Mechanical engineering professor named AAAS fellow


By Erin Cassidy Hendrick

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) has named Asok Ray, distinguished professor of mechanical engineering at Penn State, a fellow of their organization.

The AAAS bestows this accomplishment upon individuals whose efforts to advance science or its applications are scientifically or socially distinguished. During Ray’s 45-year career, he has pioneered innovations in machine learning and real-time control of smart machines and autonomous systems and has popularized their usage in both defense and commercial applications.

Particularly, he has made contributions in recent years to the fields of fault and anomaly detection and statistical pattern recognition for the robust and resilient control of safety-critical systems like aircraft and nuclear plants.

Ray has also authored or co-authored more than 600 research publications, including more than 300 scholarly articles in peer-reviewed journals, and was named a fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) in 1994.

“Being recognized in this way by the AAAS is a tremendous honor for Professor Ray and one that reflects his contributions to not only mechanical engineering, but the scientific community as a whole,” said Karen Thole, distinguished professor and mechanical engineering department head.

The award was established in 1874 and is acknowledged with a certificate and a rosette. Ray will be presented with his award on Feb. 15, 2020 at the AAAS Annual Meeting in Seattle, Washington.


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Megan Lakatos

Asok Ray headshot

Asok Ray, distinguished professor of mechanical engineering at Penn State. IMAGE: PENN STATE



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