15
- Peng Chen, Yuanwei Bin, Xiang Yang, Yipeng Shi, Mahdi Abkar and George Park, 2023, "A priori screening of data-enabled turbulence models", Physical Review Fluids, 8, (12), pp. 124606
- George Huang, Gary Coleman, Philippe Spalart and Xiang Yang, 2023, "Velocity and temperature scalings leading to compressible laws of the wall", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 977, pp. A49
- Mario Rincon, Ali Amarloo, Martino Reclari, Xiang Yang and Mahdi Abkar, 2023, "Progressive augmentation of Reynolds stress tensor models for secondary flow prediction by computational fluid dynamics driven surrogate optimisation", International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 104, pp. 109242
- Christoffer Hansen, Mahdi Abkar and Xiang Yang, 2023, "POD-mode-augmented wall model and its applications to flows at non- equilibrium conditions", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 975, pp. A24
- Yuanwei Bin, George Huang, Robert Kunz and Xiang Yang, 2023, "Constrained Recalibration of Reynolds-Averaged Navier–Stokes Models", AIAA Journal, pp. 1-13
- Arshia Merdasi, Saman Ebrahimi, Xiang Yang and Robert Kunz, 2023, "Physics Informed Neural Network application on mixing and heat transfer in combined electroosmotic-pressure driven flow", Chemical Engineering and Processing-Process Intensification, 193, pp. 109540
- Xinyi Huang, Robert Kunz and Xiang Yang, 2023, "Linear Logistic Regression with Weight Thresholding for Flow Regime Classification of a Stratified Wake", Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 13, (2), pp. 100414
- Bin Yuanwei, Xiang Yang, Yantao Yang, Rui Ni and Yipeng Shi, 2022, "Evolution of two counter-rotating vortices in a stratified turbulent environment", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 951, pp. A47
- Peng Chen, George Huang, Yipeng Shi, Xiang Yang and Yu Lv, 2022, "A unified temperature transformation for high-Mach-number flows above adiabatic and isothermal walls", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 951, pp. A38
- Yuanwei Bin, Lihua Chen, George Huang and Xiang Yang, 2022, "Progressive, extrapolative machine learning for near-wall turbulence modeling", Physical Review Fluids, 7, (8), pp. 084610
- Ali Eidi, Navid Zehtabiyan-Rezaie, Reza Ghiassi, Xiang Yang and Mahdi Abkar, 2022, "Data-driven quantification of model-form uncertainty in Reynolds-averaged simulations of wind farms", Physics of Fluids, 34, pp. 085135
- Samuel Altland, Xiaowei Zhu, Stephen McClain, Robert Kunz and Xiang Yang, 2022, "Flow in additively manufactured super-rough channels", Flow, 2, (1), pp. E19
- Jiaqi Li, Xiang Yang and Robert Kunz, 2022, "Grid-point and time-step requirements for large-eddy simulation and Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes of stratified wakes", Physics of Fluids, 34, pp. 115125
- Peng Chen, Yu Lv, Haosen Xu, Yipeng Shi and Xiang Yang, 2022, "LES wall modeling for heat transfer at high speeds", Physical Review Fluids, 7, (1), pp. 014608
- Xiang Yang, Peng Chen, Ruifeng Hu and Mahdi Abkar, 2022, "Logarithmic-linear law of the streamwise velocity variance in stably stratified boundary layers", Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 182, (2), pp. 199-213
- Jack Guo, Xiang Yang and Matthias Ihme, 2022, "Structure of the thermal boundary layer in turbulent channel flows at transcritical conditions", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 934, pp. A45
- Wen Zhang, Xiaowei Zhu, Xiang Yang and Minping Wan, 2022, "Evidence for Raupach et al.'s mixing-layer analogy in deep homogeneous urban-canopy flows", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 944, pp. A46
- Haoze Yang, Mingwei Ge, Mahdi Abkar and Xiang Yang, 2022, "Large-eddy simulation study of wind turbine array above swell sea", Energy, 256, (1), pp. 124674
- Samuel Altland, Haosen Xu, Xiang Yang and Robert Kunz, 2022, "Modeling of cube array roughness: RANS, large eddy simulation, and direct numerical simulation", Journal of Fluid Engineering, 144, (6), pp. 06106
- Naman Jain, Hieu Pham, Xinyi Huang, Sutanu Sarkar, Xiang Yang and Robert Kunz, 2022, "Second moment closure modeling and direct numerical simulation of stratified shear layers", Journal of Fluid Engineering, 144, (4), pp. 041102
- Haosen Xu, Stephen Lynch and Xiang Yang, 2022, "Direct numerical simulation of slot film cooling downstream of misaligned plates", Flow, 2, (1), pp. E7
- Xiang Yang and Kevin Griffin, 2021, "Grid-point and time-step requirements for direct numerical simulation and large-eddy simulation", Physics of Fluids, 33, (1), pp. 015108
- Xinyi Huang and Xiang Yang, 2021, "A Bayesian approach to the mean flow in a channel with small but arbitrarily directional system rotation", Physics of Fluids, 33, (1), pp. 015103
- Xiang Yang and Mingwei Ge, 2021, "Revisiting Raupach’s flow-sheltering paradigm", Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 179, (1), pp. 313–323
- Haosen Xu, Xiang Yang and Pedro Milani, 2021, "Assessing wall-modeled large-eddy simulation for low-speed flows with heat transfer", AIAA Journal, 59, (6), pp. 2060-2069
- Xiang Yang, Vishal Jariwala, Haosen Xu and Louis Larosiliere, 2021, "Aerodynamic functional diagnostics based on angular momentum transport lines", Journal of Turbomachinery, 144, (3), pp. 031004
- Santosh Kumar, Xinyi Huang, Xiang Yang and Jiarong Hong, 2021, "Three dimensional flow motions in the viscous sublayer", Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 11, (2), pp. 100239
- Xiang Yang, Jiarong Hong, MK Lee and Xinyi Huang, 2021, "Grid resolution requirement for resolving rare wall-shear stress events in direct numerical simulations", Physical Review Fluids, 6, (5), pp. 054603
- Huan Zhang, Xiang Yang and Mingwei Ge, 2021, "A new coupled model for the equivalent roughness heights of wind farms", Renewable Energy, 171, pp. 34-46
- Tianrui Xiang, Xiang Yang and Yipeng Shi, 2021, "Neuroevolution-enabled adaptation of the Jacobi method for Poisson’s equation with density discontinuities", Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 11, (3), pp. 100252
- Zhenhua Xia, Peng Zhang and Xiang Yang, 2021, "On skin friction in wall-bounded turbulence", Acta Mechanica Sinica, 37, (4), pp. 589-598
- Xiang Yang and Zhenhua Xia, 2021, "Bifurcation and multiple states in plane Couette flow with spanwise rotation", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 913, pp. A49
- Yu Lv, Xiang Yang, George Park and Matthias Ihme, 2021, "A discontinuous Galerkin method for wall-modeled large-eddy simulations", Computers & Fluids, 222, pp. 104933
- Jinhan Xie, Charitha de Silva, Rio Baidya, Xiang Yang and Ruifeng Hu, 2021, "Third-order structure function in the logarithmic layer of boundary-layer turbulence", Physical Review Fluids, 6, (7), pp. 074602
- Haosen Xu and Xiang Yang, 2021, "Treatment of unphysical numerical oscillations via local grid refinement", Physics of Fluids, 33, (7), pp. 077104
- Ali Eidi, Reza Ghiassi, Xiang Yang and Madhi Abkar, 2021, "Model-form uncertainty quantification in RANS simulations of wakes and power losses in wind farms", Renewable Energy, 179, pp. 2212-2223
- Xinyi Huang, Naman Jain, Mahdi Abkar, Robert Kunz and Xiang Yang, 2021, "Determining a priori a RANS model’s applicable range via global epistemic uncertainty quantification", Computers & Fluids, 230, pp. 105113
- Tie Wei, Yanxing Wang and Xiang Yang, 2021, "Layered structure of turbulent plane wall jet", International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 92, pp. 108872
- Yu Lv, Xinyi Huang, Xiaolei Yang and Xiang Yang, 2021, "Wall-model integrated computational framework for large-eddy simulations of wall-bounded flows", Physics of Fluids, 33, (12), pp. 125120
- Aaron Towne, Adrian Lozano-Duran and Xiang Yang, 2020, "Resolvent-based estimation of space-time flow statistics", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 883, pp. A17
- Xiang Yang, Sergio Pirozzoli and Mahdi Abkar, 2020, "Scaling of velocity fluctuations in statistically unstable boundary-layer flows", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 886, pp. A3
- Xinyi Huang, Xiang Yang and Robert Kunz, 2020, "Wall-modeled large-eddy simulations of spanwise rotating turbulent channels—comparing a physics-based approach and a data-based approach", Physics of Fluids, 31, (12), pp. 125105
- Haosen Xu, Aaron Towne, Xiang Yang and Ivan Marusic, 2020, "Pressure power spectrum in high-Reynolds number wall-bounded flows", International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 84, pp. 108620
- Xiang Yang, Zhenhua Xia, Jin Lee, Yu Lv and Junlin Yuan, 2020, "Mean flow scaling in a spanwise rotating channel", Physical Review Fluids, 5, (7), pp. 074603
- Pourya Forooghi, Xiang Yang and Abkar, 2020, "Roughness-induced secondary flows in stably stratified turbulent boundary layers", Physics of Fluids, 32, (10), pp. 105118
- Ruifeng Hu, Xiang Yang and Xiaojing Zheng, 2019, "Wall-attached and wall-detached eddies in wall-bounded turbulent flows", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 885, pp. A30
- Xiang Yang, Haosen Xu, Xinyi Huang and Mingwei Ge, 2019, "Drag forces on sparsely packed cube arrays", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 880, pp. 992-1019
- Mingwei Ge, Ying Wu, Yongqian Liu and Xiang Yang, 2019, "A two-dimensional Jensen model with a Gaussian-shaped velocity deficit", Renewable Energy, 141, pp. 46-56
- Xiang Yang, Suhaib Zafar, Jianxun Wang and Heng Xiao, 2019, "Predictive large-eddy-simulation wall modeling via physics-informed neural networks", Physical Review Fluids, 4, (3), pp. 034602
- Mingwe Ge, Xiang Yang and Ivan Marusic, 2019, "Velocity probability distribution scaling in wall-bounded flows at high Reynolds numbers", Physical Review Fluids, 4, (3), pp. 034101
- Xiang Yang and Charles Meneveau, 2019, "Hierarchical random additive model for wall-bounded flows at high Reynolds numbers", Fluid Dynamics Research, 51, (1), pp. 011405
- Xiang Yang, Rio Baidya, Yu Lv and Ivan Marusic, 2018, "Hierarchical random additive model for the spanwise and wall-normal velocities in wall-bounded flows at high Reynolds numbers", Physical Review Fluids, 3, (12), pp. 124606
- Michael Howland and Xiang Yang, 2018, "Dependence of small-scale energetics on large scales in turbulent flows", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 852, pp. 641-662
- Xiang Yang and Yu Lv, 2018, "A semi-locally scaled eddy viscosity formulation for LES wall models and flows at high speeds", Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 32, (5), pp. 617-627
- Haosen Xu and Xiang Yang, 2018, "Fractality and the law of the wall", Physical Review E, 97, (5), pp. 053110
- Xiang Yang and Mahdi Abkar, 2018, "A hierarchical random additive model for passive scalars in wall-bounded flows at high Reynolds numbers", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 842, pp. 354-380
- Peter Ma, Xiang Yang and Matthias Ihme, 2018, "Structure of wall-bounded flows at transcritical conditions", Physical Review Fluids, 3, (3), pp. 034609
- Xiang Yang and Michael Howland, 2018, "Implication of Taylor’s hypothesis on measuring flow modulation", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 836, pp. 222-237
- Xiang Yang, Lozano-Duran and A, 2017, "A multifractal model for the momentum transfer process in wall-bounded flows", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 824, pp. R2
- Xiang Yang, J Urzay, S Bose and P Moin, 2017, "Aerodynamic heating in wall-modeled large-eddy simulation of high-speed flows", AIAA Journal, pp. 731--742
- Jasim Sadique, Xiang Yang, Charles Meneveau and Rajat Mittal, 2017, "Aerodynamic properties of rough surfaces with high aspect-ratio roughness elements: effect of aspect ratio and arrangements", Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 163, (2), pp. 203--224
- Xiang Yang and Rajat Mittal, 2017, "Efficient relaxed-Jacobi smoothers for multigrid on parallel computers", Journal of Computational Physics, 332, pp. 135--142
- Xiang Yang, George Ilhwan Park and Parviz Moin, 2017, "Log-layer mismatch and modeling of the fluctuating wall stress in wall-modeled large-eddy simulations", Physical Review Fluids, 2, (10), pp. 104601
- Xiang Yang and Charles Meneveau, 2017, "Modelling turbulent boundary layer flow over fractal-like multiscale terrain using large-eddy simulations and analytical tools", Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 375, (2091), pp. 20160098
- Dominik Krug, Xiang Yang, Charitha M De Silva, Ostilla-Monico, Rodolfo, Roberto Verzicco, Ivan Marusic and Detlef Lohse, 2017, "Statistics of turbulence in the energy-containing range of Taylor--Couette compared to canonical wall-bounded flows", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 830, pp. 797--819
- Xiang Yang, R Baidya, Perry Johnson, I Marusic and C Meneveau, 2017, "Structure function tensor scaling in the logarithmic region derived from the attached eddy model of wall-bounded turbulent flows", Physical Review Fluids, 2, (6), pp. 064602
- Jason Graham, K Kanov, Xiang Yang, Myoungkyu Lee, N Malaya, CC Lalescu, R Burns, G Eyink, A Szalay, RD Moser and others, 2016, "A web services accessible database of turbulent channel flow and its use for testing a new integral wall model for LES", Journal of Turbulence, 17, (2), pp. 181--215
- Xiang Yang, Jasim Sadique, Rajat Mittal and Charles Meneveau, 2016, "Exponential roughness layer and analytical model for turbulent boundary layer flow over rectangular-prism roughness elements", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 789, pp. 127--165
- Xiang Yang, Charles Meneveau, Ivan Marusic and Luca Biferale, 2016, "Extended self-similarity in moment-generating-functions in wall-bounded turbulence at high Reynolds number", Physical Review Fluids, 1, (4), pp. 044405
- Xiang Yang, Ivan Marusic and Charles Meneveau, 2016, "Hierarchical random additive process and logarithmic scaling of generalized high order, two-point correlations in turbulent boundary layer flow", Physical Review Fluids, 1, (2), pp. 024402
- Xiang Yang and Charles Meneveau, 2016, "Large eddy simulations and parameterisation of roughness element orientation and flow direction effects in rough wall boundary layers", Journal of Turbulence, 17, (11), pp. 1072--1085
- Xiang Yang, Ivan Marusic and Charles Meneveau, 2016, "Moment generating functions and scaling laws in the inertial layer of turbulent wall-bounded flows", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 791, pp. R2
- Xiang Yang, 2016, "On the mean flow behaviour in the presence of regional-scale surface roughness heterogeneity", Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 161, (1), pp. 127--143
- Xiang Yang and Charles Meneveau, 2016, "Recycling inflow method for simulations of spatially evolving turbulent boundary layers over rough surfaces", Journal of Turbulence, 17, (1), pp. 75--93
- Xiang Yang, Jasim Sadique, Rajat Mittal and Charles Meneveau, 2015, "Integral wall model for large eddy simulations of wall-bounded turbulent flows", Physics of Fluids, 27, (2), pp. 025112
- Xiang Yang and Rajat Mittal, 2014, "Acceleration of the Jacobi iterative method by factors exceeding 100 using scheduled relaxation", Journal of Computational Physics, 274, pp. 695--708
Conference Proceedings
- Xiaohan Hu, George Huang, Robert Kunz and Xiang Yang, 2025, "Compressibility Corrections for Two-Equation Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes Models", American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) SciTech
- Naman Jan, Jiaqi Li, Vishal Wadhai, Xiang Yang and Robert Kunz, 2024, "Second Moment Closure Modeling of Stratified Wake Flows Using Machine Learning Based Models for Anisotropic Dissipation", 35th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics
- Vishal Wadhai, Shyam Nair, Xiang Yang and Robert Kunz, 2024, "One-Equation, Two-Equation and Full Reynolds Stress Turbulence Modeling of the BeVERLI Hill Configuration", American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Aviation
- Xiaohan Hu, Rahul Agrawal, Federico Zabaleta, Brett Bornhoft and Xiang Yang, 2024, "Flow over ice roughness: Part I. Roughness heterogeneity", Center for Turbulence Research, Summer program, pp. 87-96
- Xiaohan Hu, Rahul Agrawal, Federico Zabaleta, Brett Bornhoft and Xiang Yang, 2024, "Flow over ice roughness Part II. Heat transfer and pressure gradient", Center for Turbulence Research, Annual Research Brief, pp. 41-52
- Yuanwei Bin, George Huang, Robert Kunz and Xiang Yang, 2024, "Adapting Reynolds-averaged Navier Stokes Models while Preserving the Basic Calibrations", American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) SciTech
- Jiaqi Li, Yuanwei Bin, George Huang and Xiang Yang, 2024, "Enhancing generalizability of machine-learning turbulence models", American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) SciTech
- Joseph Molnar, Jonathan Davami, Thomas Juliano, Xiang Yang and Samuel Grauer, 2024, "Reconstructing Hypersonic Flow Over a Bluff Body from Experimental Background-Oriented Schlieren Data", American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) SciTech
- Xiaohan Hu, George Huang, Robert Kunz and Xiang Yang, 2024, "A Data-Based One-Layer Formulation of the Two-Equation RANS Models", Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting
- Abdul Shuvo, Xiang Yang and Bladimir Ramos-Alvarado, 2024, "Investigation of Hydrodynamic Slip in Shear-Driven Flow: Insights From Molecular Dynamics", Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting
- Samuel Johnson, Sven Schmitz, Xiang Yang and Thomas Chyczewski, 2024, "A Computational Assessment of Free Surface and Mount Effects in Towing Tank Experiments on Flow Over a 6:1 Prolate Spheroid", Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting
- Yuanwei Bin, George Park, Yu Lv and Xiang Yang, 2023, "Large-eddy Simulation Of Separated Flows On Unconventionally Coarse Grids", ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, pp. IMECE2023-116879
- Xiang Yang, Mahdi Abkar and George Park, 2023, "Grid Convergence Properties of Wall-Modeled Large-Eddy Simulations in the Asymptotic Regime", International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE)
- Naman Jain, Xinyi Huang, Xiang Yang and Robert Kunz, 2022, "A study of second moment closure modeling for stratified wakes using DNS ensembles", Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, 85833, pp. V001T03A012
- Christoffer Hansen, Xiang Yang and Mahdi Abkar, 2022, "Data-Driven Dynamical System Models of Roughness-Induced Secondary Flows in Thermally Stratified Boundary Layers", Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, 85840, pp. V002T05A023
- Xiang Yang, Peng Chen, Wen Wu and Kevin Griffin, 2022, "A universal velocity transformation for boundary layers with pressure gradients", Center for Turbulence Research, Summer program, pp. 335-345
- Christoffer Hansen, Michael Whitmore, Mahdi Abkar and Xiang Yang, 2022, "POD-mode-augmented wall model and its applications to flows at non- equilibrium conditions", Center for Turbulence Research, Summer program, pp. 15-24
- Haosen Xu, Xiang Yang, Vishal Jariwala and Louis Larosiliere, 2021, "Comparative aerodynamic assessment of a multistage centrifugal compressor return channel based on RANS and LES", American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) SciTech
- Aravinth Sadagopan, Daning Huang, Haosen Xu and Xiang Yang, 2021, "Numerical investigation of fluid-thermal-structural interaction for a control surface in hypersonic flow", American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics SciTech
- Xiang Yang, Haosen Xu and Pedro Milani, 2021, "Assessing wall-modeled LES for low-speed flows with heat transfer", American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics SciTech
- Samuel Altland, Haosen Xu, Xiang Yang and Robert Kunz, 2021, "Modeling of cube array roughness: RANS, LES, and DNS", Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, 85307, pp. V003T05A027
- Naman Jain, Xinyi Huang, Xiang Yang, Robert Kunz, Hieu Pham and Sutanu Sarkar, 2021, "Second moment closure modeling and DNS of stratified shear layers", Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, 85307, pp. V003T05A028
- Aaron Towne, Xiang Yang and Adrian Lozano-Duran, 2018, "Approximating space-time flow statistics from a limited set of known correlations", American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics - Aviation
- Peter Ma, Xiang Yang and Matthias Ihme, 2018, "Direct numerical simulations of turbulent channel flow under transcritical conditions", American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics SciTech